May 14 2013 Meeting
- karen
- Will
- Tobias
- Haggen
- sammy
- jooncheol
- jincreator
- tonghuix
- zugwan
- SeoZ
- sakana
- Review Action items
- GNOME.Asia 2013 Status with the Korean Local Team.
- When will we meet next?
Review Action items
- Simon will have concrete estimation this Friday [agent will send to Simon tomorrow]
Simon will contact DarkCircle and get basement of venue detail (Include agent).
- Tobias will announcement of the open registration on and [Done]
- Jincreator will announce GNOME.Asia 2013 Volunteer Registration page. [Done]
- Simon will ask agent the deadline for T-shirt, if we might increase the number.
- sakana will create a flickr pool for GNOME.Asia 2013 [Done]
Meeting notes
- GNOME.Asia 2013 Status with the Korean Local Team
We create a flickr pool for GNOME.Asia summit 2013
- Everyone discuss the T-shirt with the summit.
BinLi and Tonghuix prepare the Laptop for summit.
- Local team will prepare the information package for summit.
- Haggen (Last year host), Simon and local team member will prepare opening talk.
- We confirm the final schedule for summit.
- Thanks Karen work hard for sponsorship and confirm final status.
- We will as Linux Pilot to interview Karen and Simon for GNOME.Asia summit 2013.
- Everyone discuss the video recording quality with the summit.
- When will we meet next?
- We will meet next weeks on Tuesday, 21 May,2013 at 14:30 UTC in #asia-summit
Action items
- Simon will have concrete estimation this Friday [agent will send to Simon tomorrow]
- Simon will contact karen and Stanford Hotel for booking.
DarkCircle will make information package about venue.
- sakana to confirm the final schedule.
- Sammy will contact Linux Pilot to interview Karen and Simon with e-mail.
- Simon will ask NIPA for sample clip to check the quality.
- Simon to prepare the final checklist