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Jan 29 2013 Meeting


  1. emily
  2. Haggen
  3. sammy
  4. simon
  5. SeoZ
  6. jooncheol
  7. jincreator
  8. namhyung
  9. sakana


  1. Review Action Item.
  2. GNOME.Asia 2013 Status with the Korean Local Team.
  3. When will we meet next?

Review Action items

  1. Simon will update more pictures of NHN venue. [Done]
  2. Emily start discuss -- choose a theme of the summit in mail list. [Done]
  3. Haggen, Karen, Simon and jincreator start co-work with Call for Sponsor draft.[Done]
  4. Emily, sammyfung and sakana will start co-work Call for Paper draft.[Done]
  5. Simon will notify other Korea members subscribe asia-summit mail list. [Done]

Meeting notes

Action items

  1. Karenesq and sakana will co-work with GNOME Asia 2013 Announcement for confirmed venue draft.
  2. Everyone increse communication on mailing list, for GNOME.Asia 2013 theme.
  3. Everyone increse communication on mailing list, for discussion of CFP and Venue confirmation.
  4. Simon will contact NIPA and report venue status. (Conference room / Internet connection / Video recording equipment / Firewall block ssh? IRC ?)
  5. Emily dicuss CFS level with all members via e-mail.

2024-10-23 11:10