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September 18 2012 Meeting


  1. tobi
  2. Emily
  3. Haggen
  4. wlashell
  5. sammyfung
  6. sakana


  1. What is the current status of GNOME.Asia 2013?
  2. What needs to be done to get a call for bids out of the door?
  3. When will we meet next?

Meeting notes

  1. What is the current status of GNOME.Asia 2013?
    • We expect three teams to propose hosting next GNOME.Asia
  2. What needs to be done to get a call for bids out of the door?
    1. Will will draft of Call for Hosting, put it in an Etherpad and send it around
    2. It'd be cool if it got it out of the door by Saturday
    3. The timeframe we'll want the host to think of will be March until June. Because we will have GNOME.Asia in Spring, GUADEC in Summer and Boston Summit in Autumn
    4. We will post the call for bids to
      • foundation-list ( Tobi will send it out once it's ready )
    5. The hosts we know that want to propose
      • Emily will send it to the teams we know
      • Tobi will make sure that it appears on w.g.o with the help of the marketing-team
    7. gnome-asia-list
      • Haggen will make sure it'll land on gnome-asia-list
  3. When will we meet next?
    • We will meet next on Tuesday, September 25th, at 14:00 UTC in #asia-summit

Action items

  1. Emily send proposal of Indonesia to mail list [Done]
  2. Haggen and sakana finish the press release for 2012
  3. Will will draft of Call for Hosting
  4. Tobi will send call for bids to foundation-list once it's ready
  5. Haggen will send call for bids to gnome-asia-list once it's ready

2024-10-23 11:10