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May 17 2011 Tuesday

Schedule: Date: May 17 2011 Tuesday

Time: 14:00 UTC (1 hour)

Channel: #asia-summit at server

Planned agenda:

  1. Previous action items updates [1]
  2. Launch the marketing video - update from Max
  3. Discuss if any other location want to host an installfest and get some OpenSuse GNOME 3 DVDs

  4. Update on new projects [2]
  5. Other open topics

Meeting minutes


  1. Emily
  2. Pockey
  3. Max
  4. Fred
  5. Wers
  6. lakhil


  1. Abharath


  1. Brian

New Action Items

  1. Max - Max will send another cut video in coming days
  2. Allan - Try to call for people from Philippine FOSS Community to Organize install-fest of GNOME 3
  3. lakhil - Introduce PockeyLam to psankar by email

  4. Pockey - Questionnaires [3] is finalized, Pockey will put them in limesurvey
  5. Emily - Propose to maketing list to add "GNOME Users Group " Section in Quarterly report and GNOME Journal
  6. Emily, Pockey - Write articules for GNOME Q1 report about GNOME Users Group. Emily will focus on GNOME China, GNOME Store; Pockey will focus on the status of new users group in Indian.

Meeting notes

  1. Fred will help to coordinate with other GNOME teams for call for host (in progress)
    • The deadline for the call for host is end of May. Our team need to do it before the deadline.
  2. Fred is working on the article to Linux Pilot as guest author. Now the 1st draft of press release has been done. Fred want to cover hackfest, summit, GUGs, Launch parties, OpenSUSE DVDs and sponsors in this article.
    • linux pilot is waiting for article, and they want more picture. Max will help to translate into Chinese once the article is done.
  3. Launch the marketing video
    • Update from Max: Max will send another cut vide in coming days
  4. Discuss if any other location want to host an installfest and get some OpenSuse GNOME 3 DVDs

    1. Emily work with Li Bin from Novel China to prepare for the document needed for the customer clearance.
    2. Allan try to call for people from Phillippines FOSS Community to Organize install-fest of GNOME 3
    3. Emily is planning to send GNOME 3 DVDs to Taiwan 3 GNOME Users Group once the customer clearance done. Planning 300 DVDs for Taiwan and 100 for each groups in Taipei, Taizhong, Gaoxiong groups.
    4. Update from Indian: around 100 dvd have been sent to Manipal students
    5. lakhil will introduce PockeyLam to psankar by email

  5. Questionnaires [3] is finalized, Pockey will need to follow up to put them in limesurvey
  6. Emily suggest new project "GNOME Users Group" in GNOME Quarterly report and GNOME Journal report
  7. [2]. New projects during the year
    1. GUGs meeting kit - Fred / sakana
    2. generic website - Fred / Pockey
      1. for generic website, we will work on it once we finished all the urgent outstanding items
    3. moving all the 2008,9,10 websites to the new VPS - Fred
    4. GNOME store in India - Pockey
      1. for gnome store in india, Pockey will keep in touch with the newly established groups in india and see who has the need and will start one eventually
    5. GNOME 3 apps in 5 minutes - abharath
    6. Local Volunteers how to for event
    7. Fred / sakana / Emily will build up some documentation for volunteer team to work on their tasks
    8. sakana will write a document for GNOME booth

Outstanding action items (Status):

  1. Abharath - Started with the reimbursements for GNOME.Asia 2011. Finished a significant chunk of it. Just a couple more left now.
  2. Fred - The 1st draft of press release has been done. Fred want to cover hackfest, summit, GUGs, Launch parties, OpenSUSE DVDs and sponsors in this article.
  3. Max - Help to translate press release into Chinese and send to Linux Pilot
  4. Max - Edit our marketing video


2024-10-23 11:10