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April 12 Tuesday

Schedule: Date: April 12 Tuesday

Time: 1400 UTC (1 hour)

Channel: #asia-summit at GIMPnet server

Planned agenda:

  1. Previous action items updates (

  2. Other things to follow up
  3. Comments of this summit for next years (

  4. Timeline of call for host in 2012
  5. Other open topics

Meeting minutes


  1. Abharath
  2. Emily
  3. Lakhil
  4. Pockey
  5. Max
  6. Fred
  7. Wers
  8. Yippi

New Action Items

  1. Pockeylam will follow up vincent's quote
  2. Abharath will get all the receipts ready, and scanned in 2 days
  3. Abharath will update report by the next meeting the exact amount
  4. Fred will help to coordinate with other GNOME teams for call for host

Meeting notes

  1. Previous AI
    1. #Send emails to speakers to follow up (thank them, upload slides, ask them to blog, etc.) - Pockey (DONE)
    2. #Prepare post event survey - Emily (DONE) and most of us commented
    3. #Send emails to speakers to follow up (thank them, upload slides, ask them to blog, etc.) - Pockey (DONE)
    4. #Find a photo sharing platform - fred and everybody (DONE by Fred)
    5. #Follow up with the board if we received all the money from each sponsor - (Fred / pockey / Emily) (DONE)
    6. #Everybody to put comments on what we can improve / keep for next year(s) - everybody (DONE)
  2. Pockeylam suggest new project "GUG kit"
    1. team should work on the documentation of User Groups
    2. To create a GUG kit for any GUG to use
    3. To make presetations / slides , and localize them
  3. Fred suggested to build up some documentation for volunteer team to work on their tasks
    1. Suggest to have different teams for volunteer - each team responsible for different tasks, one lead for each group
    2. 1) registration 2) photography and upload pictures 3) give directions to audiences 4) MCs 5) Technical set up (e.g. projects + laptops) 6) Promotion of the event 7) translation if necessary 8) reporting and statistic 9) expense report (cashier) 10) others
  4. Some new project during the year
    1. GUGs meeting kit - Fred / sakana
    2. generic website - Fred / Pockey
    3. moving all the 2008,9,10 websites to the new VPS - Fred
    4. GNOME store in India - Pockey
    5. GNOME 3 apps in 5 minutes - abharath
    6. Local Volunteers how to for event
      1. Fred / sakana / Emily will build up some documentation for volunteer team to work on their tasks
    7. sakana will write a document for GNOME booth

Outstanding previous action items:

  1. Abharath will remind/kick them tomorrow morning (2011/4/13) again ( Gather statistic from volunteers ) get response at Friday ( 2011/4/15)
  2. Fred will work on the press release
  3. Max will help to translate press release into Chinese and send to Linux Pilot
  4. Max Edit our marketing video

2024-10-23 11:10