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March 1st 2011


  1. Update on previous action items
  2. Update on Call for Sponsors
  3. Confirm speakers email (talks accepted) [1]
  4. Open registration for participants (Urgent) [2]
  5. Confirm business sessions details and start registration [3]
  6. Confirm student training and start registration [4]
  7. Discuss about call for volunteers
  8. Discuss about local press promotion of open registration and invitation them to the conference
  9. Review check-list [5]
  10. Confirm artworks [6]

Meeting minutes


  1. Abharath
  2. Emily
  3. Lakhil
  4. Pockey
  5. Sakana
  6. Fred
  7. Wers

New Action Items

  1. Akhil to confirm registration ticket design for Doattend
  2. Bharath to provide banners, stands and bags exact sizes by Thursday March 3
  3. Pockey to email speakers to confirm their talks
  4. Bharath / Akhil to prepare a floorplan with booths outline for exhibitors to pick booth location
  5. Sakana to complete video conferencing howto by Thursday March 3
  6. Lakhil to find out business terms to partner with Nassom
  7. Bharath to email the list on hotel booking/payment process
  8. Pockey start to design the certificate next week

Meeting notes

  1. Previous AI
    1. Novell confirmed the bank account, Akhil already updated the data in DoAttend and needs to confirm registration ticket design

    2. Bharath emailed the printing supplier and expects an answer in the upcoming 2 days
    3. Talk confirmation email draft validated (with some minor changes such as clarifying hotel booking process), Pockey will email speakers
    4. Floorplan not done, need to find a student to help
    5. Sakana finished documenting the video streaming in Chinese and will start English
    6. Bharath booked the venue and is awaiting confirmation
    7. No update on student training
    8. Pockey started the student certificate page and text here /GnomeAsia/2011Summit/StudentTraining/Certificate
  2. Akhil is suggesting to use as a partner to organize the business session, and do a revenue sharing with them.

  3. Call for volunteers will be issued once registration is opened but the sooner the better
  4. Make a local media plan, maybe use Novell PR departement
  5. We need to work on a press kit (images, screenshots, articles, gift), no owners for this task yet

Outstanding previous action items:

  1. Local finance team to follow up with Novell corporate bank as the transaction account for GNOME.Asia Summit 2011 (Urgent - as we need to use the bank account @ DoAttend to open registration)

  2. Bharath to confirm exact size to Pockey to continue artwork development (Banners, Bags, Stands)
  3. Pockey to send emails to inform speakers of their talks being accepted (once the draft is confirmed)
  4. Bharath / Akhil to prepare a floorplan with booths outline for exhibitors to pick booth location
  5. Max to work on the live streaming video for the conference
  6. Max to send us email to update the web conference tool and write a simple / short how-to in a wiki page so different launch parties organizers can connect their events together)
  7. abharath, lakhil to update the local companies list @ potential sponsor page:, Ongoing activity. Updating the list as and when we have contacts.

  8. Bharath to book venue based on

  9. Let's put all our thoughts inside this page

  10. Max and Wers to make videos during the event asking them couple of questions and we'll use this for marketing later
  11. Pockey / Bharath / Akhil to follow up with hotel booking and confirm the number of rooms needed before proceed to pay deposit
  12. Pockey to design certificates of volunteers / student training (by March 20)
  13. Other action items can be found at

2024-10-23 11:10