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Feb 15, 2011 Meeting



  1. Previous action items review
  2. Update on Call for Sponsors
  3. Update on Call for Papers
  4. Confirm registration logistics (including rules: to get prepared to open registration in 1 week)
  5. Discuss about the tentative schedule (2 tracks or 3 tracks) and confirm booking of venue
  6. Review the check-list:

  7. Other open topics

Meeting notes and action items


  1. Pockey
  2. Akhil
  3. Fred
  4. Bharath
  5. Emily
  6. sakana

Meeting notes:

  1. Reviewed action item:
    • Received floorplan from Abharath and Lakhil
    • Bharath got a floor plan of the venue for booths planning, next step is to plan the booth locations and a map for exhibitors to choose
  2. We discussed about the financial accounts, Bharath said we can have 3 options:
    1. Create a local GNOME Foundation account
    2. Use one of our own personal accounts (a bad choice)
    3. Since I am affiliated to Novell, they have told me they'll help with the funding and GNOME Foundation can reimburse the money to Novell.
    • We all think option 3 suits us best. based on Bharath's reasons:
      • Since Novell has a local office in Bangalore, the money can be transferred sooner.
      • The sponsors for the event can deposit money directly to the GNOME Foundation.
      • GNOME Foundation can reimburse the money directly to Novell in the US thus negating the bank charges. Otherwise as we have noticed in the GNOME Travel committee as well, a lot of money gets deducted to wire the transfers to other regions.
    • Next step: Bharath to follow up with the board
  3. we talked about hotel booking. Bharath mentioned that big GNOME events, we provide hotels to participants sponsored by GNOME Foundation. Lakhil mentioned that if we book the rooms in advance, we will pay them 20% of actual cost. They are offering us up to 35 - 45 % discount without we negotiating it. So we let Bharath and Lakhil handle the hotel booking with hackers.
    • Lakhil will try to talk to the hotel to see if the hotel can accept the confirmation of hackers / rooms 1 week in advance instead of 2 weeks
    • Since Lakhil said we won't be able to accommodate all people in same category as number of room in each category are limited, rooms will big enough so one suite can accommodate 4 people. mostly we are going to platinum where we will get maximum discount.
    • Lakhil said we will need to make an initial booking by this weekend.
    • AI: Lakhil / Bharath to discuss internally about the hotel booking. Then, Lakhil / Bharath to get an estimated number of person who will need hotel rooms (by sending emails to ask who need subsidy of room and from when to when)
  4. Fred updated us on call for sponsors:
    • Fred updated that Google confirmed to sponsor $ 10K
    • Fred updated that he is currently in discussion with Amazon but he doesn't feel they will give us anything
    • Fred also emailed IBM since their was no name on the page
    • Fred has received various contacts from Stormy which I need to follow up with
    • Fred also tried Ericsson. Not many chances but who knows (the amount is not the problem, the justification is)
    • For keynotes Fred suggested to get Owen Taylor (while hopefully redhat can be our highest sponsor)
    • Fred also updated that Igalia Xan said he cannot make it (even though he has the budget approved), so he is checking if anyone else is interested
    • Fred also updated the call for sponsor to have a flexible number of platium level sponsors and so on, we 're version 1.31 now
  5. Updates on Call for paper
    • we have 12 talks so far submmitted, but expect to have double before the deadline. So we will most likely need three tracks.
    • Schedule can be accessed on

    • Lakhil said main hall has been booked already and we have given them our requirement (the main hall has 800 people capacity)
    • AI: POckey to create a wiki page for venue requirements and then Bharath to book
  6. Pockey invited everybody to submit their talks and ask around to submit their talks before deadline on Feb 18
    • AI: to finalize the schedule with talks before openning registration, we targe to open registration on 21 Feb (Monday)
  7. Lahil said i think registration page will have options explicitly and while opening up registration, we can mention everything in blog

New Action items

  1. Akhil to send email to Will to ask for bandwidth requirement of the venue
  2. Bharath to follow up with the board about using the bank account of Novell India
  3. Bharath / Akhil to prepare a floorplan with booths outline for exhibitors to pick booth location
  4. Bharath / Lakhil will try to talk to the hotel to see if the hotel can accept the confirmation of hackers / rooms 1 week in advance instead of 2 weeks
  5. Lakhil / Bharath to discuss internally about the hotel booking. Then, Lakhil / Bharath to get an estimated number of person who will need hotel rooms (by sending emails to ask who need subsidy of room and from when to when)
  6. Pockey to create a wiki page for venue requirements and then Bharath to book
  7. Everybody to finalize the schedule with talks before openning registration, we targe to open registration on 21 Feb (Monday)
  8. Akhil and Bharath to finalize a page to explain the entrance fee (ready before open registration)

Outstanding action item status:

  1. Lakhil to contact an ISP (contacted and no response so far)
  2. lakhil to send this student training wiki page to the universities to see how many students would be interested to join

  3. abharath, lakhil to update the local companies list @ potential sponsor page:

  4. Will to work on the website:
    • a) use to work on the new generic site (only launch it when it's ready)
    • b) registration system testing before live
  5. Everybody to start writing faq for site
  6. Bharath to reply on Pockey's email about marketing materials standard size (and then Pockey to ask Andreas help on design)
  7. Will / Max to work on the live streaming video for the conference
  8. Max to send us email to update the web conference tool (to test the web conference tool ( with BJ GNOME User Group as next step, and if the quality is good, Max to write a how-to in a wiki page so different launch parties organizers can connect their events together)

2024-10-23 11:10