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Feb 08, 2011 Meeting


Date: Feb 8, 2011 - Tuesday Time: 1400 UTC (1 hour) Channel: #asia-summit at GIMPnet server


  1. Update on outstanding action item status
  2. Update on Call for sponsor
  3. Discuss and decide on 1 day or 2 day conference
  4. Plan the GNOME training [1] (how many trainers do we need? who can be our potential trainers?)
  5. Plan the Technical helpdesk (who can be the potential helpers?)
  6. Decide on the day of "Registration open" for the conference
  7. Review the check-list:

  8. Other open topics
  9. [1] e.g. suggested topics: how to contribute to GNOME and show students how to write a simple app. Fred also suggested to have talk about compilation lesson for gnome 3.0, or GTK 3 hacking.


  1. Fred
  2. Emily
  3. Pockey
  4. Allan
  5. Akhil

Action Items

  1. Lakhil to contact an ISP
  2. Lakhil to check online payment transaction fee (as an option)
  3. Pockey / Lakhil to work on the estimation of budget for the 2nd day
  4. Wers to help to create a wiki page to start to plan for our student training contents (

  5. lakhil to send this student training wiki page to the university to see how many students would be interested to join
  6. Pockey to send an email about the logistic of online registration quota with reference to previous year experience

Meeting Notes

  1. Fred mentioned that the purpose of presenting at the adboard today is to get them excited about the hackfest|conference, give feedback and hopefully send us both speakers and financial support
  2. We thought that 2 days conference may attract more sponsors, we will check if resources will permit 2 days of conference. Lakhil suggested that 2nd day can be half day conference and half day BoF (in order to save meal budget and hotel room budget for speakers). In order to avoid 1 more day of hotel, we may consider to have half day on the 2nd day and half day of tour visit.
  3. We discussed about the technical helpdesk: we will advertise about it in advance and all the hackers will be in irc and mailing list to answer people's questions about GNOME 3. Everybody in the hackfest can help on this while Fred offered to help to coordinate
  4. We discussed about the student training: three days of GNOME training will be offered to students during the three days hackfest in Dayananda Sagar:
    • initial trainers include:
      • Will LaShell

      • Allan Caeg
      • Akhil
      • Bharath
    • Timing either:
      • We suggested that every trainer gives 2 hour training per day, 8 hours in total per day, same training for the three days if we have a lot of student participants
    • The objectives are to attract more students to use / contribute to GNOME
    • Contents of training include:
      • Bugsquadding in GNOME
      • UX design in GNOME
      • porting applications to GNOME 3
      • writing a simple app
      • compilation lesson for gnome 3.0, or GTK 3 hacking
    • Next step: Allan to start a wiki page to write down all these ideas and then akhil presents it to the university to get feedback and number of students interested
  5. Lakhil suggested to start open registration on March 1st, and Pockey suggested that we don't close registration in order to get as many participants as possible. however there will be a quota for lunch coupons and freebies based on first come first served basis (either online registration or arrive at the conference(s)). We'll also allow registration on spot (but we may consider to charge the entrance fee a bit higher than online registration)
  6. If we decided to charge online, we will use an outsider provider to provide the services and a link for us to incorporate in the registration form
  7. Selected Dayananda Sagar students won't be charged the registration fee (100 people quota ~ Lakhil to discuss internally and get back to us on the quota)

Outstanding AI from previous meetings

  1. Bharath to get a floor plan of the venue for booths planning
  2. abharath, lakhil to update the local companies list @ potential sponsor page:
  3. Will to work on the website:
    • a) use to work on the new generic site (only launch it when it's ready)
    • b) registration system testing before live
  4. Bharath / Akhil to put hotel information after bargain the discount with hotels in the hackfest page as soon as possible
  5. Everybody to start writing faq for site
  6. Bharath to find details for tax-free bank account (it is suggested to partner with another local non-profit organization to help to get the funding to avoid tax)
  7. Bharath to reply on Pockey's email about marketing materials standard size (and then Pockey to ask Andreas help on design)
  8. Akhil to check the bandwidth available at the venue
  9. Will / Max to work on the live streaming video for the conference
  10. Max to send us email to update the web conference tool (to test the web conference tool ( with BJ GNOME User Group as next step, and if the quality is good, Max to write a how-to in a wiki page so different launch parties organizers can connect their events together)

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