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19th October 2010 meeting minutes

Planned Agenda

  1. Update on last week action items
  2. Validate the pre-event survey to send to the GNOME marketing and documentation teams
  3. Update from each potential country hosts i.e. India, Indonesia and Hong Kong
  4. Write monthly report about GNOME.Asia organization and send to GNOME foundation board.
  5. What Asian community need from GNOME and provide our feedback to community
    • What Asian community need from GNOME foundation and community
    • Asian people's users experience, (different preferred application, like IM and Search engine etc )
    • The different culture when participated in the GNOME community, what do they want, what do they need
    • What's the barrier of people using GNOME (For example, Windows is dominated in Asian countries)
  6. Discuss on call for sponsors
  7. Update on the proposal of website

Meeting minutes



Meeting notes:

  1. Update on last week action items
    • Regarding GNOME.Asia branding usage, letter sent to Mario and Mario has removed the GNOME.Asia logo. The track record section is however still there mentioning GNOME.Asia as an achievement of MBM.
    • Will and Fred mentioned that there was no reply from Mario, but he has apparently removed the logo as requested.
    • Discuss own-ship of GNOME.Asia 2009 account on facebook
  2. Pre-event Survey
    • Pockey already activated the survey and sent invitation to 1) markering-list 2) release-team list 3) gnome-doc-list 4) Own taylor 5) jon mccann
    • Pockey will keep track of the survey and update everybody on the statistic
  3. Update from each potential country hosts i.e. India , Indonesia and Hong Kong
  4. Status report send to Foundation Board
    • When planning GNOME.Asia, there are probably things to report to the board. The point is to make sure to let the board know what is going on.
    • Pockey and Emily to work on the monthly report of GNOME.Asia for the GNOME Foundation Board
  5. Feedback from community
    • All members to contact various regional Linux Users Group lists around Asia to invite people to contribute ideas or issues they have and their suggests. Tell them we are drafting a survey in order to gather feedback from asian communities about gnome desktop, we strive to improve GNOME asian supports and enhance users experience in asia. We would like to know their initial feedbacks as it can help to improve our survey.
    • Reaching larger numbers of people is probably more valuable than reaching every distro
    • We communicate with LUGs/GUGs and draft localization questions at the same time
    • wers is leading this project and other people help on draft questions

  6. Move two agenda items to the next meeting
    • item 4. Discuss on call for sponsors
    • item 5. Update on the proposal of website

New AI:

  1. Allan / Fred/ Will - Draft the email about facebook account for GNOME.Asia 2009, and send to the group to comment , then will to send the final letter to mario.
  2. Will - Add a link for the existing front page content and to add preview function to website.
  3. Will - Add a link to the existing front page to
  4. Pockey - Keep track of the survey and update everybody on the statistic
  5. Will/ Fred - Follow up on the limesurvey setting of superadmin for pockey
  6. Allan - Follow up on the holiday inns (resort venue) in bali and update the content in the wiki page:

  7. Pockey / Emily - Work on the monthly report of GNOME.Asia for the GNOME Foundation Board
  8. Max - Ask gnome-tw local community about the feedback, suggestion and need for GNOME
  9. Emily - Ask BGUG local community about the feedback, suggestion and need for GNOME
  10. Allan - Ask Philippines lug local community about the feedback, suggestion and need for GNOME
  11. Pockey - Ask saigon / hanoi lugs in Vietnam about the feedback, suggestion and need for GNOME
  12. Fred - Ping people from Mongolian about the feedback, suggestion and need for GNOME

2024-10-23 11:10