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Call for hosts for GNOME.Asia Summit 2014

The GNOME.Asia Committee is inviting proposals to host the GNOME.Asia Summit during the 2nd quarter of 2014. The GNOME.Asia Summit is the featured annual GNOME Conference in Asia. The event focuses primarily on the GNOME desktop, and also covers applications and the development platform tools. It brings together the GNOME community in Asia to provide a forum for users, developers, foundation leaders, governments and businesses to discuss both the present technology and future developments.

GNOME.Asia Summit was held in Beijing, Ho-Chi-Minh City, Taipei, Bangalore, Hong Kong and Seoul respectively over the last six years. The Summit's preference is to find new locations each year as we spread GNOME throughout Asia, and we are looking for local organizers to rise to the challenge of organizing an excellent GNOME event. The GNOME.Asia committee will assist in the process, but there is a definitive need for individuals to be actively involved and committed to the planning and delivery of the event.

You can learn more about GNOME.Asia Summit at our official website:

For those of you who would be interested in hosting the next GNOME.Asia Summit in 2014 you are hereby invited to submit a formal proposal to the gnome-asia-committee-list <at> gnome <dot> org . The deadline for the proposals is September 1, 2013. Please email your proposal to gnome-asia-committee-list <at> gnome <dot> org. We might invite you to present your proposal in more details over our regular IRC meetings, or send you additional questions and requests. Results will be announced by the third week of September, 2013.

The conference will require availability of facilities for one week, including a weekend, during the 2nd quarter of 2014 (between March and June). Final event dates should avoid other key free software conferences or other events that may have conflict and will be confirmed together with other GNOME teams which might get involved.

Key points which proposals should consider, and which will be taken into account when deciding among candidates, are:

Please refer to the official web site of GNOME.Asia [1]. Please also check the GNOME.Asia Summit check list [2], howtos [3] and a winning proposal for the year 2012 [4] when putting together a proposal. Feel free to contact gnome-asia-committee-list <at> gnome <dot> org if you have any questions.

Please help to spread the words and we are looking forward to hearing from you soon!

GNOME.Asia Committee

2024-10-23 11:10