Please help us make better events by providing your comments!
Things to keep for next years
- Promoting GNOME in Asia!
- The opening ceremony cultural dancing is a very good idea (we also planned to do some dragon dance in HK if we can find volunteers to do it) - pockey
- The service apartment is excellent, we should definitely consider doing hackfest in service apartment or resorts - pockey
- We met a lot of passionate GNOME people there, a lot of participants are very curious and passionate about GNOME, we identified more than 10 people to establish GUGs in India - pockey
- The main venue is very nice - pockey
- The backdrops are good ideas in the main venue, we should do it next year for both tracks - pockey
- Donation box is a good idea and almost $400 donation is not bad at all, we should keep it for next year - pockey
- The whole week Indian food is very yummy - pockey
- The sugar cane juice is very good - pockey
- Love the GNOME booth very much, we should keep this for upcoming years - pockey
- Love the gnome marketing video idea, we should keep this for upcoming years - pockey
- Wifi at the apartment. It's really needed - lionel
- GNOME Users Video is good idea for marketing - Max
bharath's bargaining skill is good, let's keep bharath in the organization team next year
- pockey
- Excellent time management , volunteers did an awesome job in helping out peoples. - Shaswat
Amazing response by people . All i can say is KEEP GNOMING
Keep the hard work Up , waiting for you all in HK 2012 !!! Cheers - Shaswat
Summit venue was fully Wifi connected. That's advantageous!
- Chandni
Good organization team
- vuntz
- Everyone in the same hotel, and big rooms were people can sit together - vuntz
- Cheap food at/near hotel - vuntz
- Hackfest co-hosted with the conference: great idea! (and useful to get more speakers) - vuntz
Things That Can Be Improved for next years
- Make sure we check and double check the date of the event not to have conflict with any local events / competitions / program / festival
- Three tracks maybe too many, we should do maximum two tracks in the upcoming years - pockey
- Lunch arrangement was 2 hours later on the conference day on Sunday - we should prepare that in advance - pockey
- Less than half of registered participants showed up, that's what we should expect for the coming years as it's always like this in the past as well (esp for the 2nd day, it will be 50% of the 1st day) - pockey
- No white boards for the hackfest (3rd to 5th days) - pockey
Projectors / computers not work for 1 track and we have to change venue, last minutes changing venue will lose candidates => remember to check all projectors / PCs in advance (at least one day before) - pockey
- All tracks door need to open 15 mins before the first talk, MCs need to arrive 15 to 30 mins in advance to doublecheck equipment as well - pockey
- Signs are not enough to give directors to the three tracks - pockey
- Not enough coffee, water, snacks access esp. on Sunday, no vendor is available, we forgot to tell the vendors to stay - pockey
- For tour, we should have arranged a travel agency to arrange the day tour to go to places - pockey
- Business session should have a schedule like the rest of the conference and we should stick to it - lionel
- We need more GUGs and Gnome awareness in India. - Shaswat
- Suggest to have different teams for volunteer - each team responsible for different tasks, one lead for each group e.g. 1) registration 2) photography and upload pictures 3) give directions to audiences 4) MCs 5) Technical set up (e.g. projects + laptops) 6) Promotion of the event 7) translation if necessary 8) reporting and statistic 9) expense report (cashier) 10) others if there is any - Pockey / Fred
- Suggest to document GNOME booth that will be useful for next years and also for the GUG Kit - Pockey
- We can have interactive contests for new applications that might be worthy for adding in GNOME and offer support in building any one much appealing. This will be an additional way of accepting cool ideas GNOME is always looking for. - Chandni
- We can have a quiz based on basic GNOME knowledge and/or checking some knowledge which has been imparted in any of the talks in the conference already so the attentive and interested ones receive gifts. This will ensure the message is conveyed and will probably help us retain full audience even on the second and following days. - Chandni
- There should be fresh water bottles on speakers' podiums especially if anyone has two or more consecutive talks (I noticed this going wrong in case of Vincent this time). - Chandni
- Probably the program agenda should take care of allowing a speaker to take a break between consecutive talks (if he has any, which should also be rare) - Chandni
- actually, do not schedule two consecutive talks for any speaker, even if requested by sponsors - vuntz
All computers connected to projectors should have Internet connected and working. I wanted to show live demonstrations of some of my Empathy branches but it was not possible since there was no one knowing the password of the protected Wifi present @Track 2.
- Chandni
- Enforce schedule for all tracks: having to readjust times because one track is late makes the published schedule less useful - vuntz
- Force lightning talks speakers to be present 5/10 minutes before the beginning of the lightning talk session - vuntz
- If doing hackfest again, maybe do it after the conference so that people don't work on their slides during hackfest - vuntz