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Joining the GNOME Project

You like GNOME. But there's still room for improvement. GNOME invites you to join our Free Software community if you have some spare time. There are many different fields. You do not have to be a programmer. Now the question is:

In which domain would you like to improve or contribute to GNOME?


Accessibility (also known as a11y because there are 11 letters between the a and the y) enables people with disabilities to participate in activities such as work and the use of services, products, and information. We define GNOME accessibility as the suite of software services and support that allows people with disabilities to utilize all of the functionality of the GNOME user environment.


The GNOME Bugsquad is the Quality Assurance (QA) team for GNOME. We test programs, manage the Bugzilla bug database and make sure that major bugs don't go unnoticed by developers.

The Build Brigade is an effort to make testing of the development version easy for everyone and to automate discovery and reporting of Gnome build errors.


Development involves many different projects, on the GNOME Desktop Environment and the GNOME applications. You'll have a chance to improve your favorite app, fix the annoying bugs nobody has fixed for you, or add the feature you missed.

  • Check out the GnomeLove project to get started


The GNOME Documentation Project is responsible for providing GNOME users with high quality documentation - manuals, online help, tutorials, programming references, interface guidelines, printed books, and so on. The GDP is always looking for new contributors.


GNOME has some support for internationalization (also known as i18n) and localization (also known as l10n), and more is on the way. This provides a transparent way for translators to customize applications in GNOME without the application author doing much work.

Web development

The GNOME Webhackers are in the process of rebuilding the various GNOME websites. They are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the official GNOME site, plus subsites.


One of GNOME's strengths is the high quality of design. It's supplied by the GNOME Design Team.

Marketing & Engagement

The Engagement Team works to improve communication and image of the GNOME Project.


Write your analysis of the GNOME Desktop, and inform the community of the upcoming developments, or criticize for example the good and the bad in GNOME... The good to have an example of what should be done, and the bad to know what remains to improve !


Even with no time nor skills, you can still help the GNOME Project to improve, becoming a "Friend of GNOME"!

See Also

JoinGnome (last edited 2013-12-08 14:23:01 by AndreaVeri)