GXml is a XML parser and writer, providing both Vala and C object oriented API through GObject.
- Interfaces for XML tree model
- Implementation using both parser, writer and backed data model from libxml2, wrapped with GNode series
- Implementation using libxml2's parser and writer, but a pure GObject collection tree data model with TNode
- DOM4 API interfaces core implementation by GNode
- HTML documents support using backed by GNode and DOM4
- GObject serialization to and from XML documents
Language Bindings supported by GObjectIntrospection, like Python and JavaScript
Upcoming features:
- XPath support (thanks to yannick inizan)
Mailing list: gxml-list@gnome.org (subscription page, archives)
Issue tracker: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gxml/issues
Git repository: https://git.gnome.org/browse/gxml/
Releases: https://download.gnome.org/sources/gxml/