Meeting minutes 2019-05-07 19:30 UTC
- Kristi
- Sebastian
- Vivia
- Tom
Old action items
ACTION: Stathis to ask univeristy for the square meters of the space for the booths and reply the email.
- They replied that the space can fit up to 10 tables.
Go through issues board and check if everything is taken care off:
- Sebastian: Short update on video recording situation
- Sebastian/Vivia have access to submitted proposals
ACTION: Look at proposals, prepare for discussion in meeting next week (Mon 19:30 UTC)
ACTION: Sebastian update Gitlab tickets about video recording
ACTION: Vivia to check with university regarding keynote speaker travel booking (DONE) AND signing a contract
ACTION: Kristi to see the organization of AGM
ACTION: Kristi: Invitation letter
ACTION: Things to do in Thessaloniki (Vivia) Bid (Kristi )
ACTION: Kristi: Ping Tom for Attandes mailing lists
ACTION: Kristi: Carlos for newcomers
ACTION: Kristi: Bastian for artwork
- Paper Committee discussions