Smaller sponsorship opportunities
See Etherpad: ask benzea or kittykat for a link.
When contacting potential sponsors, ask whether they plan on sending employees to attend and encourage them to submit talks.
Potential sponsors
Only contact sponsors after coordinating with TobiasMueller or MoiraSchuler.
Initialized from the 2015 list ../../2015/Sponsors
- Samsung
- Entroware
- Savoir-Faire Linux
- Seafile
- Pelagicore
- Gandi Asia
- GNOME Advisory Board (mostly done)
- Centricular - Arun
Collabora - Arun (Kat)
- Endocode - Kat
- OpenSUSE - Jeff
- Google - Jeff
- ownCloud - Jeff
- System76 - Jeff
Linux Foundation - Jeff
- Intel - Jeff (Sri)
Mozilla - fill (Ben)
- Codethink - Sam (Kat)
- The Document Foundation - only booth exchange at conferences
High quality sponsor logos and blurbs can be found in ownCloud - ask to be added to the GUADEC 2016 group to upload new ones
- CS2S - Emily
- Endless - Kat
- Private Internet Access - Jeff
- Igalia - Kat
- Red Hat - Matthias/Shaun
Materials for tables and so on should (after warning BenjaminBerg) be sent to:
c/o AStA KIT
Adenauerring 7
DE-76131 Karlsruhe