Code of conduct

Please see code of conduct for GUADEC 2015 on the main conference site.

Support team

These people from among the conference organizers and GNOME community form the code of conduct support team. Please contact them for help and to report any incidents.

Enforcement policy

Conference volunteers and code of conduct support team members should familiarize themselves with this policy.

We recognize that many of the volunteers are new to the GNOME community and conference organization, and might not feel certain about what to do in addressing observed or reported harassment or inappropriate behavior. If you are not sure how to address an incident which violates the code of conduct, please find Rosanna Yuen, Jonas Danielsson or anyone else on the code of conduct support team.

In general, consult with other volunteers and code of conduct support team members when possible, but act when necessary.


Any code of conduct support team member or volunteer can issue a verbal warning to a participant that their behavior violates the conference's code of conduct.

Taking reports

When taking a report from someone experiencing harassment or witnessing inappropriate behavior you should record what they say and reassure them they are being taken seriously, but avoid making specific promises about what actions the code of conduct support team will take. Ask for any other information if the reporter has not volunteered it, such as time and place, but do not pressure them to provide it if they are reluctant. Even if the report lacks important details such as the identity of the person taking the harassing or inappropriate actions, it should still be recorded. If the reporter desires it, arrange for an escort by conference staff or a trusted person, contact a friend, or contact local law enforcement. Do not pressure the reporter to take any action if they do not want to do it. Respect the reporter's privacy by not sharing unnecessary details with others, especially individuals who were not involved with the situation or who are not on the code of conduct support team.


Presentations or similar events should not be stopped for one-time gaffes or minor problems, although a volunteer or a code of conduct support team member should issue a verbal warning to the presenter afterward. However, any present volunteer or code of conduct support team member should issue a warning or politely and calmly stop any presentation or event that repeatedly or seriously violates the code of conduct. For example, you can say "I'm sorry, this content violates the code of conduct. Please avoid any such content." or "I'm sorry, this presentation repeatedly violated the code of conduct and cannot be continued at the present time."

Keeping record

Warnings in-person and during presentations and incident reports should be reported to, which is a private mailing list, as soon as practical. The report should include:

  • Name of the participant
  • The behavior that was in violation
  • The circumstances surrounding the incident
  • Other people involved in the incident
  • The approximate time of the behavior
  • The time you issued the warning
  • Your name


The majority of code of conduct support team members from among those present at the time of a response to the incident can decide to expell a participant for whatever reasons they deem sufficient. However, here are some general guidelines for when a participant should be expelled:

  • A third offense resulting in a warning
  • Continuing to harass after any "No" or "Stop" instruction
  • A pattern of harassing behavior, with or without warnings
  • A single serious offense (e.g., punching or groping someone)

Public statements

As a general rule, individual volunteers or code of conduct support team members should not make any public statements about the behavior of individual people during or after the conference.

GUADEC/2015/CodeOfConduct (last edited 2015-08-07 07:02:27 by RosannaYuen)