If your session is not listed in the GUADEC Core days you still have the chance to schedule it at the WarmUp Weekend and the After Hours Workshops. Hurry up! We are closing the program.

WarmUp Weekend

WUW Saturday
Saturday, 24th
GUADEC Minor languages l10n GUADEC-CA GUADEC-ES
9:00 Entrance Hall, Infodesk and Marquee Open
10:00 Delivering technical presentations - A beginners guide (by John Laerum) RegCon Presentation (by Jesús Corrius) 10:00 Inaguración de III GUADEC HISPANA
10:45 DeTraS/TempusFugit: Herramientas para la investigación en la actividad de los desarrolladores (by Carlos García, Juan José Amor and Gregorio Robles) Introducción básica a GNU/Linux, SWL y GNOME (by Rodrigo Moya)
11:00 Creating a plugin system using GTypeModule (by Michael Natterer) OpenOffice.org l10n Status and Minor Languages (by Charles-H. Schulz)
11:30 Software Libre para un mundo libre (by Quim Gil) Autotools: Automatización, construcción y portabilidad de proyectos (by Germán Poó Caamaño)
12:00 Developing Applications with mono (by Miguel de Icaza) Minor languages in FOSS. Projects. Initiatives.
12:15 Accesibilidad y Software Libre, una visión desde GNOME (by David Cabrero Campos and Sergio Rodríguez Esquerra) GLIB y GTK+ (by Claudio Saavedra)
13:00 LUNCH
15:00 BoF meetings by region/countty... Localitzation Tools and Frameworks in OpenOffice.org Introducció a GNOME (by Sergio Blanco i Jonathan Hernández) 15:00 D-BUS (by Carlos García Campos) GTK+ Avanzado (GtkTreeView, Portapapeles, Drag and Drop) (by Rodrigo Moya)
15:45 Accediendo a la configuración del sistema a través de Liboobs (by Carlos Gamacho) GLADE/LibGlade (by Rodrigo Moya)
16:00 OpenOffice.org localization experiences Introducció al desenvolupament d'aplicacions per a GNOME (by Ramon Navarro i Lluis Sanchez)
16:30 Fisterra: sharing efforts for developing business management software with GNOME (by Javier Fernández and García-Boente) GNOME Avanzado (Gconf. GNOMEVFS) (by Rodrigo Moya)
17:00 Debate and Conclusions GNOME en català. Traducció d'aplicacions al català (by Toni Hermoso, Jordi Mas, Jordi Mallach i Josep Puigdemont)
17:45 Apoyo de gnuLinex a la expansión de GNOME: Gambas y Futura (by Daniel Campos Fernández) Python y PyGTK (by Germán Poó Caamaño)
18:00 Plugin Support in Mono: The Banshee Project (by Aaron Bockover) Experiències sobre l'ús de GNOME a l'empresa i l'administració (by Jordi Mas)
18:30 Mesa Redonda: Proyectos en el ámbito hispano
19:00 Automated Software and Repair (by Matthew Garrett)
20:00 Closing Doors

WUW Sunday
Sunday, 25th
GUADEC Minor Languages l10n Mono-Hispano GUADEC-ES
9:00 Entrance Hall, Infodesk and Marquee Open
10:00 Gstreamer on Embedded Devices: Benefits and Challenges (by Andrea Ambrosioni) RegCon Presentation (by Toni Hermoso) 10:00 Como perder la virginidad (o cómo escribir y mandar tu primer parche) (by Federico Mena)
10:45 Cómo involucarse en el GNOME extendiendo las aplicaciones
(by Germán Poó Caamaño)
11:00 Safe C++ Programming (by Hubert Figuiere) I18n for Everybody: Graphite, KMFL and Smart Fonts to Extend GNOME (by Daniel Glassey, Nicolas Spalinger) Mozilla l10n Status and Coordination (by Axel Pike)
12:00 GNOME Love Wall in the Marquee Web Multilingual Localization. Mozilla Europe Case (by Pascal Chevrel)
Kiwi - GUI Programming in Python (by Johan Dahlin) Maemo Desktop Plugin Tutorial (by Karoliina Salminen)
13:00 LUNCH
15:00 BoF Meetings by Region/Countty... L10n Tools and Frameworks in Mozilla Introducción a Mono. (by Ramon Navarro y Jordi Campos) 15:00 Asamblea de socios de GNOME HISPANO
16:00 Mozilla Localization Experiences in Minor Languages. Introducción al desarrollo en GNOME con Mono. (by Ramon Navarro y Jordi Campos)
17:00 Debate and Conclusions MonoDevelop, un IDE para GNOME (by Lluis Sanchez)
18:00 Recent files and bookmarks (by Emmanuele Bassi) Presentación de proyectos basados en Mono
19:00 GnuFIFA Football Championship in the Stadium
20:00 Closing Doors


This is the GUADEC Core schedule (Monday 26th to Wednesday 28th) with the sessions that have been accepted for this phase. Original titles and links to the abstracts to be added soon.

ICAL: http://guadec.org/GUADEC2006/schedule/ical

GUADEC schedule
Legend: Catwalk
Monday, 26th
10:00 Conference Opening
11:00 Easy Databases with Glom (by Murray Cumming) Dreaming the Really User-centered Desktop (by Quim Gil) GNOME and Bluetooth - Past, Present and Future (by Matthew Garrett)
12:00 Keynote: Kathy Sierra
13:00 LUNCH
15:00 F-Spot: A Life in Pictures (by Larry Ewing) Gimmie: Panel Revisited (by Alex Graveley) All Your Fonts Are Belong To Us (by Behdad Esfahbod)
16:00 Riding by the Seat of Your Pants: The Jokosher Story (by Jono Bacon) Beagle: Free and Open Desktop Search (by Joe Shaw) NetworkManager (by Christopher Aillon)
17:00 Ekiga: Use Cases (by Damien Sandras) The GNOME Journal: the Community Online Magazine (by Lucas Rocha) Usability Tests: What Should We Test Next? (by Anna Dirks)
18:00 Keynote: Catalan speaker
Tuesday, 27th
10:00 Memory Efficient GNOME Architecture (by Tommi Komulainen) Instant Messaging in GNOME (by Martyn Russell) Taming The Beast: Porting EDS to Dbus (by Ross Burton)
11:00 The New GTK+ Printing API (by Alexander Larsson) Feeds, Syncing, Mobility and Desktop Applications (by Tuomas Kuosmanen) Tiles: An Upgrade From A Linoleum Desktop (by Jim Krehl)
12:00 Keynote: How much faster? (by Federico Mena Quintero)
13:00 LUNCH
14:00 GNOME Foundation AGM
15:00 Lightning talks
16:00 Designing a Library That's Easy to Use (by Carl Worth) Sofia-SIP in Telepathy IM/VoIP Framework (by Kai Vehmanen) Late-breaking news
17:00 Dtrace (by Glynn Foster) Threads, Time, and Transport: New Bling in Gstreamer (by Andy Wingo) The Future of Our VFS Layer (by Christian Kellner)
18:00 Keynote: Guadalinex and Linex
Wednesday, 28th
10:00 Finding Oil With GNOME - A Case Study in 3rd Party Development (by Davyd Madeley) UNIX Power for Desktop (by Rodrigo Moya) MonoDevelop: A Gnome IDE (by Lluis Sanchez)
11:00 Highlights of GTK+ 2.10 (by Kristian Rietveld) OpenOffice.org (by Michael Meeks) Late-breaking news
12:00 Keynote: OLPC ($100 Laptop) (by Jim Gettys)
13:00 LUNCH
15:00 APOC - A Technology for Desktop Configuration in Large Deployments (by Jörg Barfurth) System Integration and the GNOME Desktop (by David Zeuthen) Embeddifying Desktop Applications: Lessons from the AbiWord Experience (by Tomas Frydrych)
16:00 Blind Access Using the Orca Screen Reader (by Willie Walker) Portland - The Linux Desktop untangled (by Waldo Bastian) Building an e-mail client for mobile devices (by Philip Van Hoof)
17:00 Keynote: Free software at Sun Microsystems (by Simon Phipps)
18:00 Conference Closing