See the hacking/BoF days page for time and location information.
This is the yearly GUADEC get-together for GTK and GLib development. GTK will occupy at least the first 2/3s of the BoF slot. GLib topics will be covered in roughly the last 1/3 of the slot.
- GTK4 status
- outstanding changes:
- animations
- listview
- shortcuts
- dnd
- outstanding changes:
- release planning
- GTK 3.24.x
- GTK 4.0
- application porting
- blockers:
- webkitgtk
- gtksourceview
- libhandy
- blockers:
- improving Windows development (and OSX?)
- ci for OS X ?
- GLib planning
PhilipWithnall (GLib)
People who are planning on or are expected to attend:
EmmanueleBassi (when not at Foundation staff meeting)
Remote attendance
There may be a way for specific people to attend remotely. Details to be investigated and confirmed.