Notes are at
- VM images - gnome continuous deprecation? (ostree)
- old vm images from continuous are built from an old Yocto base
- moved to gnome-build-meta built on top of freedesktop-sdk
- vm images are now generated there
but the artifacts are too big for gitlab (> 5GB)'
- Could we upload the images to the same place as gnome continuous?
- Could we use ostree update as a way to have a minimal image that downloads the full image from ostree.
- The current implementation for the ostree update uses an initramfs, we could maybe use just this as minimal image
- continuous mode
- ostree repo?
- openQA
- OpenQA app launching and extended test
- It's pixel based, is it good enough? Font updates will break everything!
- Think about common setup with other OpenQA users like Endless OS? Common set of tests upstream?
- Reuse OEM tests (Graphical)
- Fedora has been using it for a while, testing Fedora Workstation (GNOME) ; we can probably ask Adam Williamson (adamw) for help, and maybe even share the work on the reference screenshots
- Phihlip has some eperience too
- Should publish openQA tests as gnome specifications
- OpenQA app launching and extended test
- Another possible artifact type besides VM images is Amazon EC2 AMI (or maybe some other type of cloud image), accessible over noVNC in a web browser
- VM images are not only for CI to test things on, but also to serve as a showcase of GMOME technologies and provide examples "how GNOME experience should be" to traditional distributions
- CI - docker images for module mantainers?
- Proposal for workflow to test modules:
- Module CI would rebuild gnome build meta image with the modified module
- This might have issues scaling
- Let's try to do it with one module to see if it works
- gnome-build-meta CI trigger CI of all apps
- No core apps on g-b-m
- We avoid duplication of metadata
- CI of core modules (gnome-shell) should be g-b-m (maybe allow to fail)
- metadata in g-b-m so that it is possible to notify owner
- Proposal for workflow to test modules:
- Dependency policy
- Release schedule changes - runtime maintenance
- GNOME has more responsabilty because we now ship a flatpak runtime
- This needs to be maintained for at least a year
- In a stable cycle we could release an unstable cycle of the runtime
- consider having a vulnerabilty point of contact in GNOME
- allows for a direct point of contact to lear about new CVEs
- consider having a point of contact for a specific release point
- this person changes per release point
- maintainance time should not end right at the same time as a release but should have ~2 months after. For instance, a year of maintainance should mean ~14 months.
- applications should have kudos in GNOME software for using newer/non-vulnerable runtime to pressure developers to update
- GNOME has more responsabilty because we now ship a flatpak runtime
- Tarballs deprecation
- Commit refs into the build-meta repo
- gnome-build-meta (library) test suites
- should apps even be in gnome-build-meta? (need to maintain metadata there in addition to flatpak, and even core apps would be distributed as flatpak anyway, not from g-b-m)t
- we dicussed what would be classed as a core app
- build flatpaks from g-b-m using upstream flatpak manifest
- no duplication
- needs flatpak manifest plugins - source and build several components at once
- Remove an app from GNOME OS If an app is available and up to date on flathub and has a working CI that uses flatpak?
- runners situation
- Checkout element refs in the gnome-build-meta repo and implement an auto-update like functionality that tracks and opens MRs.
- Finish VM generation
- Implemtnt ostree repo generation
- Talk with openQA people about what is needed to setup
- Prototype CI using g-b-m and buildstream
- Prototype the gnome-build-meta Docker images inside epiphany CI or glib-networking
- Start investigating 'Developer Mode' and Build tools with the Design team
- Javier: review apps in core and remove when they meet criteria
- have ci, flatpak , publish on flathub
no tarballs -> make signing tags mandatory (at the end the release team would re-sign tags signed by developers), that's because we need to somehow authenticate the sources
- javier: check will Allan about core apps
- Fix everything to use flatpak repos instead of flatpak bundles