GUADEC Committee: 20 March 2013 Meeting
Meeting Information
IRC channel: irc://
Time: 15:00 - 16:00 UTC
- 08:00 Los Angeles/San Francisco
- 11:00 Boston/Montreal/New York
- 15:00 London
- 16:00 Prague
Meeting Minutes
Action Items
16:04 < andre> eh? 16:06 < fnadge> Hi 16:07 < fnadge> roll call:-) 16:07 < fnadge> can we get started or should we wait for karenesque 16:07 < fnadge> ? 16:08 < rishi> fnadge: We can have a barbeque while we wait. 16:08 < muelli> \o/ 16:09 < fnadge> right 16:09 < fnadge> vbenes: any news about social events? 16:10 < fnadge> right, let's do social events later 16:11 < fnadge> rtcm: any news about the website 16:12 < muelli> FWIW: #marketing seems to be busy with the website. 16:13 < vbenes> fnadge: hey I am here 16:13 < vbenes> fnadge: but I still have no info.. it's stuck in our facilities department 16:13 < fnadge> right let's first do social events 16:13 < vbenes> fnadge: but.. we have basically two options 16:13 < fnadge> oops 16:13 < vbenes> semilasso and fleda 16:13 < rtcm> fnadge: andreasn and av have set up the site, it's still behind a login 16:14 < vbenes> both of them are ~500 people 16:14 < vbenes> semilasso is really close to our venue and there is a garden outside of the building available until 11 or so 16:14 < fnadge> vbenes is semilaso much cheaper? 16:14 < vbenes> so we can do some grill outside 16:15 < vbenes> fnadge: I think semilasso will be a bit cheaper 16:15 < fnadge> barby sounds great of course 16:15 < vbenes> fnadge: I will have calculations hopefully this week 16:15 < vbenes> fnadge: are we looking for some catering company as well? 16:16 < fnadge> Can you get prices both for catering and venues 16:17 < vbenes> fnadge: there was a piggie grilled there and some chickens outdoors .. maybe a band can play outdoors as well 16:17 < fnadge> and after that we may see what we can pay 16:17 < vbenes> fnadge: will do .. I can gather those from fleda as well 16:17 < vbenes> fnadge: do we expect less than 500 or more? 16:17 < vbenes> fnadge: there are a bunch of smaller venues as well around 16:18 < vbenes> fnadge: that empty hall with lonely DJ in fleda was so sad during devconf 16:18 < rishi> vbenes: Less than 500, I would say. 16:18 < vbenes> fnadge: there is stary pivovar just behind FIT as well 16:19 < fnadge> interesting, I had a gt 16:19 < vbenes> fnadge: ~150 people 16:19 < fnadge> great time at fleda 16:19 < vbenes> fleda is closer to the city center so maybe good for after party :-) 16:20 < vbenes> anyway, it's under the process so stay tuned about it 16:20 < fnadge> jup, but need to get in touch with the people who run the place now. It's no longer KaM 16:20 < vbenes> nothing more to say 16:21 < fnadge> rtcm: when do we have anything to show on our weebsite? 16:21 < vbenes> fnadge: I know. . girl of my friend was working as a production manager there some time ago .. she knows probably who's in the game now 16:21 < rtcm> fnadge: really soon I think, I'll look at it in closer detail tonight 16:22 < rtcm> andreasn just finished the design and deployed it there yesterday night 16:23 < vbenes> rtcm: do we have some credentials I can log into the page? 16:24 < rtcm> av asked me what we want to do about some mail adresses aliases that are still redirecting to last year's organizers 16:24 < rtcm> we should discuss the ones we want to keep 16:24 < rtcm> and where they should redirect now 16:24 < rtcm> here's the list: 16:25 < pmkovar> how about if we make the guadec planning ML private so that we can redirect there.. ? 16:25 < afranke> Do we have figures from past years for the social events attendance? 16:25 < rtcm> pmkovar: that's a good question 16:26 < pmkovar> i meant 16:27 < av> hi 16:27 < pmkovar> it could be a password protected ML 16:27 < rtcm> av: we're wondering if you could have guadec-local be a private ML and redirect some (most?) of those emails there? 16:27 < sesivany> hi everyone, I'm sorry I'm late. 16:28 * pmkovar has to reconnect now 16:29 < fnadge> rtcm: about the list, we should go through this tomorrow 16:31 < fnadge> otherwise, most of you guys now that at the end of this month I am leaving Red Hat. 16:31 < fnadge> oops 16:31 < fnadge> otherwise, most of you guys know that at the end of this month I am leaving Red Hat. 16:31 < rtcm> the details to see the website for now are 16:32 < rishi> fnadge: Are you coming in tomorrow? 16:32 < fnadge> sure 16:33 < fnadge> rishi kindly offered to be the Red Hat go-to person 16:34 < fnadge> I also will be busy with other stuff so thanks to rishi 16:35 < rtcm> fnadge: thanks for the effort so far - and we know where to find you anyway ;-) 16:35 < sesivany> I'm going to be helping rishi and as GUADEC gets closer I'll be involved more and more. 16:35 < fnadge> hehe 16:35 < rishi> I am sure we won't let fnadge disappear. 16:36 < fnadge> right, karen wanted to talk about ideas for key notes 16:37 < fnadge> nay suggestions? 16:37 < rishi> fnadge: rtcm spoke to Bruno. 16:37 < fnadge> okay? 16:38 < rishi> Bruno Lopes -- he is a senior LLVM developer, and we were exploring ... 16:38 < fnadge> right, i 16:38 < fnadge> I v 16:38 < rishi> ... that front since GNOME uses LLVM for 3D graphics on some platforms. 16:38 < fnadge> I can remeber that we talked about LLVM 16:38 < av> rtcm: so one guadec mailing list with all the mails being received from the istance at 16:38 < rishi> While Bruno is ok with coming, I am not sure this is key note material. 16:39 < rishi> I am going to run this past the Papers Committee to get a wind of what the general opinion is. 16:39 < fnadge> right, maybe we can come up with some criteria for a good key note 16:39 < rtcm> av: yes, except maybe the cfp@ address should probably go to 16:39 < rtcm> av: but I'll file the bug once we reach an agreement 16:39 < fnadge> or even better, the paper committee does that 16:39 < av> rtcm: add all that on the bug report :) 16:40 < av> yes, thanks 16:40 < fnadge> other info? 16:42 < fnadge> If nobody else has anything, maybe xmlich02 knows about the progress of the formal contract of cooperation with VUT 16:42 < fnadge> ? 16:43 < muelli> I have smth: I will want to ship boxes with T-Shirts after LinuxTag (end of May). So we can sell the shirts during GUADEC and pass them on to the next person who's willing to handle them. I will need an address and ideally some storage for the shirts afterwards as well as someone who will ship the boxes on some undefined time after GUADEC. 16:44 < fnadge> great idea, I guess the Red Hat address will be okay 16:44 < sesivany> muelli: I'll be at LinuxTag, I can take them to Brno. 16:44 < sesivany> muelli: we'll probably go by car. 16:44 < muelli> sesivany: that'd be awesome. 16:44 < muelli> like really awesome 16:44 < rtcm> \o/ 16:44 < sesivany> muelli: one more reason to go by car :) 16:45 < muelli> so sesivany.. how likely are you to go? 16:45 < sesivany> muelli: most likely... 90 percent. 16:45 < muelli> IOW shall I note some address nonetheless in case you won't come? 16:46 < sesivany> muelli: in case I won't go, you can send it to Brno office of Red Hat where most of us are. 16:46 < rtcm> muelli: feel free to ask me for an address in that case 16:47 < muelli> coolio. Thanks a bunch. 16:47 < sesivany> muelli: Red Hat Czech, Purkynova 99/71, 61245 Brno, Czech Republic 16:47 < rishi> muelli: Yes, just send it to the Red Hat office. 16:47 < sesivany> muelli: then you can just add any of our names and that's it, 16:47 < muelli> k. 16:47 < sesivany> muelli: but as I said I will most likely be in Berlin for LinuxTag and by car. 16:48 < fnadge> xmlich02: any news about the contract? 16:48 < sesivany> muelli: how many t-shirts are we talking about? I can take a lot, but certainly not something like 500. 16:49 < muelli> sesivany: currently ~400 I guess. 3 big boxes. We'll figure things out. No worries. Maybe they go to afranke anwyay ;-) 16:50 < sesivany> muelli: ok, just let me know if you need any help. 16:51 < muelli> sesivany: aye. 16:52 < rtcm> are we done? 16:52 < muelli> Anything GUADEC needs from the board? 16:53 < fnadge> can't think of anything at the moment 16:54 < fnadge> So, are we done for today? 16:54 * muelli nods 16:55 < sesivany> I guess so 16:55 < andre> cheers! :) 16:55 < fnadge> right. thanks for your time. see you in two weeks time 16:56 < vbenes> thanks all! 16:58 < rtcm> čau! 17:01 < xmlich02> fnadge, thanks for reminding. I will check its current status. 17:03 * rishi waves 17:03 * afranke is sad, nobody answered his question. 17:05 < rtcm> afranke: figures for past years social events? 17:06 < rtcm> I'll ask la coruna's organizers 17:08 < afranke> rtcm, thanks. 17:18 < gpoo> is there a meeting today? 17:27 < fnadge> outch 17:28 < fnadge> gpoo: there was a meeting, an hour ago 17:30 < gpoo> do you have any log? 17:30 < gpoo> PST sucks 17:30 < gpoo> especially after DST