Email Invitations
It would be good to invite interested groups from the local region. This includes:
MetaLab, Vienna - they have an announce list
BrmLab, Prague - they also have an announce list
Initial mail sent on 12 July -
- Red Hat Brno Office
- Initial mail sent on 15 July
Open Questions
- Do people need to register if they are just coming for a day or a weekend? What is the appropriate registration level here?
Newcomers Workshop Information
Please add the following information to the future e-mails being sent
There will be a newcomers' workshop 5-7pm on Thursday, August 1, during which we will help people with any system try out the latest GNOME 3.9 in a virtual machine, discuss organization of the GNOME Project, and help the attendees walk through the interactive tutorial that teaches how to contribute to GNOME. This workshop can serve as a good introduction to people completely new to Free Software and is open to people not registered for the conference.
Stock Email
This is a stock email that can be adapted as needed.
Invitation to GUADEC 2013 in Brno
It is with great pleasure that I would like to invite you to this year's GUADEC conference, which is being held in Brno, Czech Republic, 1 - 8 August. GUADEC is the biggest GNOME conference of the year, and brings Free Software contributors and enthusiasts together from all over the world. It is the GNOME project's main annual event, and includes talks from major figures in the Free Software world, great social events and working sessions. It is always a fun, inspiring and educational conference, and is open to anyone who wants to attend. We would love it if you could join us.
The core conference days are 1 - 4 August, and include talks and social events. There will be keynotes by personalities from the Free Software world, which are on broad topics. We also have a great talk schedule, including:
- Lennart Poettering (Red Hat) on sandboxed applications for GNOME
- Keith Packard (Intel) on desktop compositing
Michael Meeks (SUSE) on LibreOffice
- Robert Bradford (Intel) on Wayland
- Ethan Lee on porting games to Linux
Many other topics will be covered, including women's outreach, WebKit, user experience design, GStreamer, documentation, ownCloud, Tracker, bug management, GTK+, and more. You can find the full talk schedule on the GUADEC website [1].
You can come for just a day or the weekend, and we have affordable accomodation if you need it.
We hope to see you there,
On behalf of the GUADEC 2013 team
Czech Translation
Pozvánka na konferenci GUADEC v Brně
dovolte mi, abych Vás tímto pozval na konferenci GUADEC, která letos se koná v Brně od 1. do 8. srpna. GUADEC je největší konference v rámci projektu GNOME a je platformou, kde se setkávají nadšenci a přispěvatelé hnutí svobodného softwaru (Free Software) z celého světa. Jedná se o hlavní událost roku v kalendáři akcí projektu GNOME. Na konferenci prezentují přední osobnosti ze světa svobodného softwaru a zároveň probíhají workshopy a společenské akce. Ať již z hlediska vzdělání nebo zábavy, tato konference každoročně inspiruje nové přispěvatele a byli bychom rádi, kdybyste se jí i Vy zúčastnili.
Hlavní program přednášek a společenských akcí se koná mezi 1. a 4. srpnem. Mezi přednášejícími se objeví mnoho osobností ze světa svobodného softwaru. Program obsahuje mimo jiné:
Lennart Poettering (Red Hat) — Sandboxed applications for GNOME Keith Packard (Intel) — Desktop compositing Michael Meeks (SUSE) — LibreOffice Robert Bradford (Intel) — Wayland Ethan Lee — Porting games to Linux
Prostor dostane i program Women Outreach, user experience design, technologie Webkit, gstreamer, dokumentace, ownCloud, Tracker, sledování a hlášení chyb, GTK+ a další. Kompletní program je k dispozici na webových stránkách [1].
Pro účast stačí registrace na webu [2]. Můžete se zúčastnit pouze na den, dva nebo víkend za velmi výhodný registrační poplatek pro komunitní nadšence a studenty. Stejně tak můžete využít i nabídky ubytování.
Na viděnou v Brně!
Jménem projektu GNOME, <Name>
Reminder Email
Reminder: GUADEC Begins on Thursday 1 August
In case you missed the news, GUADEC, the annual GNOME conference, begins in Brno on Thursday. The core conference days run from 1 - 4 August, and there is a talk schedule on the website [1]. After that there are working sessions running from 5 - 8 August.
There will also be a newcomers session between 15:00 and 17:00 on 1 August, where there will be tutorials and guidance on how to contribute and get involved.
Please feel free to join the conference at any point; it is always educational, as well as being a lot of fun.
On behalf of the GUADEC 2013 team,
< insert name >