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GUADEC Committee: 21 November 2011 Meeting

Meeting Information

IRC channel: irc://

Time: 16:00 - 17:30 UTC


  1. Status from local team
    • Any progress on selecting members of the program committee?
    • Other items
  2. Infrastructure
    • Web site - any contact about switching domain registration?
    • New guadec-planning email list?
  3. Review unfinished items from previous meetings
  4. Sponsors
    • Discuss remaining steps to finish the brochure
    • Create/manage a list of potential sponsors
    • Who will approach potential sponsors, and how?
  5. Other items

Meeting Minutes



The discussion today was informal.

In reference to a Lyon bid for 2013, dneary asked if it had been decided whether to hold a DS or GUADEC that year. Nobody knew, but txenoo posted the URL for the 2011 Desktop Summit survey results:

An initial Drupal-based website is up at

The local team has prices for accommodations at the university residence halls: 48,21€ double room and 31,45€ single room per night.

The local team is looking into how to handle registration for the conference, and reservations for rooms.

GNOME HISPANO has agreed to deal with financial management, and their bank account will be used for the conference.

The new guadec-planning email list has been created (

There was a brief discussion of Drupal-based conference management system options, especially COD and CDS Indico.

Regarding layout for the sponsor brochure, bobert had received no response from volunteers on the gnome-marketing email list. dneary suggested posting on #gnome-design; bobert did so during the meeting and got an immediate response from Andreas Nilsson. williamfromtexas also posted a request to the guadec Twitter account.

bobert will be traveling in two weeks, and asked if we could do the next meeting a week from today; there were no objections.

Action Items



txenoo: any news from Bob ?
dneary_: Did Karen's absence perhaps cause Bob to defer the meeting?
txenoo: maybe, it is strange because we haven't received any mail from his side.
dneary_: txenoo, How's planning coming along?
dneary_: txenoo, I'm slowly working on plugging the holes in the Lyon bid for 2013
dneary_: But would like to know whether it's a DS or a GUADEC at this point
dneary_: Makes a major difference to the resources we'd need
txenoo: dneary_: i suppose that it will possible be a DS, but i don't know if it has already been decided.
txenoo: Probably the report from organizers of Berlin DS would be evaluated to take the decision
dneary_: txenoo, Isn't that report the one that was put together by the KDE eV interns?
txenoo: where is that one ?
txenoo: i didn't know it was done by interns
williamfromtexas: yes, Inu Kim, helped wrap DS things up nicely
 - yippi uniuse á sala
dneary_: Unfortunately (from my point of view) the survey was only open for a short period of time, at a time when I and others on the GNOME side were busy, so I think not too many GNOME people found out about it
williamfromtexas: i think bobert's busy, or maybe slept in, or missed the time change a couple weeks ago
txenoo: williamfromtexas: the time is ok in his email, so probably any of the other options
txenoo: as Bob and karen are missing i think that i will send an update report to the mailing list
williamfromtexas: should we have a chat anyways, or call the thing off?
txenoo: we could have a chat
txenoo: at least we could have some feedback from you
txenoo: what do you think ?
williamfromtexas: things are ok on my side, a litle slow since i haven't heard a response from the designer for the sponsor brochure
williamfromtexas: i was going to ask bobert if he'd had a reply from the gnome marketing team
williamfromtexas: *for a designer
txenoo: yes, we are waiting for that feedback from gnome-marketing too
williamfromtexas: for the website?
txenoo: for the website last week we decided to devote some time checking for different drupal themes
williamfromtexas: i preferred the guadec2010 layout to the DS2011's site
txenoo: at least for the website we will have available the day of the press release with the basic information for 2012
williamfromtexas: indeed
txenoo: this year is quite minimalist
txenoo: Now we have the default drupal theme
txenoo: This week we expect having the definition of the structure of the web so next week we will work in filling the basic contents
txenoo: I think we could follow the agenda proposed by bob
txenoo: * Status from local team Any progress on selecting members of the program committee?
    Other items
txenoo: In this area the greatest advance from our side was related to having a bid from the halls of residence for next summer
txenoo: we get prices for the accomodation: 48,21€ double room and 31,45€ single room.
txenoo: prices are per day and room
txenoo: they also provided us the form to manage the booking
txenoo: we are thinking about the best way to organize it in the registration process
txenoo: because it needs to be defined how the information is collected and how the payment is managed.
williamfromtexas: maybe keep it separate? having a register for event page, and then a separate register for room + hotel links page?
txenoo: Yes, there are different options so we need to evaluate the easiest one for everybody.
txenoo: On the other side, GNOME HISPANO has agreed on dealing with the financial management, so we will probably use their bank account for the GUADEC organization.
txenoo: we have already created the new guadec-planning mailing list
txenoo: and we are still pending of the management of the domain
txenoo: in the rests of the topics we didn't advance too much because we were working in closing the justifications of 2011 projects for public grants.
williamfromtexas: is there any announcement the local team would like me to make via the identica/twitter?
txenoo: i think that at the begining of december we should publish the basics
williamfromtexas: don't forget to put an analytics into the website so we can track hits
txenoo: we will use te account you sent me for publishing information and making the announces
txenoo: williamfromtexas: good suggestion, i think we have everything logged and awstats could be installed
williamfromtexas: regarding the DS survey, i did make some notes
dneary_: txenoo, Are you reusing anything from the previous GUADECs that used Drupal?
dneary_: txenoo, And have you startedd working on any content yet (keynote invitations, that kind of thing)
williamfromtexas: i'll just dump the text here: In a context of GUADEC2012: 1) Try to utilize press more, 8% of awareness from external press. 28% from social networking. 60% of people from planets. 2% from advertising (linux magazines?).. 2) Most attendees identify as devs or users. Try to fcus on those who identify as Doc writers, artists, bugfixers and usability designers. .. 3) Keynotes "broaden perspectives, are creative/inspiring/in
txenoo: dneary_: we are using now just a plain installation
bobert: Hello all - I apologize for joining so late. We had a small family emergency.
williamfromtexas: hi bobert, i hope all is well
bobert: Yes, it's settled now - thank you!
dneary_: txenoo, Have you looked into what was used before in terms of themes, extensions?
dneary_: txenoo, Have you decided whether or not to reuse COD?
txenoo: that's good
txenoo: dneary_: that's a point to review because previous experiences said that not everybody is happy with solutions used in the past.
txenoo: the only use we are going to do for drupal at this stage is as basic CMS
txenoo: we will review the best option for the CFP and registration and conference management
txenoo: COD is one of the options but i will like to evaluate CDS Indico too.
bobert: I also saw the DS survey. Does anybody know if that's the one the foundation board was waiting on to decide whether 2013 would be a GUADEC or DS?
txenoo: probably yippi and karenesq could give us more feedback about this topic.
bobert: Okay. On another topic, I haven't had any response from designers on the marketing list.
williamfromtexas: i will tweet about it, maybe we can find a designer that way?
williamfromtexas: "GUADEC 2012 organizers looking to build a designer team. Want to be a part? Email" ?
bobert: That sounds like a good idea. If that doesn't work, I've done document layouts before, but they tend to be kind of boring. 
williamfromtexas: ya, i don't work on that stuff often so it's a lot of re-learning, probably easy for ppl who like
bobert: btw, I meant the results of my layout work tend to be boring. I find it interesting to do.
txenoo: it would be usefull having the templates used in previous brochures
txenoo: i didn't found any scribus document in the repositories
txenoo: just the pdf
williamfromtexas: should be enough for someone to copy easily
williamfromtexas: what address should we have interested designers reply to?
txenoo: we could use the
bobert: Sounds good.
williamfromtexas: done
bobert: It looks like 2006, 2007, and 2008 all used the same template for the sponsor brochure
txenoo: bobert: having the template would be a point to start working
dneary_: Sorry! Dropped off IRC for a while
dneary_: txenoo, I was only asking the question, not advocating
dneary_: txenoo, But part of the reason why people might have been unhappy could be, the solutions didn't get enough attention, and never get reused
dneary_: txenoo, I think COD could be fine, if reused, but I'm not the expert
dneary_: bobert, What do you need a designer for? Perhaps #gnome-design mighht be a better place to ask?
bobert: We're looking for people to work on the sponsor brochure graphical layout now, and to generally help with graphics tasks over the next months.
bobert: Is that the kind of thing people in #gnome-design would do?
txenoo: probably they will be the same people 
williamfromtexas: i say lets hope also for some fresh people! outsiders are good too 
bobert: If it's okay with everybody, I'd like to meet again a week from today. I'll be traveling two weeks from today and won't be able to attend.
williamfromtexas: next monday same time should be ok. any action points to take care of in the coming week?
bobert: I can't really see any right now. I'm about to post a request to #gnome-design.
txenoo: ok
dneary_: bobert, It seems like all the graphic designers hang out more in #gnome-design than in marketing-list
txenoo: for me it will be ok, but i would have more info it we do after next monday
williamfromtexas: oops. apparently you shouldn't tweet email addresses, cuz they are converted to short urls
bobert: Wow! Got a response from #gnome-design already!
bobert: W00t!
txenoo: because we are doing the local team meetings every two weeks at 22:15 localtime
dneary_: bobert, You're welcome 
bobert: dneary_, you're a hero! Thank you!
bobert: Let's go ahead and wrap up for this week. See you all next week!

2024-10-23 11:08