Minutes for Meeting of August 1st, 2011
Next Meeting
- TBD after Desktop Summit 2011
- Andreas Nilsson
- Andre Klapper
- Bob Murphy
- Chema Casanova
- Christophe Fergeau
- Jose
- Jiri Eischmann
- Jaroslav Reznik
- Florian Nadge
- Emily Chen
- Petr Kovar
Shaun McCance
Meeting Minutes
- No specific topics, encourage free discussion in this meeting between Board and bid teams.
- The Bid team will have a meeting with Board during the Desktop Summit
Each team has 15 mins to present, clarify, Q&A.
- The schedule for the bid presentation:
- August 8 15:00 - 15:15 A Coruña Bid presentation time
- August 8 15:20 - 15:35 Brno Bid presentation time
- August 8 15:40 - 15:55 Lyon Bid presentation time
- Meeting location: TBC - One of the rooms behind the mail lecture hall
- [07:02am] emily: Today, there is no specific topics for today's meeting.
- [07:02am] bobert: Hello all
[07:03am] emily: We encourage free discussion and Q&A here
- [07:03am] emily: hello bobert
- [07:03am] andre900 joined the chat room.
- [07:03am] andreasn_: hi
[07:03am] emily: hi <andreasn_>
- [07:03am] bobert: By the way, I won't be at the Desktop Summit - I've had something come up and have to stay in California
- [07:03am] emily: That's a pity bobert
- [07:04am] sesivany: Hi, I'm back from holidays, so if you have any questions regarding Brno's proposal, just shoot
[07:04am] emily: Great, thanks <sesivany>.
- [07:04am] txenoo: the same about Coruña
- [07:04am] fnadge1 left the chat room. (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
- [07:05am] bobert: Yes, I agree - I was really looking forward to it. On another topic, I think all three proposals looked quite good. My wife suggested we just have three GUADECs that year.
- [07:05am] emily: Ha, good suggestion
- [07:06am] bobert: What is the next step after today's meeting? Does the GNOME board or somebody make the decision on which to select?
- [07:07am] emily: The board haven't vote on the final bid yet. They will meet and vote during the Desktop Summit Board meeting
- [07:08am] emily: Bid team are encouraged to talk with any board member during the Desktop Summit
- [07:08am] txenoo: I would like to comment that if anyone from the board is interested in meeting during Desktop Summit, fid_jose will be in Berlin for solving any doubt, because attending to Berling is impossible for me.
- [07:08am] jreznik: nearly the whole Brno's team is attending BDS
- [07:09am] pmkovar1: jreznik: right, at least sesivany, me, fnadge and jreznik
- [07:09am] emily: Board will have a two half-day meeting during Desktop Summit
- [07:10am] emily: andreasn: what is the exactly time for the board meeting?
- [07:10am] sesivany: pmkovar1: also Andre
- [07:10am] pmkovar1: sesivany: right
- [07:10am] fid_jose: i'll be at desktop summit on behalf of coruña's proposal, so if you have any doubt, comment, etc, just tell me
[07:10am] emily: Good the hear that your team will be in DS, jreznik & <txenoo> & <fid_jose>
[07:11am] pmkovar1: emily: is the meeting included in the program somewhere? i can't find it at https://www.desktopsummit.org/program
- [07:11am] fnadge1 joined the chat room.
- [07:11am] pmkovar1: w would love to know which day is it
- [07:12am] emily: The board meeting is not in the DS program . Board will use other room for the Board meeting
- [07:12am] pmkovar1: emily: thanks
- [07:12am] emily: August 8 morning
- [07:12am] fid_jose: (btw, as many of you don't know me, my real name is jose millan, there's a photo of me in our bid)
[07:12am] emily: Need confirm with <andreasn_> about the Board meeting time
- [07:15am] shaunm: the first day's meeting time has been shuffled around a bit recently
- [07:16am] jreznik: just a note - we are leaving on Wednesday (but some in the night)
- [07:16am] shaunm: 11:00-18:00 is the current plan, I think
- [07:16am] andreasn_: let me double check
- [07:16am] andreasn_: yes, that's correct
- [07:17am] emily: 11-18 on August 8 ?
- [07:17am] andreasn_: yes
- [07:17am] emily: Only one day ?
- [07:18am] pmkovar1: is there a plan to have a meeting with the bid teams after the board meeting?
- [07:18am] pmkovar1: probably on tuesday?
- [07:18am] andreasn_: emily, no, there is a meeting on tuesday as well.
[07:19am] emily: <pmkovar1>: we have no plan so far, but we can discuss in board-list
- [07:19am] fnadge1: Well is there a meeting with the teams before the final decision?
- [07:19am] txenoo: emily: i'm leaving now, if you have any question about the bids please just ask fid_jose have a nice DS.
[07:19am] emily: Not yet, <fnadge1> If there is a need, we can arrange that
[07:20am] emily: <txenoo>: Thanks. See you
- [07:20am] andreasn_: the teams will know if they are accepted or not before it's announced during the big Foundation meeting
- [07:20am] pmkovar1: fnadge1: sounds like a good idea
- [07:21am] emily: If both bid team would like to meet with Board team before make the decision, we can talk about this and posiible arrage this
- [07:23am] fid_jose: i also think that would be a good idea
- [07:23am] sesivany: yes, the meeting would be nice if there are still things to make clear.
- [07:23am] emily: How about give 15 mins to each team ?
- [07:24am] fnadge1: Sounds very good, thanks
- [07:24am] pmkovar1: that would be fantastic, yes
- [07:24am] sesivany: that sounds good
- [07:24am] emily: The represent of each team can use slides, photo, or just talk with board member.
[07:25am] emily: <andreasn_>: If the schedule is not full, can we arrange 15 min *3 = 45 mins for bid team in our board meeting ?
- [07:25am] emily: On the first day of Board meeting. Then we can vote on the second day
- [07:26am] jreznik: that's probably better than just proposal, also the interaction and concerns all teams could clarify
- [07:26am] andreasn_: we don't have a very strict schedule, so I think we can do it on Tuesday
- [07:26am] emily: Sounds good.
- [07:27am] emily: So every team will have their reprsent people
- [07:27am] emily: Can I have the name of the representor from each bid team ?
- [07:27am] andreasn_: I think Monday might be filled with stuff like talking to our new ED, making sure the seats for President, Secretary etc. is filled
- [07:28am] sesivany: emily, the number of people will be limited. I think it would be nice if the board could meet as many people from the organizing team as possible.
- [07:28am] txenoo left the chat room. (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
- [07:28am] sesivany: of course the presentation will be given by one or two persons.
[07:29am] emily: <andreasn_>: do you have an idea how big the room is ?
- [07:29am] fid_jose left the chat room. (Konversation terminated!)
- [07:30am] andreasn_: emily, no, not specifically. I asked for a room that could contain the board+staff. How many are there in each team?
- [07:30am] fid_jose joined the chat room.
- [07:30am] andreasn_: 5-6 people, probably ok to fit. 20, no
- [07:30am] sesivany: there will be 5 persons from our team max.
- [07:31am] andreasn_: if people are ok with standing up for 15 I don't think it will be a problem
- [07:31am] andre_: I can sit on the ground.
- [07:31am] shaunm: if any team has 20 organizers there, surely we can ask them to only send in 5-6 representatives
- [07:32am] emily: Do we invite three bids team together , or one by one ?
- [07:32am] andreasn_: one by one seems more sane, as we have space issues
- [07:33am] shaunm: agreed
- [07:33am] fid_jose: i agree
- [07:33am] shaunm: if we only make the decision on tuesday, will we have a chance to see the teams before the AGM?
- [07:33am] shaunm: I think they should be told the decision before the AGM
- [07:34am] andreasn_: shaunm, yes, that would be best
- [07:34am] emily: The AGM is on August 9
- [07:34am] shaunm: the current schedule leaves 3 hours between our second-day meeting and the AGM
- [07:35am] andreasn_: hm, better to meet the teams on monday then?
- [07:35am] emily: Prefer to do it one day early
- [07:37am] andreasn_: Monday after 15:00 then perhaps?
- [07:38am] fid_jose: ok for me
- [07:38am] shaunm: Any time is fine for me. The only concern for Monday meetings is that groups might have conflicts with talks and such
- [07:39am] sesivany: I'll have a volunteer duty at 16:20, but I'm pretty sure I can swap it if necessary.
- [07:40am] jreznik: sesivany: np, we are 4 people there so even in case you can't attend we can
- [07:41am] emily: I have a talk on August 8 10:20 - 10:50 am. I am OK with this time
- [07:42am] andre_: hmm, I might give a talk on Monday around 4:20
- [07:42am] emily: start from 15:00, you can catch up
- [07:43am] emily: 15:00 - 16:00, 15 mins for each team and has 5 min buffer
- [07:43am] andre_: sounds good
- [07:44am] emily: The order will be: 15:00 - 15:15 A Coru?a Bid; 15:20 - 15: 35 Brno bid; 15:40 - 15:55 Lyon bid
- [07:44am] emily: How does this sounds ?
- [07:44am] andre_: fine
- [07:44am] fid_jose: i think this sounds good
- [07:45am] emily: andreasn_: is this time OK ?
- [07:45am] andreasn_: yes, we have access to the room and we don't have a fixed schedule for the board meeting as such, so sounds fine
- [07:46am] emily: OK, let's do it according to this time
- [07:49am] emily: andreasn_: Do we know the room address for our meeting? So we can tell our bid team
- [07:50am] andreasn_: it's in the main university building, I'm not sure I have the name, but I can get you the info in a couple of hours time
- [07:50am] andreasn_: (kat who arranged it is currently out printing stuff)
- [07:51am] andreasn_: but it's one of the rooms behind the mail lecture hall
- [07:51am] andreasn_: main
- [07:53am] toscalix left the chat room. (Remote closed the connection)
- [07:53am] emily: I will send reminder email to contact person of each team about the location and Time once we confirmed with the venue.
- [07:54am] toscalix joined the chat room.
- [07:56am] fnadge1: Great, so we will see you guys there
- [07:56am] emily: Yes, see you in Berlin
- [07:58am] emily: Is there any other issue we need to discuss here today ?
- [07:58am] emily: before we depature to Berlin
- [08:00am] emily: Thank you all for attending today's IRC meeting
- [08:00am] emily: Looking forward to seeing you in Berlin
- [08:01am] bobert: Thank you all
- [08:01am] andreasn_: see you in Berlin!
[08:02am] emily: https://live.gnome.org/GUADEC/GUADEC-2011-0801
- [08:02am] emily: Today's IRC meeting minutes