Task list
Tasks in bold need urgent completion.
See also guadec.planner (v0.01, to be used with Imendio Planner, HTML export will be available once we have beta version)
- to do
Local team constitution: to be completed in the meeting on 12/dec in Barcelona. QuimGil
Local team meetings routine: to be decided in the meeting on 12/dec in Barcelona. QuimGil
- GUADEC-ES coordination team
LocalWorkshops coordination team
- in progress
- done
Conference content
- to do
- in progress
- done
- to do
Travel expenses: GermanPooCaamano
Marketing budget: QuimGil
Hospitality budget
Conference budget: QuimGil
Sponsorship tariffs and estimate: QuimGil
Registration tariffs and estimate: defining profiles, prices, discounts and expected income. FernandoSanMartinWoerner
General budget: depends on all the budgets and estimates. Deadline 9/jan. QuimGil
- in progress
Coordination budget: QuimGil
- done
- to do
- List of possible local sponsors (Catalan and Spanish level + local branches of international corporations).
- Who and how contact local sponsors.
- in progress
GUADEC portfolio for possible sponsors: first exchange of ideas and materials. QuimGil
- List of possible global sponsors. Just a brief first scketch based on previous GUADEC.
- Who and how contact global sponsors. First emails sent to planning and board.
- done
- to do
- Find accountant. The board will find one for the whole Foundation.
- Decide cash flow dynamics: bank accounts used, who may pay on behalf GNOME, $ vs €...
- Investigate whether the GNOME Foundation bank(s) offer web payment platform.
- Keep books.
Petty cash & site management. QuimGil
- in progress
- done
- 2/dec - Decide the right way to pay GUADEC.related expenses. Provisional decision is: ask for budget approval, pay and invoice for yourself, invoice the Foundation afterwards.
- to do
Arrangement of rooms and equipment: to be defined in the visit to Vilanova on 13/dec. QuimGil
- Wifi
- Security
- Insurance
- in progress
- done
1/dec/05 - Definitive place and dates: Vilanova i la Geltrú announced as the board needs to decide. DaveNeary
Communication & Media
- to do
- Travel suggestions: Earlier is cheaper.
Online registration: what exactly needs to be done, data management. FernandoSanMartinWoerner
Website setup: installing a Drupal CMS with the gnomedesktop.org theme, basic contents and some modules. FernandoSanMartinWoerner
Control over the server: find the best way to have access to the server to test, install... The protocol has been decided in theory with infrastructures. QuimGil
- Web content maintenance and updates.
Press releases & Media pack
- Media relations
- Contact with the local groups
- Conference printed program, leaflets and bag
- Merchandising
- in progress
- done
- to do
- GUADEC party and off-GUADEC activities: Local team
- Food: Local team
- Accommodation - do we block book?: Local team
- in progress
- done