Requirements confirmed
Days & Schedule
- 24 June, Sat. GUADEC - Local activities, Guadec-es/hispano, European BOFs...
- 25-28 June, Sun. - Wed. GUADEC
- 29-30 June, Mon. Post-GUADEC
- Wireless network is available (with log-in)
- Do we need non-wireless LAN to plug?
- Should we offer desktop computers à la cybercafé?
- Bandwidth assured: ??? in - ??? out.
- Better video recording
- Better preparation for the presentations (beamers,etc.)
What do we need in each room. Put your requirements here.
Press & Marketing
Travel & Accomodation
- Help people from other countries/regions
- Create a nice map (how do I get from A to B?)
- Create a map of the city showing the way to GUADEC
- Make sure that there are enough hotels and youth hostels, etc. to stay
- Think of inexpensive accomodation
- Help on Visa for non-EU people needing help.
Put your requirements here.
Food & Drinks
In Stuttgart there was food4free. But there wasn't anything left in the afternoon. Maybe we can do better in Barcelona?!
Murray's suggestion:
- An area for eating at lunchtime, and food to eat.
Dave: I would suggest that having coffee and cold drinks (coke, water) on tap, and letting people use the available facilities for food, would be fine.
Social/Parallel Events
- Name tags
To be defined after discussing with the IGC
Printed program
To be considered: