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GUADEC Marketing BOF

This BOF was first proposed on the website.

The GUADEC marketing BOF will take place in a prominent common area in Villanova from 10am to 12am on Wednesday of the conference.

A rough agenda for the BOF, which will be primarily an action-oriented planning meeting, was outlined on marketing list at the start of June (but the archives appear to be in some trouble still).

Here it is again, for reference:

BOF agenda

I'm sure that we're all more or less tired of discussing target markets over and over - I'd like to propose that we organise a strategy for attacking 3 major markets -

Third party developers

Public administrations


Jono Bacon's UK tour, or the BadgerBadgerBadger tour as good examples of possibilities - encourage your local LUG to have open door sessions, and get a "big name" to come & present

This is a huge amount of work, but luckily, it's broken down into small chunks, which can have bite-sized micro-tasks - for instance one person can organise a GNOME presentation at the local university and get a GNOME developer to come & present. One person can contact the Sao Paolo government. One person can organise trade show presence.

If we do this stuff well, it will make a massive difference to our marketing. Even if we do one category really well, it will rock GNOME's world. Even if we do half of each category well, we change everything.

Let's get moving in the right direction. I will not be surprised when we change course during the voyage, but let's haul anchor, hoist the mainsail and drift off into the sunset.


If you are interested in this session please write your name and any contact details that you feel are appropriate below. If you can attend, write in the "Physical" section. If you would like to attend but cannot, please write in the "Virtual" section. If enough people show an interest maybe we can convince the GUADEC organisers to stream (or at least record) the session.

I (John Williams) have taken the liberty of adding the names of two people that I happen to know will be there :)




Dave Neary's series of blog entries on marketing GNOME:

John Williams' series of GNOMEJournal articles on marketing GNOME

Various l.g.o pages:

2024-10-23 11:08