Good things
Please repeat them in Birmingham 2007 and improve them if you can!
- 7 days of GUADEC, with plenty of time to meet.
- Football Tournament
- Badges with the program and other useful information. / Having the program included with the accreditation card (javivázquez)
- GUADEC village
- Drooling Macaque Band
- Embedded forum
- Computer table in main hall
- The beach
- Parties
- Sponsorship of so many participants who would otherwise not have been able to come
- Lightning talks (javivázquez)
- Having one person half-time paid (Quim) to coordinate. In my opinion, at least one person full-time time would be strongly needed for next GUADEC (javivázquez)
- Warm-up weekend with tutorials for beginners in the local languages.
- On site lunch, which let people to meet more people.
- Exotic conference places like Museum de Balaguer or Museum de Ferrocarril.
- Mostly volunteer driven
- Transparent, open and inviting organization of the GUADEC
- Accomodation and Meals (even they can be improved)
- Badges with relevant stamps, specially GNOME stamp for Foundation Members, which let people being aware of Foundation Membership more.
- LUGRadio and Fluendo as official media partners, it added a nice touch for those of us unfortunate enough to miss GUADEC
Bad things
Please avoid them in any future GNOME event! If you have complaints affecting third parties (Vilanova Park, UPC and so on) please go as specific as possible so we can report them properly.
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global issue |
guadec2006 issue |
WiFi didn't work in Vilanova Park as expected for most bungalows.
WiFi was intermittent at the main sites, and the network was inadequate for streaming. The only way to make it work is to plan to have it working well before the date it's needed. (murrayc)
Make sure to schedule 45 minute talk slots all the time (the space should be clear for the next speaker at 50 mins). This needs to be in the call for papers, the acceptance mail sent out to accepted presenters and mail sent to invitees, and also in the printed schedule.
No chance to test laptops with projectors, and no pre-conference information about the projector models in use. (murrayc)
Not enough tables for hacking. The floor and benches were too uncomfortable to be productive. (murrayc)
Not enough power sockets. (murrayc)
No information about the special GUADEC buses (schedule), on the warm up week end, people ended calling taxis
Vilanova park has awful bathrooms: taking a shower would cause an inundation
Not very good public transport between Vilanova Park and the Conference site.
The special GUADEC bus transports were very unreliable -- on at least one occasion, the bus left three minutes early from the beach, leaving 10 GUADEC attendants having to wait for another hour at the bus stop. Sometimes, the bus simply didn't show up at all.
7 days was maybe 1 day too long - after-hours was really after-hours.
Salt-water showers
Should try to have accommodation closer to conference, if possible
Poor sound quality in the tent - the board AGM was totally incomprehensible. (murrayc)
Names only appeared on one side of the name badge and name badges easily twisted to show the backside instead of the front
Air conditioning in the accomodations shouldn't have been optional (this caused some to miss morning talks due to the heat and how slowly the bungalows would cool down even with all windows open)
Insufficient ethernet connections (not everyone has a wireless card!)
Name badge swapping at the party was a really bad idea
Bad food. Breakfast and lunch in Spain should be a pleasure, not a horror. Maybe it would be worthy to pay a bit more and enjoy breakfasts and lunchs. (javivázquez)
Sometimes, too strict control to access the rooms. e.g. Carlos from Nokia was almost prohibited from going to a talk. (javivázquez)
Schedule closed too late. The sooner the schedule is closed, the sooner is possible to publizise and organize everything (javivázquez)
No prepared information for the tasks like "rome responsibility", "infodesk" etc
unreliable registration information (like meals)
Missing infrastructure for the infodesk like printer, live-cd etc.
Not enough volunteer meetings, e.g. start up meeting, daily meetings on the same time in the same room
Bad air conditioning in a room, for example in the robert love talk. (pedro)
The breakfast was the same every day, at the third day you get tired. (pedro)
The registration process maybe can be improved with a laptop and a proper export of the database (GilForcada)
Make the website of more interactively with a "hot information" corner (GilForcada)