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Ad in Spanish

Initially design for Gaceta Tecnológica, it is aimed to the audience in Spain. The size is 5x2 250mmx87mm.

Image & structure

We can keep the web header concept with the globus, since the size is quite similar. Big header, 3 columns and a row in the bottom with all the logos


((logo GUADEC)) The GNOME Conference Campus Universitari de la Mediterrània · Vilanova i la Geltrú ·

Be part of GNOME 3.0

WarmUp Weekend · 24 y 25 de Junio Sesiones locales e introductorias ¡entrada libre! GUADEC-ES - GUADEC-CA - Tutorials: Mono, Maemo, C++, Python, GStreamer & more

GUADEC Core · 26 al 28 de Junio Conferencias plenarias y sectoriales Jim Gettys (One Laptop Per Child) - Simon Phipps - Kathy Sierra - Federico Mena - Norbert Bilbeny - gnuLinEx & Guadalinex and +30 track sessions

After Hours Workshops · 29 y 30 de Junio Talleres, hacking y manos a la obra (((Selection to be defined today Monday)))

(((A row of logos))) Patrocinan: (Nokia) (OSDL) (Sun) (Imendio) (Igalia) (Fluendo) (Google) (OpenedHand) (Red Hat) (+3 logos more announced today Monday). Co-organizan: (GNOME) (GNOME Hispano) (DURSI) (CampusMed)


2024-10-23 11:08