Attachment 'irc-2010-10-27.txt'


   1 11:40:47 [Users #foundation]
   2 11:40:47 [@OgMaciel] [ desrt        ] [ fredp      ] [ jwendell] [ pcutler  ] [ stormy] 
   3 11:40:47 [ aday    ] [ eeejay       ] [ gpoo       ] [ kairo   ] [ pockeylam] [ vuntz ] 
   4 11:40:47 [ afranke ] [ fargiolas    ] [ hadess     ] [ marina  ] [ scaroo   ] [ yippi ] 
   5 11:40:47 [ andreasn] [ fmuellner|bbl] [ jjmarin_afk] [ msantana] [ seb128   ] [ zana  ] 
   6 11:40:47 [ bratsche] [ fredm        ] [ jrb        ] [ pbor    ] [ shaunm   ] 
   7 11:40:47 -!- Irssi: #foundation: Total of 29 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 28 normal]
   9 10:06 < pcutler> shall we get started?
  10 10:06 < desrt> sure
  11 10:06 < pcutler> The agenda is here:
  12 10:06 < pcutler> please add to it if there is something you'd like to talk about
  13 10:06 -!- marina [] has joined #foundation
  14 10:07 < pcutler> first up is applications in GNOME 3
  15 10:07 < pcutler> there has been a lot of discussion on d-d-l, and we just wanted to open it up to any quesitons anyone might have
  16 10:07 < pcutler> (that and we wanted to put vuntz to work)
  17 10:07 < vuntz> oh, wait, I have an appointment with the dentist
  18 10:08 -!- SFD_Fred [~fred@] has joined #foundation
  19 10:08 < andreasn> his teeth is fine
  20 10:08 -!- pockeylam [~pockeylam@] has joined #foundation
  21 10:08  * vuntz waits to see if there's any question
  22 10:08 -!- fargiolas [] has joined #foundation
  23 10:09 < pcutler> vuntz: can you take a minute and talk about the goals of apps in GNOME and how we want to be more welcoming?
  24 10:09 -!- pbor [] has joined #foundation
  25 10:09 -!- jjmarin [] has joined #foundation
  26 10:10 < vuntz> so the background is at
  27 10:10 -!- seb128 [~seb128@] has left #foundation []
  28 10:10 -!- seb128 [~seb128@] has joined #foundation
  29 10:10 < vuntz> the very short story is that we don't want to limit the definition of a gnome app to a closed subset of what we ship
  30 10:11 < vuntz> at the moment, to be an official gnome app, the app has to be useful to many users (since it's required to be part of the desktop moduleset)
  31 10:12 -!- fredp [] has joined #foundation
  32 10:12 < vuntz> but an application can be 100% gnomey and still be useful to only, say, french people
  33 10:12 -!- fmuellner [~florian@] has joined #foundation
  34 10:12 -!- sense [~sense@] has joined #foundation
  35 10:13 < desrt> i wonder if we are maybe trying to have too large of a scope for the gnome project
  36 10:13 < vuntz> another case is that we don't want to penalize great competing apps if we do bless one app
  37 10:13 < desrt> to me it seems like "GNOME" should be the core desktop stuff
  38 10:13 < vuntz> the usual rhythbmox vs banshee topic
  39 10:13 < desrt> say, the things installed by default or something like that
  40 10:13 < desrt> or the things that 90% of users will use
  41 10:13 < vuntz> (where we could choose to say rb is the official gnome app, and just alienate the whole banshee community away from the gnome one)
  42 10:14 -!- sankarshan [] has joined #foundation
  43 10:14 < desrt> at the same time, we can export a bunch of ideas that we want other apps to follow
  44 10:14 < desrt> offer them free hosting
  45 10:14 < desrt> etc
  46 10:14 < vuntz> desrt: that's part of the reorganization, where we propose the core desktop
  47 10:14 < desrt> and they can be "gnomey" without being gnome
  48 10:14 < desrt> vuntz: it seems like this "non-core GNOME" distinction is a bit synthetic
  49 10:15 < vuntz> what do you mean?
  50 10:15 < desrt> is it unhealty to have apps written to be used with gnome but that are not part of gnome?
  51 10:15  * vuntz points out that desrt and he are one meter away ;-)
  52 10:15 < desrt> eh.... 1.5
  53 10:15 < vuntz> oh, it's definitely not
  54 10:15 -!- Marcelo [~chatzilla@] has joined #foundation
  55 10:16 < vuntz> but I think we do want them to feel part of the project
  56 10:16 < vuntz> to be part of the gnome community
  57 10:16 < vuntz> not to be just some random external group of people
  58 10:16 -!- Marcelo is now known as m_rodrigues
  59 10:16 < vuntz> of course, they don't have to be
  60 10:16 < vuntz> that's up to them
  61 10:16 <@OgMaciel> 10:13:31 < desrt> to me it seems like "GNOME" should be the core desktop stuff
  62 10:16 < desrt> vuntz: i think that if we want to do that then we need to *vastly* lower the barriers to entry in our infrastructure
  63 10:17 <@OgMaciel> desrt: do you mean platform or desktop?
  64 10:17 < desrt> OgMaciel: i'm not totally sure i appreciate the distinction to be honest
  65 10:17 < jjmarin> vuntz: that's a good point, GNOME is people and we want a lot of people :)
  66 10:17 < desrt> i mean to include obvious cases like nautilus and panel
  67 10:18 < desrt> ^Wshell
  68 10:18 < robert_ancell> I would like to see information on how best to leverage gnome services, e.g. translations.  i.e. "to get automatic translations use the GNOME git server.  If you choose not to use GNOME git then you should xxx to enable your application to be translated"
  69 10:18 -!- bratsche [~cody@] has joined #foundation
  70 10:18 < bratsche> Word.
  71 10:18 <@OgMaciel> desrt: sure the line between what comprises the platform and the desktop can be a bit fuzzy
  72 10:18 < jwendell> we should limit the power of having a git account. by offering free hosting means giving lots of git accounts
  73 10:19 < desrt> jwendell: yes.  that's exactly where i was interested in driving this conversation
  74 10:19 <@OgMaciel> robert_ancell, jwendell please add your topics to the agenda
  75 10:19 < andreasn> I heard kde is setting up their own gitorius
  76 10:19 < vuntz> the infrastructure thing is another part of the topic
  77 10:19 < jwendell> it's on the topic
  78 10:19 < desrt> i don't think we want to go "tiered" for git accounts
  79 10:19 < desrt> but maybe that's what is needed
  80 10:19 -!- jrb [] has joined #foundation
  81 10:20 < vuntz> for the app part of the moduleset reorg, there's the idea that we accept projects hosted elsewhere (which raises several issues we have to work on, like translators' workflow)
  82 10:21 < pcutler> for the sake of time, we'll move on to the next topic, if anyone has anything to add i'd recommend adding to the thread on d-d-l
  83 10:21 < shaunm> vuntz: but I think the biggest objections to the app moduleset is the hosting and workflow thing
  84 10:21 < pbor> so, with the proposed reorganization, will the "apps" have the same amount of qa? will they be built and smoketested before a release?
  85 10:22 < pcutler> the next topic is GNOME 3 videos:
  86 10:22 < jwendell> pbor, that's quite impossible
  87 10:22 < pcutler> Jason Clinton has been driving this in the Marketing team.  I can't seem to find the link on the wiki now that I need it.
  88 10:23 -!- hevauq [~anuz@] has left #foundation []
  89 10:23 < pbor> jwendell: I know, hence my question... 
  90 10:23 < vuntz> (shaunm: more the workflow than the hosting itself, but yeah; we need to work on that)
  91 10:23 < pcutler> But he needs help and will be at the Boston Summit - we're looking for things we should highlight about GNOME 3.0 that can be featured in a 30 second to 1 minute video showing a screencast with a voice over explaining the new features
  92 10:23 < pockeylam> pcutler, ? 
  93 10:24 < pcutler> pockeylam: that's it, thanks!
  94 10:24 < jwendell> basically 'new features' == gnome shell, right?
  95 10:24 < andreasn> Dan Williams said we could reach out to the fedora design people to help with videos
  96 10:24 < pcutler> jwendell: I think we have more things than just Shell to talk about too
  97 10:24 < jwendell> I don't think so
  98 10:24 < andreasn> some cool apps would be nice to talk about too
  99 10:25 < shaunm> would it be possible to provide closed captions for the vidoes?
 100 10:25 < pcutler> jwendell: we have new user help, new a11y features, Tomboy Online, new features in apps like Amazon integration in Banshee, etc
 101 10:25 < jwendell> that's what we have *today*
 102 10:25 -!- kairo [~kairo@] has joined #foundation
 103 10:25 < jwendell> so, they're not 'new features of gnome 3'
 104 10:25 < jwendell> shaunm, yep, youtube allows that
 105 10:25 < pcutler> shaunm: someone had an idea about we could do closed captions, but I don't remember who off the top of my head
 106 10:26 < shaunm> 1) it would make them accessible to deaf people, and 2) captions are easier to translate, so we could at least get them subtitled in different languages
 107 10:26 <@OgMaciel> good points
 108 10:26 < jwendell> that happened in guadec intro video
 109 10:26 < jwendell>
 110 10:27 < jwendell> the subtitles are available for translation in danmed lies
 111 10:27 <@OgMaciel> so for this topic, we need ideas and suggestions for things to put on the video
 112 10:27 <@OgMaciel> feedback can be sent to...?
 113 10:27 < pcutler> please add those ideas to the wiki page above or email the marketing list
 114 10:27 < robert_ancell> Don't focus on new features in GNOME3, focus on features that are *in* GNOME3 but make it more compelling than other platforms
 115 10:27 < shaunm> awesome. then we have the tech. probably don't need to discuss it more here.
 116 10:27 < pcutler> Jason will be at the Boston Summit too, if you're there, please share your ideas with him
 117 10:27 <@OgMaciel> good point robert_ancell 
 118 10:28 -!- fmuellner is now known as fmuellner|bbl
 119 10:28 < pcutler> so speaking of Boston Summit, the wiki page is here:
 120 10:29 < pcutler> If you're coming, please add your name
 121 10:29 < pcutler> It's typically an unconference, but if you there is a specific talk or session you want to give, you can add it here too:
 122 10:30 -!- SEJeff_work [~jeff__@] has joined #foundation
 123 10:31 < pcutler> vuntz: two trips to the US in 2 weeks?!
 124 10:32 < vuntz> pcutler: one long trip
 125 10:32 < pcutler> any questions on the Boston Summit?  
 126 10:32 < stormy> pcutler, OgMaciel added GNOME 3 goals as part of his original post
 127 10:33 < pcutler> I'll turn it over to OgMaciel for the GNOME 3 goals
 128 10:34 <@OgMaciel> obviously we want to make sure that GNOME 3 will have the very latest apps and features from the GNOME stack
 129 10:35 <@OgMaciel> but I'm interested to learn from you guys what you think of GNOME 3 and what can we do to make it so
 130 10:36 <@OgMaciel> errr
 131 10:36 < stormy> GNOME 3 will be more than just a technical release
 132 10:36 < stormy> It will also need lots of marketing effort - from everyone.
 133 10:37 < stormy> The world will be watching to see if it's like KDE 4 or not.
 134 10:37 < stormy> And it's up to us to make sure it's awesome technically (which is why we've waiting till now) and that people understand why it's so awesome.
 135 10:37 -!- reinouts [] has joined #foundation
 136 10:37 < pockeylam> agreed, that's why we need to work on the worldwide launch party 
 137 10:38 < andreasn> yay for worldwide party!
 138 10:38 < stormy> pockeylam, agreed!
 139 10:38 < SEJeff_work> So what is the plan of attack to make it more awesome than normal marketingwise?
 140 10:38 < pockeylam> we are planning for a big one in Asia,
 141 10:38 < stormy> We have a GNOME 3 marketing roadmap.
 142 10:39 < stormy> We could use some help on it as we've lost some people - personal reasons and such.
 143 10:39 < stormy> The Boston Summit would be a good place to review it and for people to come learn more.
 144 10:39 < SFD_Fred> we've been trying (we = GNOME.Asia group) to get people give feedback through a pre-event survey and see whether it made sense to get "all of us" together. Unfortunately only 13 people have filled the survey
 145 10:39 < pockeylam> stormy, would love to help 
 146 10:40 < stormy> SFD_Fred, perhaps recruit through @gnome on identica/twitter?
 147 10:40 < stormy> pockeylam, we'd love to have you!
 148 10:40 < SFD_Fred> we also emailed other local community (like Spanish) but it seems that if you don't write spanish the mail doesn't get through
 149 10:40 < pcutler> pockeylam emailed the survey to the Foundation list today as well, everyone is encouraged to fill it out
 150 10:40 < stormy> SFD_Fred, perhaps there's someone here who could help pass the word on in Spanish?
 151 10:40 < SFD_Fred> stormy: all blocked for us, but i'll mention that to Allan then.. he is our twitter guy :)
 152 10:40 < andreasn> I can try to grab someone who speaks spanish and help out with that
 153 10:40 < pockeylam> here is the survey, 
 154 10:41 < SFD_Fred> andreasn: that would be lovely
 155 10:41 < jjmarin> I can help with the Spanish too
 156 10:42  * OgMaciel can help with Spanish a bit too
 157 10:42 -!- msantana [msantana@SDF.ORG] has joined #foundation
 158 10:42 < SFD_Fred> in fact we're just trying to coordinate and figure out what each community is doing at the moment, so quite simple... still it doesn't seem so simple to get feedback
 159 10:42 < yippi> yes, aside from the GNOME.Asia community, I haven't heard any noise about plans for GNOME3 launch parties or other events.
 160 10:43 < SFD_Fred> thank you guys. i wrote your names down and will follow up after this (or tomorrow)
 161 10:43 < andreasn> cool
 162 10:43 < yippi> do other local groups have plans?  If so, we should be making more of an effort to plan together, I'd think.
 163 10:43 < pockeylam> yes, we want to share ideas, we should talk together
 164 10:43 <@OgMaciel> makes sense
 165 10:43 < andreasn> any UK people here?
 166 10:43 < yippi> this, I think, is the right forum to find people.
 167 10:43 < pockeylam> vuntz, you mentioned you have plans in France? 
 168 10:43  * OgMaciel wonders if Boston GNOMErs are planning anything
 169 10:44 < yippi> perhaps we should all fly to Asia
 170 10:44 < andreasn> is there a wiki page with the different parties?
 171 10:44 <@OgMaciel> :)
 172 10:44 < vuntz> pockeylam: hrm, I'm not aware of any plan in france so far :/
 173 10:44 < pockeylam> yippi, that would be great :) 
 174 10:44 < vuntz> pockeylam: somebody else might be working on that, though
 175 10:44 < SFD_Fred> andreasn: yes we set up a page.. but no party listed so far
 176 10:44 < andreasn> SFD_Fred, url?
 177 10:44 < pockeylam> so please help to join the survey: 
 178 10:44 < SFD_Fred> andreasn:
 179 10:45 < pockeylam> as this survey decide the date (whether the event host before, during or after the GNOME 3.0 release) and the venue
 180 10:45 < pockeylam> we want everybody to decide
 181 10:45 < reinouts> we (Dutch gnomies) thought of having beer on Friday evening (April 8, 2011)
 182 10:45 -!- aday [] has joined #foundation
 183 10:45 < pockeylam> vuntz, yeah, maybe a little bit early
 184 10:45 < pockeylam> actually there is launch party plan in Taiwan and China 
 185 10:45 < SFD_Fred> of course it's a lot easier for us to push on the Asian side of the world...
 186 10:46 < pcutler> Ok, I'm trying to keep topics more than 10 minutes - I'd recommend we move this to the Marketing or gug lists - glad to see the excitement about GNOME 3
 187 10:46 < andreasn> reinouts, add it to the wiki and add "in progress" or something
 188 10:47 < pcutler> next topic is our new sysadmin, Christer Edwards!  If you havent met him yet, pop in #sysadmin and say hi, he's doing a great job already
 189 10:47 < andreasn> woohoo!
 190 10:47 < yippi> welcome!
 191 10:47 < pcutler> Olav setup a sysadmin blog and cedwards is blogging there on with things he's working on, maintenance updates and other stuff
 192 10:48 < pcutler> if there are infrastructure requests you have, I'd recommend filing them in bugzilla against sysadmin and we'll take a look.  The list is getting long already, which is good  :)
 193 10:48 < SFD_Fred> thank you for listening... :)
 194 10:48 < pcutler> next up is the Women's Outreach Program - marina or stormy want to give an update on the program and its goals?
 195 10:49 < marina> we just had the application deadline this Monday
 196 10:49 < stormy> marina has been doing an awesome job
 197 10:49 -!- hadess [] has joined #foundation
 198 10:49 < marina> we got 34 applicants total!
 199 10:49 < marina> so far we can accept 6 and we definitely have 6 strong applicants
 200 10:49 < jjmarin> wow
 201 10:50 < marina> I actually identified 7 people as strongest candidates
 202 10:50 < andreasn> and there were some design and artwork applications as well
 203 10:50 < marina> and we have 7 more that are reasonably good candidates
 204 10:51 < andreasn> next time it would be nice to see more of those, so maybe it needs to be advertised better that we're looking for those
 205 10:51 < marina> we'll encourage people we can't accept to stick around
 206 10:51 < marina> andreasn, yes, we didn't have Art and Design among the participating projects until later
 207 10:52 < marina> here is the program page:
 208 10:52 -!- edsiper [] has joined #foundation
 209 10:52 < pockeylam> marina, yeah, for those candidates from Taiwan, i can see that they will still work on the marketing project inside Taiwan :) 
 210 10:52 -!- SFD_Fred is now known as fredm
 211 10:52 -!- hevauq [~anuz@] has joined #foundation
 212 10:53 < marina> I'd like to encourage people to add their projects and themselves as mentors there - it's a way of making your project more approachable to women any time throughout the year :)
 213 10:53 < marina> pockeylam, yes, that's great
 214 10:53 < pockeylam> marina, so the project is indeed very successful, we attracted far more than 6 contributors 
 215 10:54 < yippi> how many women applied the last time GNOME did a Women's Outreach Program?
 216 10:54 < yippi> just for comparison...
 217 10:54 < marina> oh, yeah, we required successful candidates to make a contribution to the project they were interested in - many said that was fun in itself
 218 10:55 < jjmarin> It must be hard to leave one of the strong candidates :(
 219 10:55 < shaunm> what do you need from the community, besides the obvious "list your project"?
 220 10:56 < marina> yippi: 80 I think; I would attribute the difference to the fact that we are running it Dec-Mar this time around, not June-Aug, and that a requirement to make a contribution could have been a deterrent for just sending in an application
 221 10:56 < marina> but that requirement really helped us in identifying strong candidates
 222 10:57 < marina> as _ke put it: "patch or it didn't happen" :)
 223 10:57 < marina> we had 17 incomplete applications without contributions
 224 10:58 < stormy> I think also in the summer all the advertising and talk around Google Summer of Code probably helps promote the Outreach Program as well.
 225 10:58 < marina> shaunm, "list your projects" is the main one, I think; besides that asking your company if they would like to sponsor a candidate
 226 10:58 < stormy> They get a lot of requests for a Dec-Mar one too but haven't done it yet.
 227 10:59 < marina> so far we have 3 sponsored by the GNOME Foundation, 2 by Google, and 1 by Collabra
 228 11:00 < marina> jjmarin, I hope we'll figure something out to not leave one of the strong candidates out
 229 11:01 < marina> stormy: I was thinking we could do the next right in parallel with the GSoC; having exact same dates; that way we'll get more candidates for both
 230 11:01 -!- njpatel [~njpatel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 600 seconds]
 231 11:02 < zana> marina: would candidates be allowed to apply to both at the same time?
 232 11:02 < marina> zana: I think that would make sense
 233 11:02 -!- sense [~sense@] has quit [Ex-Chat]
 234 11:02 < marina> for the candidates who are applying for coding
 235 11:02 < jjmarin> are the candidates from south hemisphere ?
 236 11:03 < pockeylam> marina, yeah, let's ask around for companies to sponsor the project
 237 11:03 < marina> jjmarin: many are
 238 11:03 < marina> probably more than half
 239 11:03 < marina> there was a strong showing from Chile thanks to gpoo spreading the word!
 240 11:04 < pcutler> marina: thank you for all your help on this and to all the mentors, but we need to move on to the next topic
 241 11:04 < marina> pcutler: yep, thanks
 242 11:04 < pcutler> and the next topic is similar:  Google Code-In!
 243 11:04 < pcutler>
 244 11:05 < pcutler> Andre has volunteered to help with the application for GNOME and we need your help in creating tasks for high school students for Google Code-In
 245 11:05 -!- SEJeff_work [~jeff__@] has left #foundation []
 246 11:05 < pcutler> The wiki page has a link on how to write a good task, and we'd like to get as many GNOME projects involved as possible
 247 11:05 < hadess> OgMaciel: will you post the logs?
 248 11:06 <@OgMaciel> hadess: absolutely
 249 11:06 < pcutler> Code-In is similar to the GHOP program from 2 years ago
 250 11:08 < pcutler> if there aren't any questions or comments, yippi want to talk about the FSF collaboration?
 251 11:08 < jjmarin> I think that it's difficult to find mentors with this crazy GNOME 3.0 cycle
 252 11:09 -!- sankarshan [] has quit [Are you sure you want to quit this channel (Cancel/Ok) ?]
 253 11:09 < yippi> Sure.  I think the most interesting bit is that Peter Brown from the Free Software Foundation suggested that it would be good to promote GNOME Journal in their Free Software Supporter. 
 254 11:09 < yippi>
 255 11:09 < yippi> So, it would be great if the folks who put together GNOME Journal might have an interest in working with them.
 256 11:10 < yippi> Also, they expressed interest in doing some joint marketing campaign if we could define a common project together.  Perhaps more of a discussion for the marketing list, though.
 257 11:10 < yippi> I think that's pretty much it about opportunities to collaborate with the FSF.
 258 11:11 < yippi> that we discussed with Peter Brown recently, anyway
 259 11:11 -!- m_rodrigues [~chatzilla@] has quit [ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.11/20101012113537]]
 260 11:11 < pockeylam> yippi, great news
 261 11:14 < stormy> Next up is Help with the Friends of GNOME campaign
 262 11:14 < stormy> We are launching a new campaign targetted at subscribers.
 263 11:14 < stormy> We had an IRC meeting where we did some of the planning.
 264 11:14 -!- scaroo [] has joined #foundation
 265 11:14 < stormy> We have some work t o do at the Boston Summit.
 266 11:15 < stormy> And then we will launch right after that.
 267 11:15 < stormy> We need help emailing existing subscribers to offer them LWN subscriptions!
 268 11:15 < stormy> Technical help creating a referral system.
 269 11:15 < stormy> Help with videos.
 270 11:15 < stormy> Etc.
 271 11:15 < stormy> Anybody able to help or have questions about what we are doing?
 272 11:16 < andreasn> I spoke to lucas to see if he needed any new graphics for the banner, but we agreed that it's in good shape already
 273 11:16 < stormy> I hope you all will join us as we launch the campaign.
 274 11:16 < stormy> Cool, andreasn!
 275 11:16 < stormy> We hope to sign up users who would like to contribute but do not have the skills or time right now.
 276 11:16 < stormy> So we will need help getting the word out to them.
 277 11:17 < stormy> Please join us on the marketing list or at Boston Summit.
 278 11:17 < stormy> Next topic: ideas for a hackfest at the city of Largo.
 279 11:17 < stormy> The City of Largo has offered their facilities for a hackfest several times now.
 280 11:17 < stormy> It would be a great way to connect with Dave Richards and all the users there.
 281 11:18 < shaunm> What kind of hackfest would be best there?
 282 11:18 < stormy> Ideally it would be something related to how they use GNOME.
 283 11:18 < stormy> But it's open right now.
 284 11:18 < stormy> Dave has blogged on Planet GNOME for a while now.
 285 11:18 < stormy> So we have some data on how they use GNOME and the problems they run into.
 286 11:18 -!- hevauq [~anuz@] has quit [Leaving.]
 287 11:18 < stormy> But I think he's open to helping by hosting a hackfest, without a particular topic in mind.
 288 11:19 < stormy> Ideas?
 289 11:19 < stormy> Interest?
 290 11:19 < stormy> It's in Florida which is warmer than most places in the winter in the Northern Hemisphere.
 291 11:19 < shaunm> would this include the ability to see first-hand how gnome is used there?
 292 11:19 < shaunm> observe the users?
 293 11:19 < stormy> yep!
 294 11:20 < stormy> I believe he's open to that.
 295 11:20 < stormy> I think he's suggested it.
 296 11:20 < shaunm> real user interaction is like gold to documentation people
 297 11:20 < stormy> hmm ...
 298 11:20 < shaunm> gold with chocolate on top
 299 11:20 < stormy> Would the documentation team be interested in gold with chocolate on top?
 300 11:21 < stormy> Ok, let us know. Anyone else who has ideas too.
 301 11:21 < stormy> We often get offered venues and sometimes it's hard to pair with topics.
 302 11:21 < stormy> Next topic: Annual Budget/Report
 303 11:21 < shaunm> honestly, I'm not sure I can get enough people together. people are busy and have traveled quite a bit already for events
 304 11:22 < stormy> On the annual budget, we just finished compiling numbers for the 2010 fiscal year.
 305 11:22 < stormy> The 2011 year will be based on the 2010 year with some adjustments.
 306 11:23 < stormy> So if you have something you'd like to see funded in 2011 (Oct 2010-Sept 2011), now would be a great time to suggest it.
 307 11:23 < stormy> We will be sharing the 2010 numbers and the 2011 plan and asking for feedback.
 308 11:23 < stormy> A couple of highlights:
 309 11:23 < stormy> * Hackfests raised a lot of money and spent a lot of money. We could spend more.
 310 11:23 < stormy> * We underspent in a couple of categories.
 311 11:24 < stormy> Instead of cutting those budgets, we'd like to make it more obvious to the community that those budgets exist.
 312 11:24 < stormy> So people can propose ideas.
 313 11:24 < gpoo> and/or send rough plans to board list
 314 11:24 < stormy> So, please send us any plans you have that would require money next year!
 315 11:24 < stormy> And we will get out the draft in a week or two.
 316 11:25 < stormy> GNOME plans that require money, that is. :)
 317 11:25 < stormy> We have about 5 minutes left and we still have a couple of topics.
 318 11:25 < stormy> 1. Update on ongoing projects - WSOP, GNOME Mobile/Maemo integration proposals, Desktop Summit
 319 11:25 < stormy> 2. Evaluate the ways of collaboration with distros
 320 11:25 < stormy> 3. GNOME Shell & Unity - should the foundation have a position?
 321 11:25 < stormy> 4. Branding considerations: stop people from seeing downstream decisions as "GNOME"
 322 11:26 < stormy> We can wait and discuss these at the next meeting.
 323 11:26 < stormy> Or I'm happy to hang around and discuss them now.
 324 11:26 < stormy> What do people want to do?
 325 11:27 < andreasn> so could we schedule a new meeting really soon?
 326 11:27 < stormy> Absolutely. If people are interested.
 327 11:27 < stormy> What is really soon?
 328 11:27 < stormy> Next week or next month?
 329 11:27 < andreasn> next week maybe?
 330 11:27 < pockeylam> can be in one week? 
 331 11:27 < stormy> Same time?
 332 11:27 < pockeylam> next wednesday same timing? 
 333 11:27 < andreasn> sure
 334 11:28 < stormy> Sounds good. 
 335 11:28 < pockeylam> good for me too
 336 11:28 < stormy> We had good attendance today.
 337 11:28 < stormy> Thanks everyone for participating!
 338 11:28 < fredm> ok for me too...
 339 11:28 < jjmarin> It's ok, but it's the time of my siesta :)
 340 11:28 < stormy> :)
 341 11:29 < stormy> Ok, we will schedule another Foundation meeting for next Wed, same time.
 342 11:29 < stormy> See you all then!
 343 11:29 < pockeylam> yeah, thanks all and remember to fill the survey :)
 344 11:29 -!- edsiper [] has quit [Leaving]
 345 11:29 < jjmarin> pockeylam: sure !
 346 11:30 < pockeylam> jjmarin, thanks for your support and hope to see you in the launch party ;) 
 347 11:33 -!- robert_ancell [~bob@] has quit [Ex-Chat]
 348 11:35 -!- reinouts [] has quit [ ajax IRC Client]
 349 11:36 < jjmarin> pockeylam: I think I shouldn't fill the survey because I'm not planning go out of Europe :( 
 350 11:37 < jjmarin> pockeylam: I tought it was a general survey...
 351 11:37 < jjmarin> sorry
 352 11:38 -!- jjmarin is now known as jjmarin_afk
 353 11:39 < jjmarin_afk> I support from distance though :)

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