Minutes for Tuesday, May 20th, 2014, 16:00 UTC
Next meeting
- Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014, 16:00 UTC
- Andreas Nilsson
- Marina Zhurakhinskaya
- Tobias Mueller
- Joanmarie Diggs
- Ekaterina Gerasimova
- Emmanuele Bassi
- Rosanna Yuen
- Sriram Ramkrishna
Board Meeting Agenda
- Quick budget update
- Where are we?
- More invoices have been paid since the last meeting
- We should be able to reimburse the West Coast hackfest
- Oldest event that has been earmarked
- We need to check the state of the GNOME.Asia payment
- The money was sent to the personal account of one of the organizers
- It is being held by the bank
ACTION: Rosanna to contact Emily about the state of the GNOME.Asia payment
- Should we re-send the payment without waiting?
- USD 5725
- Needs to go out to avoid local team paying out of pocket
- We cannot avoid this new payment to be blocked again
- We are going to use the process that the receiving bank has outlined and hope for the best
- We should get the money back (minus bank fees)
- This is clearly a banking issue: we have full confidence in the local GNOME.Asia team
- We do have money in the bank to cover this in the meantime
VOTE: Send the GNOME.Asia payment (USD 5725) again: unanimous
- What's the situation with our resources?
- By last meeting we had USD ~30k in the bank
- We received more money in the last two weeks
- We should have USD ~45k in the bank
- Not earmarked
- Not OPW
- It is the opinion of the treasurer that we should keep the expenses locked for the next couple of months
- Reimbursing travel for OPW interns
- We have received funding for that
- USD 1136.15 total
- Two interns from Mozilla
One from OpenStack
- We receive confirmation of relevance/attendance as part of our process
- Do we have a record of the travel?
- Blog post/private report
- The mentor has to confirm the travel relevance as part of the reimbursement
- Having a proper report would increase visibility of OPW and of GNOME
VOTE: +1 Marina, Andreas, Emmanuele, Sri, Joanie, Tobi; -1 Kat
- The issue needs to be investigated further
- Delegating back to the Travel Committee
Proposal from the Travel Committee to the board: https://wiki.gnome.org/Travel/wip/Events
- The board assigns a budget to the travel committee
- Budget is assigned every 6 months, in two blocks of USD 20k
- This budget is not part of the GUADEC and GNOME.Asia allocations
- This budget includes GNOME North American summits (east/west coast)
- How does additional funding from sponsors affects the budget?
- E.g. a company funds a hackfest
- The funding should be counted as part of that budget
- We haven't had much luck in the past years to get corporate funding for hackfests through the foundation
- Companies may reimburse travel directly
ACTION: Kat to update the travel committee proposal and send the new draft to the list
- ED hiring and plans going forward
- There has been discussions on board-list
There has been discussions also on foundation-list as part of the election Q&A
- Should we put together a hiring committee?
- Or should we postpone the decision to the next board?
- If we decide for a hiring committee
- People on the committee should have experience in hiring
- Should also work on defining the role of the ED
- The job description for the ED should focus on financial/fund raising/administrative roles
- Community management is also important
- We should draft a list of people to be on the hiring committee
ACTION: Sri, Marina, Kat to work on establishing criteria for drafting for the hiring committee for the ED role
- Visa fees reimbursements
- Discussion was started on board-list
- Visa fees reimbursements affect the travel committee guidelines
- It's hard to keep track of the issues that may happen for visa reimbursements even if everything went right
- Most of the time the visa process is arbitrarily handled by the issuing country
- Should we require remote participation in case of visa rejection?
- How do we ensure that the foundation does everything possible to avoid a visa rejection?
- Should we only reimburse visa fees if they were rejected?
- We are willing to pay for the travel
- But if a person applies for the visa process they should be able to cover it (as per travel guidelines)
- The asymmetry is that if the visa succeeds the person in question would travel covered
- The issue needs more discussion
- Continue on board-list
ACTION: All Directors to reply Andreas's/Kat's email on board list about visa fees reimbursements
- Groupon launched a product called "Gnome"
- Trademark issue
- We should contact them
- Upcoming events
- GUADEC 2014
- Contract for the local organization
- Andreas and Kat already gave feedback on the draft
- The feedback is mostly on wording and making things explicit
- We had issues in the past with unclear contracts
ACTION: Kat to update the GUADEC/LiLo contract and send it for board-list for review
- GNOME.Asia
- We need to be clear on the allocated funding from SUSE
- Since it's been negotiated locally it should be outside the USD 15000 allocated by the foundation
- The board should ask what the current projected expenses are, and say that it's ok to spend up to USD 19,500 (considering SUSE's payment as in addition), but keep the expenses as lower if possible, and return what's left after the conference to the GNOME Foundation
ACTION: Marina to contact the GNOME.Asia local team on their current budget
- GUADEC 2014
- Pitivi dontations fees
- The contract had some unclear language with regards to the banking fees
- If GNOME handled the banking fees then it would not be worthwhile for the foundation
The banking fees were explicitly acknowledged by PiTiVi when first discussing money handling
- It seems that the banking fees were negotiated as part of the agreement but it was not clarified further on either side
- We are still receiving the money from them
ACTION: Kat to draft a contract template for future use organizations for which we handle money
Discussed on the mailing list
- GUADEC travel budget of EUR 15000 approved
VOTE: +1 Emmanuele, Joanie, Marina, Kat, Andreas
- Groupon product called "Gnome" has been announced, possible trademark infringement
Funding request for OpenHelp
VOTE: -1 Tobi, Andreas, Joanie, Marina; abstain due to conflict of interest: Kat
- Proposal to revisit in the future
Completed Actions
- Kat to document the GUADEC/GNOME.Asia combined sponsorship on the wiki
- Kat to draft a new policy for the travel committee and send it to the board for review
- Tobi to follow up with Alexandre and Karen about the contract for the GUADEC local organisation
Pending action items
- Andreas to put together a GNOME supporter card for our donors
- Andreas, Joanie to draft thank you letters to our donors
- Andreas to investigate the GNOME gifts situation
- Emmanuele to send Zana and Tobi an update on FoG donors gifts
- Emmanuele to send hackers up for "adoption" the list of donors that want a postcard
- Emmanuele to draft a date and time for the post-release meeting
- Emmanuele to send a proposal to foundation-list about possible IRC meetings
- Emmanuele to ask the adboard members for help with Bugzilla update
- Joanie to draft a proposal for the photography policy at GNOME conferences to discuss on foundation-list
- Joanie and Karen to meet and discuss about the photography policy for GNOME events
- Joanie to go over Michael Schumacher ideas on the Gimp funding processes and merge them with her ideas on the wiki
- Kat to create a private wiki page on the web services accounts holders and passwords
- Allan and Kat decided to go for a private git account instead for security reasons
- Kat to draft a proposal for a privacy policy for review
- Kat to update the travel committee proposal and send the new draft to the list
- Kat to contact Brian Cameron about the Groupon legal team
- Kat to update the GUADEC/LiLo contract and send it for board-list for review
- Kat to draft a contract template for future use organizations for which we handle money
- Karen to write the Privacy policy for GNOME services
- Karen will look at gnome-software privacy issues from a legal standpoint
- Marina to contact the GNOME.Asia local team on their current budget
- Tobi to continue pursuing the fund collection in Europe
- Tobi to draft a new WHS agreement after the feedback from the board
Tobi to talk to Andrea to move the PayPal data extraction scripts over to the GNOME infrastructure
- Sri to investigate better uses of adsense/adwords on the GNOME websites
- Sri to communicate to Rosanna and work on the donation for the West Coast hackfest
- Sri, Marina, Kat to work on establishing criteria for drafting for the hiring committee for the ED role
- Zana to check the inventory of merch she has in storage (low priority)
- Rosanna to contact Emily about the state of the GNOME.Asia payment