Regular meeting of the GNOME Foundation Board of Directors, 20 July 2022, 14:00 UTC
- Consent agenda: Postponing the approval of the minutes of the May meeting given the time constraints
- Agreed.
- Appoint officers and board committees
- Vote: approve the following slate:
- Required officer positions:
President: RobertMcQueen
Vice-president: JeremyAllison
Treasurer: SammyFung
Secretary: PhilipChimento
- Optional officer positions:
Chair: ThibaultMartin
Additional vice-presidents: ReginaNkemchorAdejo
Assistant treasurer: RosannaYuen
Assistant secretary: MartinAbenteLahaye
- Executive committee
(as President) RobertMcQueen
(as Executive Director) NeilMcGovern
(as Director of Operations) RosannaYuen
- Finance committee
(as Treasurer) SammyFung
(as Director of Operations / Assistant Treasurer) RosannaYuen
(as Executive Director) NeilMcGovern
- Governance committee
- Required officer positions:
- VOTE: +1 unanimous
- Vote: approve the following slate:
- Appoint GNOME committees
- Vote: Approve the following slate:
- Circle committee:
- Allan Day
- J Arun Mani
- Martín Abente Lahaye
- Sophie Herold
- Tobias Bernard
- Christopher Davis
- Jordan Petridis
Membership & Elections committee
- Andrea Veri
- Jonathan Blandford
- Tobias Mueller
- Pascal Terjan
- Regina Nkemchor Adejo
- Code of Conduct committee
- Federico Mena Quintero
- Rosanna Yuen
- Thibault Martin
- Release Team
- Abderrahim Kitouni
- André Klapper
- Javier Jardon
- Matthias Clasen
- Michael Catanzaro
- Emmanuele Bassi
- Tristan Van Berkom
- Jordan Petridis
- Felipe Borges
- Compensation committee
Robert McQueen
- Sammy Fung
- Travel committee
- David King
- Germán Poo-Caamaño
- Meg Ford
- Philip Chimento
- Rosanna Yuen
- Umang Jain
- Circle committee:
- VOTE: +1 unanimous
- We note that the release team committee doesn't have a board liaison. We propose to additionally appoint Philip as the board liaison.
- VOTE: +1 unanimous
- Vote: Approve the following slate:
- Motion to thank outgoing board and committee members
- No objections. Thanks for all of your contributions over the past year!
- Review AGM content and outstanding actions
- (no need to do this in the meeting; adjourned.)
GNOME Foundation Executive Committee, 20 May 2022
Attending: Neil, Rob, Thib
- ED updates
- GUADEC schedule published, travel budget / TC process opened.
- Spoke with accountants re: Flathub tax issues, working on memo.
- Meeting set up with nonprofit lawyers about compliance/formation questions.
- Progressive web apps project wrap-up meeting, code on track for GNOME 43, ongoing work on which web apps to feature.
Rob & Neil to meet again to work on strategic initiatives doc; last week we ended up hacking on bylaws.
- Topics for the next board meeting
- Retrospective - how to get the most effective board next year?
GNOME Foundation Governance Committee minutes, 18 May 2022
Attending: Kat, Philip, Regina, Thibault. Regrets: Felipe
- Evaluation of previous board meeting
- Thib: It was good to have the minutes available to read well in advance, and to have asynchronous discussions in advance so we could come quickly to the conclusion.
- We should make it more clear that most activities should have an owner. Follow up e.g. with how to incorporate Regina's presentation into our Foundation activities, who should own that from the board side.
- Thib: Lots of things are happening within the executive committee between Rob and Neil, and I think we should involve the rest of the board more. I'd like to see the rest of the board be more responsive. This has made some progress but I think we need more.
Philip: From reading BoardSource this seems to be a common problem.
- Kat: It can be good for the executive committee to handle things that don't need to go to the whole board, but some delegation is still healthy.
- Thib: Asking for engagement in the Matrix room hasn't been too successful so far.
- Kat: Delegating explicitly can work, but requires a lot of attention from the committee.
- Bylaw change
- Kat: The voting system is confusing as to what YES and NO exactly meant. We should try to resolve it for next time
- Thib: We need to find someone to join Andrea in the membership committee who can take on issues like this when Andrea steps down.
- Action: Thib - Open a ticket or a discourse thread new membership committee position(s)
- Discussion about increasing transparency by inviting a community member to interview the ED/board on a monthly basis.
- Action: Philip - mention this to the rest of the board, and gauge interest in This Week In GNOME.
- Review of ongoing tasks
- Kat and Thib to work on the governance page, after June 6.
- No movement on skill set template.
- No movement on onboarding prep.
- ED contingency plan is becoming more relevant.
- Thib: Rosanna has the required access and will report to the board in Neil's absence.
- Thib to update the issue.
- Kat: I think we should have this as a standing board agenda item.
- Action: Thib to add "ED contingency plan" to the standing board agenda.