Regular meeting of the GNOME Foundation Board of Directors, 12 May 2021, 15:00 UTC
PhilipChimento (for the first hour)
Consent Agenda
- Approve minutes of 14 April
- The board acknowledges receipt of:
- Executive Committee minutes, dated 23 April 2021 [1]
- Finance Committee minutes, dated 22 April 2021 [2]
- Governance Committee minutes, dated 21 April 2021 [3]
- Felipe has left the Code of Conduct Committee and the Committee is looking for a new member
- Announcements:
- Board elections have been announced, and will likely conclude on 24 June. 3 seats are up for election.
- Next meeting will be 9 June 2021 at 1500 UTC, and will be the final meeting of the current board.
Discussion Agenda
- Executive Director's report
- Financial report and 2020-21 operating budget
- Board-only discussion
- Consent agenda:
- Minutes of 14th April approved
- Receipt of Executive Committee, Finance Committee and Governance Committee minutes acknowledged
- Board has noted that Felipe has left the CoC Committee and the Committee is looking for a new member
- Executive Director's report
- Moving into conference season. LAS coming up next: opens tomorrow. Raised a good amount in sponsorship this year.
- Education Challenge wrap up - reports to Endless, certificates and questionnaires being sent out
GUADEC - main schedule announced and call for BoFs, etc., have gone out
- Financial report and 2020-21 operating budget
- Variance and balance sheet received by the board
- NET assets are $1.3 mil, including restricted funds. Gone down since last time. This means we have ~20 months of running at current staff and spending levels (so ~14 months at end of year).
- Difficulties in finding sponsors for conferences, but levels have picked up as sponsors are becoming more used to virtual conferences.
- Interest income has gone down due to lower interest rates.
- Added to internship expenses because of previously approved increase for Outreachy. GSoC "mentor stipend" is under internships as well.
- We're anticipating an income of $60k via conferences, planning to spend $20k
- VOTE: the board approves the presented operating budget for 2020-21
- +1: Rob, Kat, Felipe, Federico, Allan (unanimous)
Philip joined for board-only discussion.
- Board only discussion
[1] GNOME Foundation Executive Committee minutes, 23 April 2021
Present: Neil McGovern, Rob McQueen, Allan Day
- General update on operations from Neil
- Communicated feedback from April's board-only discussion
[2] GNOME Foundation Finance Committee minutes, 22 April 2021
Present: Neil McGovern, Rob McQueen, Shaun McCance, Rosanna Yuen
- Discussed the budget for the remainder of the financial year. New proposed budget is essentially the interim budget with some event expenses added in.
- Rob approved Neil to spend up to $10k on GUADEC (out of budget for the current interim operating budget, but will be included in the new operating budget for the current financial year).
[3] GNOME Foundation Governance Committee minutes, 21 April 2021
Present: Kat Gerasimova, Felipe Borges, Philip Chimento, Neil McGovern, Allan Day
- Reviewed ongoing tasks
- ACTION: Neil and Kat to review elections documentation prior to the next board election
- Discussed a query we received regarding a potential conflict of interest with the Coding Education Challenge
- Concluded that there wasn't a conflict of interest in this specific case, but that additional transparency would have been beneficial
- ACTION: Neil to review the conflict of interest, with a view to enhancing transparency
- ACTION: directors to be asked to complete the board self-assessment questionnaire before next board meeting