Meeting of the GNOME Foundation Board of Directors, 29 June 2020, 16:00 UTC
Consent agenda
To be approved as a block, by consent (no vote required).
- Approve minutes of 22 June
- Renew committee memberships, appoint committee liaisons - #169 (Allan)
- The board resolves to appoint the following people to board committees:
- Circle
- Allan Day (chair, board liaison)
- J Arun Mani
- Martín Abente Lahaye
- Jordan Petridis
- Code of Conduct
- Federico Mena Quintero (chair, board liaison)
- Felipe Borges
- Rosanna Yuen
Membership & Elections
AndreaVeri (chair)
- Regina Nkemchor Adejo (board liaison)
- Release Team
- Abderrahim Kitouni
- Andre Klapper
- Javier Jardon
- Matthias Clasen
- Michael Catanzaro (chair)
- Emmanuele Bassi
- Tristan Van Berkom
- Jordan Petridis
- Felipe Borges (board liaison)
- Travel
PhilipChimento (board liaison)
- Circle
- The board resolves to appoint the following people to board committees:
- Renew Conflict of Interest policy (Neil)
The existing conflict of interest policy has been in place for two years and can be viewed here:
- Since the policy has been in effect, one conflict of interest has been registered in a meeting. As a result, the director in question withdrew from the meeting.
- The board resolves to continue the policy, and to review it in 12 months time.
- Thanks to outgoing directors (Neil)
- "The board thanks Britt Yazel, Carlos Soriano and Tristan Van Berkom for their contributions to the GNOME Board of Directors. Special thanks goes to Carlos, who served on the board for three years, since 2017. We wish you all the best for the future!"
Discussion agenda
- Appoint officers
- Appoint Compensation Committee
- Schedule for 2020-21 meetings
- Consent agenda: approve minutes of 22nd June
- No amendments were proposed.
- Minutes are approved.
- Renew committee memberships, appoint committee liaisons - #169 (Allan)
- Committee memberships and liaisons approved:
- Circle
- Allan Day (chair, board liaison)
- J Arun Mani
- Martín Abente Lahaye
- Jordan Petridis
- Code of Conduct
- Federico Mena Quintero (chair, board liaison)
- Felipe Borges
- Rosanna Yuen
Membership & Elections
AndreaVeri (chair)
- Regina Nkemchor Adejo (board liaison)
- Release Team
- Abderrahim Kitouni
- Andre Klapper
- Javier Jardon
- Matthias Clasen
- Michael Catanzaro (chair)
- Emmanuele Bassi
- Tristan Van Berkom
- Jordan Petridis
- Felipe Borges (board liaison)
- Travel
PhilipChimento (board liaison)
- Circle
- Committee memberships and liaisons approved:
- Renew Conflict of Interest policy (Neil)
- The board resolves to continue the policy, and to review it in 12 months time.
- Thanks to outgoing directors (Neil)
- "The board thanks Britt Yazel, Carlos Soriano and Tristan Van Berkom for their contributions to the GNOME Board of Directors. Special thanks goes to Carlos, who served on the board for three years, since 2017. We wish you all the best for the future!"
- Appoint officers - #168 (Allan)
- Zana - would like to be named vice- or co- treasurer for paperwork purposes, even if someone else is the actual treasurer for the Foundation.
- VOTE: the board appoints the following officers:
President - Rob McQueen
- Vice-president - Regina Adejo
- Chair - Allan Day
- Treasurer - Philip Chimento
- Assistant Treasurer - Rosanna Yuen
- Secretary - Kat Gerasimova
- Assistant Secretaries - Federico Mena Quintero, Philip Chimento
- Result: passed unanimously
- Appoint compensation Committee (Allan)
- VOTE: the board appoints the following to the compensation committee:
- President
- Treasurer
- Other board member: Allan Day
- Result: passed unanimously
- VOTE: the board appoints the following to the compensation committee:
- Schedule for 2020-21 meetings - #154 (Allan)
- 2nd Monday of every month, 15:00-17:00 UTC