Foundation Board Minutes for Monday 2nd September, 2019, 15:30 UTC
- Approve minutes for 5th and 12th August
- Renew committee memberships
- Funding for Outreachy December 2019 internships
- Code of conduct next steps
- Announcements
- Approve minutes for 5th and 12th August
- No amendments were proposed.
- Approved.
- Renew committee memberships
- In the board meeting of 21 August, we left the reappointment some committee members pending who had not recently been active. We spoke to all of the pending committee members at GUADEC and all are intending to take a more active role in the coming year.
VOTE: Reappoint pending members of the committees who were not reappointed in the board meeting of 21 August.
- +1 unanimous
- Funding for Outreachy December 2019 internships
- Each internship costs $6,500. The deadline for GNOME to register is 5 September.
- Internships are only awarded to candidates of a sufficiently high quality: approving a number of internships doesn't guarantee that we will fill that number of places.
- Input is sought from community members to ensure that internships are on topics that are important to GNOME.
- Carlos: We also have the GNOME internships, and the budget is shared between Outreachy and the GNOME Internships. Does anyone feel we should pursue any topics for GNOME Internships in addition to or instead of these?
- Allan: I thought the GNOME Internships came from restricted funds?
- Carlos: The previous round did come from the restricted privacy funds.
- Neil: There is still some money in that pot.
VOTE: Approve funding for three Outreachy internships for December 2019 to March 2020; total cost up to USD 19500
- +1 unanimous
- Code of conduct next steps
- Allan: The intention is to approve it as quickly as possible. I had a list of topics that I'd like to get the board's opinion on before proceeding:
- CoC scope: What is the scope of a "GNOME online space"? What happens if someone uses their personal blog, not hosted by us, to attack someone? What if a member of the GNOME project abuses people on Twitter? Can we get some feedback from Sage Sharp on how many of these cases can be realistically included?
- Carlos: I would guess that this has been discussed, I've seen this topic in Sage's material before.
- CoC committee reporting: Do we want the committee to report back to the board about enforcement actions?
- Rob: I'm not sure that the board should get more reporting than would otherwise be available for transparency's sake. My gut feeling is that the information will generally be private.
- Philip: I thought the examples of transparency reports included in the draft were sufficient. If we deemed it necessary, we could ask for a transparency report more frequently.
- Adoption process (consultation, community endorsement, etc):
- Carlos: I think consulting the community in the way that we did with the events code of conduct was a good balance: the community could send feedback to the code of conduct committee, and the committee decided what to do with the feedback.
- Rob: There are GNOME community members who aren't Foundation members, so I agree that some sort of consultation is a good idea.
- Allan: We are short on time, so let's discuss this further next time.
- Rob: We can get feedback from the committee.
- Rosanna: We already have some guidance from Sage on this topic.
- Communications strategy: how do we go about presenting this? It's not just a matter of adopting a policy but also promoting it as a positive move for the project.
- Carlos: One thing that could work here is to communicate individually with some people like Discourse admins.
- Philip: Given the whole room applauding at GUADEC when the topic came up in a talk, I don't think we will need to do that much promotion.
- Which powers to delegate to the CoC committee? We need to be explicit about this. Some of the sanctions that can be taken are board powers, such as rescinding Foundation membership.
- Allan: Alternatively, are there any actions that we would consider the committee does need to defer to the board?
- Rob: I do think it needs to be highlighted somehow: either delegated, or the board's role made clear.
- Rob: As for online spaces vs. events, my understanding from Federico was that we would eventually move the new code of conduct to cover events, but we can't do that now while there are events pending which are being organized under the current events code of conduct.
- Allan: I will communicate this to Federico and try to come to a resolution over the next week.
- CoC scope: What is the scope of a "GNOME online space"? What happens if someone uses their personal blog, not hosted by us, to attack someone? What if a member of the GNOME project abuses people on Twitter? Can we get some feedback from Sage Sharp on how many of these cases can be realistically included?
- Announcements
- Allan: The poll for the regular board meeting time is missing Tristan's response
Allan: Planning for the 2019 board hackfest is happening in; the provisional date is 11 November.
- Allan: The next meeting will be Monday 9th September, 15:30 UTC. This will be a regular board meeting.