Foundation Board Minutes for Monday 5th August 2019, 15:30 UTC
- Officer elections
- Committee (re-)appointments
- GUADEC preparation
- Approve Neil's trip to GUADEC
- Approve minutes of July 22
- Officer Elections
- The following people have expressed interest in officer positions:
President: Robert McQueen
Vice President & Chair: Allan Day
- Treasurer: Carlos Soriano
- Secretary: Philip Chimento
- Vice Secretary: Federico Mena Quintero
- Britt: Is everyone aware that officers don't have to be board members?
- Rob: We generally appoint officers from the board, both because we are elected from the ranks of the membership in order to be representative, and because usually no-one else is queueing up to do these jobs.
- Britt: Should the committee liaisons be vice president positions, it seems like they have a lot of responsibility? Otherwise it seems like the vice president doesn't have a lot of responsibilities.
- Neil: In California nonprofit law the vice president is just a stand-in for the president in case they are not available. In general we don't specify too much other than the minimum responsibilities in the bylaws, so that we don't have to change the bylaws if we delegate more or fewer responsibilities to fit the situation.
- Rob: The board also delegates board members into other roles (such as committee liasions) when appointing committees, but these are not officer positions (which carry a specific legal function.)
- Allan: Would the candidates for the officer positions like to give a statement about why they are interested and what they hope to achieve?
- Philip: It sounds like not everyone has had a chance to figure out whether to make themselves a candidate for an officer position, and if we want the current candidates to give a statement then we won't have time for Neil to present the executive director's report.
- Vote is deferred until next week.
- The following people have expressed interest in officer positions:
- Committee (re-)appointments
- Deferred.
- GUADEC preparation
- Deferred.
- Approve Neil's trip to GUADEC
VOTE: approve Neil's trip to GUADEC:
- +1 unanimous
- Approve minutes of July 22
- Deferred.