Foundation Board Minutes for Monday 4 March 2019, 16:30 UTC
- Status of board initiatives (Nuritzi)
- ED report (Neil)
- Status of board initiatives
- Travel sponsorship policy
- Philip: I'm currently polling the travel committee on how they might like to fill in the gaps that exist in our draft policy, but haven't heard an answer yet. The next step will be to go ahead and propose something to fill in the gaps anyway; if people don't like it, we can propose something else.
- Definition of GNOME software and events
- Carlos: The last update was by Allan, on the Gitlab issue. We are OK with what we have right now; details remain to be fleshed out.
- Nuritzi: Is there a timeline for finishing this?
- Carlos: No.
- Nuritzi: If the board's term ends before the initiative is finished, how does this affect the initiative?
- Carlos: We want to finish this before the possible end of term
- Carlos: The next step is to ask for feedback from the board and then the community. This is currently waiting for Allan to come back from vacation.
- Compensation committee
- Nuritzi: The committee has met. We don't have a hard deadline for producing the advice to the board, but will try to put serious progress on this next month.
- GNOME.Asia
- Kat: There is trouble finding a venue for next year's GNOME.Asia. We probably need to help them out.
- Neil: There are some details about this in the ED report.
- Schedule check: This first Monday of the month is an ED report and board-only discussion (that is, without Neil and Rosanna.) The second Monday is a standard board meeting, the third Monday is a hack week, the fourth Monday is a standard board meeting, and the fifth Monday of the month, if it exists, is a hack week. Short discussion about whether we want to have a short board meeting on the ED report week as we are doing today, but we decided to stick with what we discussed previously. (Clarification: this means that going forward, there will be no longer be an official board meeting during the ED report weeks. During the subsequent board-only discussion, we discuss Neil's monthly report and any feedback that we want to give to Neil on the basis of the report presentation, not any regular board business.)
- Travel sponsorship policy
- ED report
- Neil presented his monthly report to the board. He is continuing to ensure a smooth onboarding experience for the new Foundation staff, and a big priority right now is the end-of-year fiscal preparations. Other highlights of the report include Foundation support for conference organizers, and the GTK and Engagement teams' trial of the Discourse community management software.