Foundation Board Minutes for Monday 25 February, 2019, 16:30 UTC
- GUADEC 2020 call for bids (Kat)
- Outreachy interships for May 2019 (Philip)
Trip to LibrePlanet (Neil)
- Updates from last week's hack week (Nuritzi)
- GUADEC 2020 call for bids
- We should start organizing a call for bids. Kat is interested in doing this.
- Nuritzi: Kat, go for it! How might we include Foundation staff as well?
- Kat: It would be helpful if Foundation staff could do the legwork of organizing.
- Neil: Let me know what will be necessary.
- ACTION: Kat to email Neil about the support that will be necessary from Foundation staff.
- We should start organizing a call for bids. Kat is interested in doing this.
- Outreachy interships for May 2019
- Philip: We received an email from Marina Zhurakhinskaya asking whether we'll participate in Outreachy. Last round we had 3 internship spots. We need to make a decision on how many slots we can take in this round. Does the board need to vote on this every time, or can this just be covered by the budget?
- Neil: The board does need to vote; it's too much money to do it automatically.
- Carlos: Outreachy happens twice a year, so do we need to fundraise twice?
Philip: Last time, there was talk of spending the Developing Nations fund on this if it was necessary to free up more funding for internships. (
- Kat: We need more community involvement in running Outreachy.
- Nuritzi: How many internships? Three is in line with our diversity and inclusion goals and also is in line with feedback we've had from our advisory board.
- Neil: If the board wants 3 interns, it needs to vote on it.
- Philip: Can we vote on the internships in principle, conditional on whether there's money available for them? The deadline is March 5, so we need to have an answer for Marina before the next board meeting.
- Neil: Yes, I can investigate and reply to Marina.
- Federico: There was something about encouraging interns to apply through Google Summer of Code?
- Philip: This was up to the interns themselves in cases where the same project was being offered for mentorship through either program. The stipends from Outreachy and GSoC can work out differently in different countries, so interns who are eligible for both programs can potentially to apply through whichever program is more advantageous to them.
- VOTE: Approve up to three internships for the Outreachy May '19 round, conditional on approval by Neil.
- +1 unanimous
- ACTION: Neil to notify Marina of the decision.
- Philip: We received an email from Marina Zhurakhinskaya asking whether we'll participate in Outreachy. Last round we had 3 internship spots. We need to make a decision on how many slots we can take in this round. Does the board need to vote on this every time, or can this just be covered by the budget?
Trip to LibrePlanet
Neil intends to go to LibrePlanet in Cambridge (Mass.) at the end of March, possibly with a booth.
VOTE: Approve Neil's travel to LibrePlanet
- +1 unanimous
- Updates from last week's hack week
- Deferred, please send updates to the mailing list or post on IRC.
- Kat - Email Neil about what support will be necessary from Foundation staff for organizing the GUADEC 2020 call for bids.
- Neil - Investigate Outreachy internships expenses and notify Marina of the decision.