Foundation Board Minutes for Monday 7 January, 16:30 UTC
- Emails with trademark licensing questions (Philip)
- Expectations for board around hiring (Allan)
- FOSDEM advisory board meeting (Nuritzi)
- Emails with trademark licensing questions
- We received an email from Phil King about use of GTK trademark in a book.
- Philip: Do we own that trademark as well as the GNOME foot?
- Neil: I believe so, will check. I'll also check informally with the GTK team members before answering the email.
- We received another email notifying about royalties from Gabor Kum EV for GNOME-branded merchandise.
- Philip: Is there a way to publicize that trademark licensing questions should go to the staff instead of the board?
Neil: Trademark questions should indeed not go to the board; they should go directly to, which is redirected to the staff list. It may be that people are using the wrong address.
- We received an email from Phil King about use of GTK trademark in a book.
- Expectations for board around hiring
- Allan: Are we expected to formally welcome new hires in a meet-the-board gathering, as part of their onboarding?
- No. Better to informally meet them at, say, FOSDEM or other conferences.
- Allan: Are we expected to formally welcome new hires in a meet-the-board gathering, as part of their onboarding?
- FOSDEM advisory board meeting
- Nuritzi: Is the board preparing any presentation for the advisory board meeting at FOSDEM?
- Neil: Traditionally not, it's only a half day as opposed to a full day at GUADEC. I will prepare a presentation.
- Neil: Those attending the advisory board meeting at FOSDEM, please fill in the Framadate poll so we can pick a time for the meeting.
- Nuritzi: Is the board preparing any presentation for the advisory board meeting at FOSDEM?