Foundation Board Minutes for Tuesday, September 25th 2018, 15:30 UTC
Next meeting date Tuesday, October 2nd 2018, 15:30 UTC
CarlosSoriano (arrived until later)
- FOSDEM advisory board meeting (Kat)
Review compensation committee charter (Rob, see
- Fortnightly hiring update
- GUADEC venue booking contract (Kat)
Review to-do GitLab issues -
- FOSDEM advisory board meeting (Kat)
- Neil says we should have an adboard meeting before FOSDEM - is the Board happy? We need to book a venue.
- Idea - half-day adboard meeting on the Friday before FOSDEM, using the same venue as last time (space for 10-12 people).
- Attending adboard meeting is not a requirement, unlike the meeting at GUADEC.
- Nuritzi: could we meet with the KDE Board while there?
- Neil had mentioned a cross-foundations list. There is a dinner, invitiation-only.
- Opportunity for meeting new staff while there
- Booking of the room is for the whole day; we can use it throughout the day.
- Location is near the EU parliament
- The format for the meeting is in the wiki - updates from the last 6 months, quick presentations from the adboard members, plans for the next half year.
ACTION - Neil to book the meeting room, send mail to the adboard list
Review compensation committee charter (Rob, see
- No updates from Rob, postponed to next week.
- Outreachy (Kat):
- Kat was approached by GStreamer, they weren't sure how to proceed with participating (as part of GNOME or not).
- Do we need a team dedicated to Outreachy like we have for GSoC?
- Allan: what are the issues?
- Kat: There isn't a publicly-visible organizational structure.
- Not an issue with Marina Zhurakhinskaya's (Outreachy organizer and coordinator for GNOME) work or Outreachy.
- Hard to know what is happening; it's just the nature of the current structure.
- Federico - haven't been involved in organization; just mentoring.
- #outreachy in is mostly dead; people ask questions and don't get replies
- outreachy mentors (not GNOME) mailing list is better. Sage Sharp (Outreachy organizer) sent a very detailed email on the new requirements for interns.
- Kat - has had trouble contacting Outreachy participants, have to get their emails from Marina. We don't have a gnome-outreachy mailing list.
- Kat - is the board OK with sponsors funding an Outreachy applicant for GStreamer through GNOME if GStreamer cannot register for Outreachy themselves?
- Neil: can be pinged as a last resort; sponsoring via GNOME is a low-overhead affair anway.
- Allan: Marina reviews the proposed projects and gets in touch with Allan/Matthias/Sri for feedback. It would be a good idea to formalize this.
- Kat - would like to see this more formalized as well; get internship infrastructure for GSoC and Outreachy closer together.
- Nuritzi - what would the next step be?
- Kat - seeing how internships are organized; setting up a call between organizing teams
- Kat can look into getting a mailing list for all the mentors
- Nuritzi - this combined group would be useful for the board to communicate goals to mentors / organizers
ACTION - Kat to discuss combined infrastructure for mentors/organisers with organisers and set up if appropriate
ACTION - Federico to talk to Outreachy organizers on how best to approach potential interns / how to publicize our projects.
- Fortnightly hiring update
- Neil - would have liked advance notice to present an update.
- Deferred until next week.
- Moving to second stage of interviews for GTK developer, Flathub admin.
- Starting to interview the program coordinator soon.
- Good candidate for development coordinator.
- If this falls through, we can post ads in foundation-related media.
- GUADEC venue booking contract
- Kat: told University of Macedonia that we want to confirm the dates.
- They don't have a template for us to use.
- Kat is talking to Vivia Nikolaidou (GUADEC 2019 co-organizer) about how to proceed.
- Neil can draft documents if needed.
- Neil can provide a letter of intent; it doesn't bind us to anything.
- Kat will forward Neil the necessary information.
Review to-do GitLab issues -
- Neil: bridge between adboard-list and board-list should be already working - define GNOME software and events
- Allan: need to pick it up again, hopefully at the hackfest - Designate a new TDF Advisory Board Member (to be sent to foundation list)
- Nuritzi: please update your Board issues
ACTION - Neil to book the meeting room, send mail to the adboard list
ACTION - Kat to discuss combined infrastructure for mentors/organisers with organisers and set up if appropriate
ACTION - Federico to talk to Outreachy organizers on how best to approach potential interns / how to publicize our projects.