Foundation Board Minutes for Tuesday, June 19th 2018, 18:00 UTC
Next meeting date Tuesday, June 26th 2018, 18:00 UTC
- Appoint Engagement Committee Members (Nuritzi)
- URGENT - LuNel/Odoo development cost (Neil)
- AGM video recording and streaming (Allan)
GUADEC 2018 legal and financial arrangements - (Allan)
- Librem 5 Development Kits (Allan)
- New board handover timeline (Allan)
Board and AdBoard meeting prep (Nuritzi)
- GUADEC 2019 follow-up (Nuritzi)
- Pre-payment travel request from Claudio (Nuritzi)
- Sponsorship committee status (Carlos)
- Travel committee status (Carlos)
- Transparency between employees and the board/community. i.e. status reports (also read emails from Kat) (Carlos)
- Internships status and possible ideas (Carlos)
- Appoint Engagement Committee Members (Nuritzi)
- The committee charter has already been approved.
- VOTE: transfer the marketing and small events budget holders to the engagement committee and appoint Neil, Nuritzi, Rosanna and Sri to the commitee
- +1 Meg, Didier, Carlos, Allan, Cosimo. Abstain: Nuritzi, Alexandre. Passed.
- ACTION: Allan to notify the members (done)
- ACTION: Allan to update the committees wiki page (done)
- URGENT - LuNel/Odoo development cost (Neil)
This has been on the agenda for a few weeks and has become urgent. Neil - GnuCash is difficult to use and loses our financial data. We've been trialing Odoo. It has an enterprise/community split model (where enterprise is proprietary and community is Free Software). Something we're missing is the ability to import Paypal. We've been talking to a company about adding this feature to the community edition for us. They've been very helpful so far, and they supportive.
- The choice is between this and using a proprietary solution. Any code that's written will be Free Software.
- Neil - there's scope in the budget for this. We'll have a contract with them.
- VOTE: approve $4,000 USD for a module that imports Paypal data into Odoo
- +1 unanimous - approved
- AGM video recording and streaming (Allan)
- Kat has emailed the board asking whether we are happy for the AGM to be live streamed
- We're happy for it to be streamed
- ACTION: Allan to reply (done)
- Cosimo - it would be good if we can have a way for people to participate in the AGM if they're joining online. e.g. an IRC channel where they can ask questions
GUADEC 2018 legal and financial arrangements - (Allan)
- There were some outstanding questions here, but it's been dealt with.
- Librem 5 Development Kits (Allan)
- We've had an email about how to organise the distribution of Librem 5 development kits to the community.
- We don't have great systems for tracking hardware donations, so it might be easier for Purism to handle this themselves. We can send them a list of people if they need it, though.
- ACTION: Allan to reply (done)
- New board handover timeline (Allan)
- The new board comes into power as soon as the vote is finalised - this will be next week. Their first meeting will be at GUADEC.
- ACTION: Allan to email the likely new board members with details of the transition (done)
Board and AdBoard meeting prep (Nuritzi)
- ACTION: Nuritzi to email the advisory board to encourage them to prepare presentations.
- ACTION: Allan to ask incoming board members to confirm if they'll be there (done). There's an initial outline on the wiki.
- GUADEC 2019 follow-up (Nuritzi)
- We've receive an intention to bid. We ought to give them some indication of our expectaitons. We ought to try and announce GUADEC 2019 by mid-August. Rough deadline for bids can therefore be August 6th.
- ACTION: Didier to contact them (done)