Foundation Board Minutes for Tuesday, May 29th 2018, 18:00 UTC
Next meeting date Tuesday, June 3rd 2018, 18:00 UTC
- Alexandre Franke (planned early departure)
- Cosimo Cecchi (planned late arrival)
- Nuritzi Sanchez
- (URGENT) Legal entity to use for GUADEC operations (Carlos)
- GUADEC picnic location (Alexandre)
- GUADEC swag (Alexandre)
- Code of conduct approval (Alexandre)
GUADEC 2018 Board & AdBoard meeting prep (Nuritzi)
- 2018 Pants nominations (Nuritzi)
- GUADEC 2019 (Allan)
- LAS GNOME Denver Conference Bid (Meg)
- Engagement Committee (Nuritzi)
- Vote for charter and propose members
- (URGENT) Legal entity to use for GUADEC operations (Carlos)
- The 2018 GUADEC organisers are suggesting to use a local legal entity - "Club de Cacharreo" - to manage payments and invoices
- Rosanna asks what the legal status of this organisation is. It's been described as an "association"; we think this means that it's a non-profit
- Allan: it would be interesting to know why they went with that option. It's not always necessary to use a legal organisation. Alexandre: this depends on the country.
- Neil has some experience using local entities. They can have some advantages. We need to ensure that we have a contract with them, to ensure that they will give us any cash back, and so on. We ought to have a standard one that we can reuse.
- Alexandre: we have one from 2014, it should be in the archive.
[ACTION] Alexandre will dig the contract up from the archive ( )
[ACTION] Carlos will get back to the local organizer to ensure it's non profit, proper registration, bank account… ( )
- GUADEC picnic location (Alexandre)
- The GUADEC team is asking for permission to use a location that's owned by the military
- Carlos has the impression from the photos that it's more used for official events
- Alexandre: there will be no military on site. It's a matter of politics.
[ACTION] Carlos to respond in the same email that it's fine by the board ( )
- GUADEC swag (Alexandre)
- Ismael has requested on IRC if/how they should get permission for selling GNOME-branded swag
- Allan can review designs as needed. It should be fine as it's for a GNOME event
[ACTION] Allan to respond to Ismael. We can use issues on GitLab to track/review requests.
- Visa handling for GUADEC
- Since we discussed this last week, a page has been put up on However, there's little time for people to apply for visas.
- [ACTION] Didier to reach out to Andreas and others from the visa invitations committee
Cosimo enters
- Code of conduct approval (Alexandre)
- Alexandre wants to have on the record that he disagrees with how the board approved the CoC
Alexandre leaves
GUADEC 2018 Board & AdBoard meeting prep (Nuritzi)
- Neil: the latest communication with adboard was just "save the date" (the in-person advisory board meeting is happening on July 5). We need to communicate a place and who is going to turn up. We don't seem to know if we have a venue available.
[ACTION] Carlos to take this point with the other when talking to GUADEC organizers ( )
- [ACTION] Neil will send a RSVP
- Content of the meeting?
- Update to where people are at
- What happened in the previous 12 months (hackfests, what we've been spending on)
- Plans for the year ahead (privacy internships, spending plans for new funds)
- Update on technology used and progress
- Gathering feedback
[ACTION] Allan to outline the meeting and slides, and volunteer board members for individual sections ( )
- 2018 Pants nominations (Nuritzi)
[ACTION] Didier to send an email to foundation list (done - )
- GUADEC 2019 (Allan)
- We still don't have any bids
- Allan sent out an email to the foundation list, but hasn't got much back
- Rosanna: we can comment that as GUADEC is early this year, it's normal that we don't have many proposals right now and raise awareness
- Cosimo: GUADEC will be the best time to raise awareness
- LAS GNOME Denver Conference Bid (Meg)
- We received a bid for LAS GNOME 2018 last week. They need as answer from us ASAP, in order to secure the venue.
- Cosimo finds the bid well fleshed out. They have sponsorship income confirmed. He's personnally confortable voting.
- The bid contains a budget with a page detailing confirmed sponsorship.
- Everybody has raised concerns or questions last week or on the ML, we can vote.
- VOTE: approve the whole LAS GNOME bid (budget attached and proposal). Unanimous - vote passes.
- [ACTION] Cosimo to reply to the LAS GNOME team (done)