Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, August 15th 2017, 17:00 UTC
Next meeting date Tue, August 22nd 2017, 17:00 UTC
- Alexandre Franke
- Allan Day
- Carlos Soriano
- Zeeshan Ali
Neil McGovern
- Cosimo Cecchi
- Nuritzi Sanchez
- Rosanna Yuen
- Meg Ford
- LAS GNOME vote
- Foundation Hackfest
- Review ongoing items
- LAS GNOME vote
- Sponsor situation: do we still aim to attract sponsors that usually don’t contribute towards other GNOME events like last year?
- From what was told at the adboard meeting, it seems to align with what they expect.
- LAS sponsorship levels are quite negligible compared to other conferences.
- Sri has been reaching out to companies outside our usual pool.
- Travel money: will we use money from the base travel budget?
- Looks like it.
- How many sponsored people do we expect?
- So far ~5 GNOME members expressed interest.
- If the board hackfest happens there too, that increases return on investment.
- Goal of the conference is unclear at this point. We seem to be moving away from the initial spirit.
- VOTE: approve LAS GNOME going forward at Stanford on Nov 2nd-5th
- -1 Alexandre, +1 Zeeshan, Allan, Cosimo, Nuritzi, Carlos. Vote PASSED.
- VOTE: board to front the money towards the venue, up to $4k. Any other sponsorship may be voted later.
- +1 Nuritzi, Cosimo, Allan, Zeeshan, Alexandre, Carlos. Vote PASSED UNANIMOUSLY
- ACTION: Allan to notify the team of our decision. DONE
- Sponsor situation: do we still aim to attract sponsors that usually don’t contribute towards other GNOME events like last year?
- Foundation Hackfest
- Berlin on Oct 5th-8th seems the most likely to work for the most of us.
- ACTION: Cosimo to send a follow up on the list
This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30 days. Format is "YYYY-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and subsequent minutes sections
- Liability insurance - still pending (see mail from 31st July)
- Check again next week (August 8th)
- Foundation hackfest
- 2017-08-15
- Berlin on Oct 5th-8th seems the most likely to work for the most of us.
- ACTION: Cosimo to send a follow up on the list
- 2017-08-15
- Engagement team committee for funds
- The committee would allocate small budgets for events like release parties
- Board to vote on this once we have a list of volunteers and a description of the committee's role
GNOME.Asia logo / "A simple explanation of GNOME.Asia 2017's logo to FoundationBoard" email
- The design is not optimal, could use some tweaking but it’s alright.
- ACTION: Allan to write recommendations for next year
- 2017-07-11 - Allan still not done this. Sad face.
- GUADEC 2017 finance request
- The board wishes to make this a more straightforward process in the future
- ACTION: Neil to make sure that expenses allocation for future conferences is discussed by the board in person at GUADEC
- The board wishes to make this a more straightforward process in the future
- Foundation support for Flathub
- 2017-05-09
- The Board voted to try and use some of our pro-bono counsel time towards the Flathub legal framework, provided our lawyers agree
- ACTION: Neil to connect to Luis
- 2017-05-16 - Exact questions to ask Luis are being worked up
- 2017-06-06 - Questions sent to Luis, being looked at.
- 2017-05-09
- Hackfest process documentation
- 2017-02-14
- ACTION: Nuritzi to take a stab at updating the documentation for the process to request a hackfest and responsibilities between Board and TC
- 2017-05-02
- Nuritzi will work on this by end of May, check in then
- 2017-02-14
- Dropping dates in copyright claims on our websites
- 2016-12-06
- ACTION: Alexandre to send an email to foundation-list with a proposal for discussion
- 2016-12-20
- Next step seems to be to reach out to Creative Commons to get advice on what exactly can and should be done
- 2017-01-24
- Alexandre reached out to Creative commons
- 2017-02-28
- Alexandre will try alternative channels
- 2017-05-02
- We got a reply, Alexandre to follow up
- 2017-05-30
- Two options
- Have terms of use on the website that state that linking to a page is sufficient attribution
- Require contributors to assign their attribution to the GNOME Foundation
- Two options
- 2016-12-06
- Privacy campaign funds
- 2016-09-27
- Draft is out for the Board to review and give feedback
- ACTION: Cosimo to try and form a committee to review internship proposals
- 2016-10-26
- We are aiming for an internship round in spring 2017
- 2017-07-26
- Carlos and Zeeshan are taking this over -- the plan is still to do internships
- 2016-09-27
- Owncloud shared calendar for the board
- 2016-08-10
- Cosimo tested creating an event, but with mixed results
- ACTION: Cosimo to take it on from here
2016-09-06 - Allan has started a list of reoccuring events on the wiki -
- 2017-03-07
- Neil is looking into a similar calendar so will take over
- 2017-07-26 - (Neil) can someone else have this? Alexandre volunteers. #challengeaccepted
- 2016-08-10
- Friends of GNOME
- 2016-08-10
- ACTION: Allan to get in touch with Tobi and the sysadmin team to migrate the FoG infrastructure over to GNOME
- 2017-03-07
- Allan will pass this on to Neil, and connect him to Tobi
2017-04-18 - Neil has CRM working (ish) on the gnome website, we're looking at how to move the PayPal IPN to CiviCRM
- At sysadmin meeting at GUADEC
- 2016-08-10
Ongoing but stalled
This section includes items which haven't seen an update in the last 30 days.
- Paypal Giving Fund
- Alexandre suggested in december 2015 to get us enrolled in the program
- That would give us exposure. For example Humble bundle allows to direct the charity part of purchases towards any of their participants
- Zana tried to get us in sometime before may 2016, we never heard back.
- 2016-09-06
- ACTION: Zana to look into it
- Alexandre suggested in december 2015 to get us enrolled in the program
Ongoing but no director assigned
This section includes items which haven't seen an update in the last 30 days and have no Director assigned
Nice to have
This section includes items which we would love to see happen at some point but lack the time to effectively become reality
- Contract template for future use organizations for which we handle money
- Kat to draft this
- Alexandre took over
- 2017-07-26
- This is close to being done
- Privacy policy for GNOME services
Current draft is at
- Sysadmin Team's NDA should also be covered when dealing with this item
- Kat or Allan to write up the policy
- Kat or Allan to write up recommended wording for distribution privacy policies, regarding the behaviour of GNOME software
- 2017-07-26
- Allan is still working on this, but with low priority