Minutes for Tuesday, October 20th, 2015, 19:00 UTC
Next meeting date Tuesday, October 27th, 2015, 19:00 UTC
- Jeff F. T.
- Rosanna Yuen
- Cosimo Cecchi
- Allan Day
Shaun McCance
- Ekaterina Gerasimova
- Andrea Veri
Board meeting
- Desktop Summit 2011 taxes
- Someone still needs to go over the numbers, even with the annotations it was still hard to understand last time we looked, and our treasurer has been unavailable to work on this recently
- Needs to absolutely be done by the end of the year
- ACTION: Shaun will take a look early next week at Desktop Summit taxes
- GIMP reimbursements
- A few months ago a GIMP maintainer asked for reimbursement for gear bought for the GIMP team
- Was waiting on some receipts last time we looked
- Board does not usually vote on how the GIMP project spends the money, but should take a look either way
- ACTION: Allan to reply to Michael about GIMP reimbursements
- ACTION: Rosanna will take a look at the receipts and take action where she can on the GIMP reimbursements
- GUADEC+GNOME.Asia 2016 sponsorship brochure, and Annual Report shipping
- Jeff has been preparing letters to go along the report, and waiting to see what was happening with the sponsorship brochures; should he wait some more or just do the mailing without the brochure?
- Allan made a proposal for combined sponsorship levels for GUADEC+GNOME.Asia
Meeting between GUADEC & GNOME Asia teams happened, sponsorship levels & shares were agreed
- Agreed on lowering the platinum levels, since we haven't had many in the past years, and trying to get more lower end sponsors
- Agreed on ~20% discount for combined sponsorship
- The board would need to get back to them with a definite sponsorship proposal (?)
- Proposal
- GUADEC platinum $13k
- GNOME.Asia platinum $10k
- Goes down in stages from there
- Numbers are not less flexible than they've been in the past. When we had an ED negotiation could happen on case-by-case basis, but we currently have no time
- Could be possible to leave the numbers off the brochure, and mentioning there are various perk levels with flexibility, encouraging to contact us for details
- Need help from the local conference organizers what kind of perks they would be able to offer to sponsors
- ACTION: Allan will try to reach out to local conference teams to understand better all the perks we can put on the table
- Should we send the annual report right now without waiting for this?
- Yes
- ACTION: Jeff will send annual report without sponsorship brochures as it will be at least two weeks before we finalize sponsorship levels
- Deadline set to finalize sponsorship levels by end of the month
- Brochure will be sent electronically as a follow-up
- ACTION: Allan will send out the proposed conference sponsorship amounts to the local teams and ask for matching perks
- Replacing Christian Hergert
- ED search
- Waiting for news from the hiring committee; last ping was 2 weeks ago
Completed action items
- Kat to invite GNOME.Asia and GUADEC teams to the next meeting to coordinate sponsorship brochure
- Shaun to review amounts that we typically charge our sponsors for GUADEC and GNOME.Asia, and need to come up with a proposal for this year before the next board meeting
- Allan will try to reach out to local conference teams to understand better all the perks we can put on the table (obsolete, replaced by newer item)
Pending action items
Jeff to continue the sponsors outreach & Annual Report shipping operation
- Jeff will send annual report without sponsorship brochures as it will be at least two weeks before we finalize sponsorship levels
- Allan will send out the proposed conference sponsorship amounts to the local teams and ask for matching perks
- Shaun will take a look early next week at Desktop Summit taxes
- Allan to reply to Michael about GIMP reimbursements
- Rosanna will take a look at the receipts and take action where she can on the GIMP reimbursements
- Allan to take the sponsorship brochure forward, through the Engagement Team
- Allan to make the board should finalise the sponsorship levels and joint sponsorship discount, and email the organising teams for comment
- Jeff to find existing fundraising brochure/proposal documents and come up with one for fundraising for a sysadmin
- Kat: trademark registration followup with Pam
- Allan: Ubuntu GNOME agreement follwup with Pam
- Shaun: GNOME logo use by podiatrist
- Allan: Hellotux agreement
- Allan: License agreement with ilovewhatido
- Sri, Christian: Privacy funds hackfest
- Allan will follow up with Pam with the result of further discussion about the Ubuntu GNOME logo (include GNOME Shell + Control Center in the agreement with an option for the Board to review)
- Kat to draft a call for Free Desktop-style hackfests which would be sponsored with money raised for defence against Groupon
- Christian to reach out to the ED Search committee and get some updates
- Logo usage for t-shirts: Jeff to carry on with the process and follow up and have some general guidelines written down for future cases
- Podiatrist possible trademark infringement: Shaun to check the trademark details for the GNOME logo and update the licensing page on the website
- Allan to make a proposal for a different way to use the wiki/etherpad for action items, instead of using kanboard
- Create a webpage for prior pants winners (Shaun and Allan)
- Cosimo to follow up in the upcoming meetings and prepare a version of the CoC to be finally considered final over all the GNOME yearly events
- Kat to draft a proposal for a privacy policy for review
- Kat to draft a contract template for future use organizations for which we handle money
Kat to propose privacy bounty T&C/rules for review
- Andrea to write the Privacy policy for GNOME services
- Allan will look at gnome-software privacy issues from a legal standpoint
- Cosimo to draft a proposal for the photography policy at GNOME conferences to discuss on foundation-list
- Christian to investigate the GNOME gifts situation
- Sri to coordinate with engagement team to better standardize the licensing of GNOME artwork