Minutes for Tuesday, September 22th, 2015, 19:00 UTC
Next meeting date Tuesday, September 29th, 2015, 19:00UTC
Shaun McCance
- Rosanna Yuen
- Cosimo Cecchi
- Christian Hergert
- Allan Day
- Jeff F. T.
- Ekaterina Gerasimova
- Andrea Veri
Board meeting
- Trademark maintenance
- Expiring next year
- Official USPTO Courtesy Reminder of Required Trademark Registration Maintenance Filings Under Sections 8 and 9:
- U.S. Trademark RN 3142484: G (Stylized/Design)
- This is the GNOME foot logo
- Renewal cost $400
- Official USPTO Courtesy Reminder of Required Trademark Registration Maintenance Filings Under Sections 8 and 9:
- U.S. Trademark RN 3142483: GNOME
- This is the GNOME word mark
- Renewal cost $800
- Pam has offered to prepare the paperwork (and file it, if the Foundation would like her to)
- No objections to renew
- ACTION: Kat to write to Pam and ask to proceed with renewal
- Travel budget for Oct 2015-March 2016 (I would like to propose that we assign $20000)
- We spent less money this year, so we can assign a bit more money this time around
- People already started filing requests for Boston Summit, so we should do this soon
- Got the sense that Boston Summit will probably only absorb $1k/$2k
- In next six months there will be quite a bit of hackfests guessing on previous years
- If the budget isn't used it will go back to the Foundation
- $20k is pretty standard according to previous years, before we had the spending freeze
- VOTE: allocate $20k budget to Travel committee: +1 Shaun, Kat, Christian, Cosimo, Allan. Jeff abstained because would like to see budget first.
- VOTE passed
- ACTION: Kat to communicate budget allocation to Travel committee
- Ongoing COLA increase paperwork for Rosanna
- Need paperwork approved by Shaun
- Rosanna will write a summary to Shaun of what needs to be done
- Discussion of Pam's email regarding Ubuntu GNOME.
- Logo sufficiently different from ours that it wouldn't be a concern
- However there is a concern about using the GNOME name, in case one day they stop to use GNOME
- Quite strong recommendation is to have a trademark agreement, but we need to define what makes GNOME such in order for that to be possible
- Tricky to define technically
- Should at least use GNOME Shell, but it's a slippery slope to which extent we can define this
- GTK should also be there, but GNOME Shell already pulls that in too
- Goal is to protect ourselves from entities using the GNOME trademark in ways we don't like
- Perhaps we can suggest GNOME Shell with the right to review how it's being used
- We can also add another core item to cover more ground, such as Control Center
- But we should not mandate more apps since distributions should be free to provide their applications user experience
- ACTION: Allan will follow up with Pam with the result of further discussion about the Ubuntu GNOME logo (include GNOME Shell + Control Center in the agreement with an option for the Board to review)
- Discussion of regional domain names.
- We should be open to people doing this
- Ahmed should be free to either give the domain to the Foundation and administer it, or keep using it himself
- Worry: owning a lot of domains that we don't use
- Worry: hard for us to intervene when the quality is not up to par
- Looks like we could NOT technically hold the registration for an .id domain as an US corporation
- Proposal: let them run gnome.id as an user group and not get involved
- Should we change the policy then?
- Policy only seems to apply to unknown third parties.
- Proposal: we should add a note that we are open to user groups and local communities contacting us to obtain permission.
- User group agreement already has this language. We should add it to the wiki page as well.
- VOTE: let the group own gnome.id. +1 Shaun, Jeff, Cosimo, Kat. Christian, Allan abstained.
- VOTE passed.
- ACTION: Kat to communicate the decision
Let's add the note to https://wiki.gnome.org/FoundationBoard/Resources/LicensingGuidelines
- ACTION: Cosimo to update the page
- Trademark-infringing swag
- Karen advised for a board member to contact them explaining the wrong use of the logo in both trademark and copyright
- Still ongoing action item for Cosimo to write this and have Karen proofread it before sending.
- Logo usage for tshirts
- Would be great to have a standard agreement or process, but it's difficult because sometimes needs are different for each case
- If we had a "default" agreement we could branch it out to accommodate specific needs, even though that needs the help of a lawyer
- What kind of variations?
- Sometimes there could be nothing to sell, or there is no royalty agreement
- But more in general we could have a "default swag" agreement
- Hope that when HELLOTUX agreement is done that can become our reference point
- We will move this conversation forward when the HELLOTUX agreement is complete
- Adboard memberships
- Deferred
- Action items:
- GNOME logo use by podiatrist (Shaun)
- Logo usage for tshirts (Jeff)
- Trademark-infringing swag (Cosimo)
- Freedesktop hackfests with Groupon money (Kat)
- Privacy funds hackfest (Sri, Christian)
- Open items:
- GUADEC 2016
- Annual report
- ED search
- Google Play account
Pending action items
- Kat to draft a call for Free Desktop-style hackfests which would be sponsored with money raised for defence against Groupon
- Christian to reach out to the ED Search committee and get some updates
- Cosimo to ask Karen about the trademark-infringing mousepads and report his findings to the mailing list
- Logo usage for t-shirts: Jeff to carry on with the process and follow up and have some general guidelines written down for future cases
- Podiatrist possible trademark infringement: Shaun to check the trademark details for the GNOME logo and update the licensing page on the website
- Allan to make a proposal for a different way to use the wiki/etherpad for action items, instead of using kanboard
- Jeff to get advisory board contact details from Karen. If this fails, we need to start developing our own contacts and record them on the wiki.
- Create a webpage for prior pants winners (Shaun and Allan)
- Advisory Board meeting at GUADEC: Jeff to contact advisory board members by phone about joining the call on the 4th
- Allan to follow up with Oliver Propst on Anual Report
- Trademark-infringing swag (mousepads): Cosimo to follow up about possible future actions and send a proposal to the board
- Cosimo to follow up in the upcoming meetings and prepare a version of the CoC to be finally considered final over all the GNOME yearly events
- Kat to draft a proposal for a privacy policy for review
- Kat to draft a contract template for future use organizations for which we handle money
Kat to propose privacy bounty T&C/rules for review
- Andrea to write the Privacy policy for GNOME services
- Allan will look at gnome-software privacy issues from a legal standpoint
- Cosimo to draft a proposal for the photography policy at GNOME conferences to discuss on foundation-list
- Christian to investigate the GNOME gifts situation
- Sri to coordinate with engagement team to better standardize the licensing of GNOME artwork
- Jeff to find existing fundraising brochure/proposal documents and come up with one for fundraising for a sysadmin