Minutes for Friday, October 31th, 2014, 17:00 UTC
Next meeting due on November 14th, 2014 at 16:00 UTC
- Ekaterina Gerasimova
- Rosanna Yuen
- Marina Zhurakhinskaya
- Jeff Fortin
- Andrea Veri
- Sriram Ramkrishna
- Karen Sandler
- Tobias Mueller
Board meeting
- Adam Reviczky's GNOME volunteer work reference
- Marina asked for some links as proof of Adam's contributions in the past (he stated that he started contributing way back in 2001)
- Adam is a Foundation member since 14th January, 2010
- The Board acks to provide Adam with a response about his past contributions on the GNOME Foundation
- ACTION: Kat to reply to Jan (from hireright.com) with the e-mail she drafted on the list
- Groupon
- NDA for sysadmins (for the privacy policy)
- NDA was sent to the list, received some feedback and it's ready to move along to the infrastructure team for review
- ACTION: Kat to run it by our infrastructure team first, then run it by our lawyer
- Emma Stamm's proposal for a research project around nonprofit management
- We need to check her timeframe; she should be aware that it might take months for some of the people she might want to interview to find the time.
Need to ask how her findings are going to be published (where/how and under what license - suggest CC license), need to see the info & consent forms
- Participating in such study is only valuable if the findings are made public, but interviewees need to use their best judgement in discussing any challenges and not disclose private information
- Many/most items she is asking for can be requested from the Engagement team or learned by reviewing the Foundation, Engagement, and other list archives; we could simply be facilitating her by pointing out to references
- ACTION: Kat to reply to her
- Deferred until further mailing list discussion occurs from other board members (or missing info):
- GNOME Privacy project
- Karen's GUADEC 2014 travel expenses reimbursement (awaits forwarding of relevant mail thread)
Discussed on the mailing list
- GNOME event box at FSCONS
- Box has been sent to FSCONS thanks to Tobi
- GUADEC 2015: Sponsor brochure draft review
- Employment reference request from Adam Reviczky
Website privacy policy, a first draft has been published at https://wiki.gnome.org/Foundation/Privacy. Further modifications and reviews will follow in the near future.
Completed Actions
- Kat to reply to Jan (from hireright.com) with the e-mail she drafted on the list about Adam Reviczky's employment reference request
Pending action items
- Kat to follow-up with Emma Stamm about her research proposal
- Kat to forward the NDA for sysadmins to our infrastructure team first, then run it by our lawyer for final approval if no major objections will be raised
- GNOME's CoC: Board to follow up in the upcoming meetings and prepare a version of the CoC to be finally considered final over all the GNOME yearly events
- Edward Swartz's "philantropist donation": Sri to email him to thank, say we're getting a gift together, ask about reasons motivating his great donation, maybe offer an interview? And verify his mailing address.
- Kat to create a private wiki page on the web services accounts holders and passwords
- Allan and Kat decided to go for a private git account instead for security reasons
- Kat to draft a proposal for a privacy policy for review
- Kat to draft a contract template for future use organizations for which we handle money
- Karen to write the Privacy policy for GNOME services
- Karen will look at gnome-software privacy issues from a legal standpoint
- Karen to draft a proposal for the photography policy at GNOME conferences to discuss on foundation-list
- Tobi to continue pursuing the fund collection in Europe
Tobi to talk to Andrea to move the PayPal data extraction scripts over to the GNOME infrastructure
- Sri to investigate better uses of adsense/adwords on the GNOME websites
- Sri to communicate to Rosanna and work on the donation for the West Coast hackfest
- Sri, Marina, Kat to work on establishing criteria for drafting for the hiring committee for the ED role
- Sri to investigate the GNOME gifts situation