Minutes for Tuesday, July 1st, 2014, 16:00 UTC
Next meeting
- Friday, July 18th, 2014, 16:00 UTC
- Joanmarie Diggs (previous board)
- Ekaterina Gerasimova
- Emmanuele Bassi (previous board)
- Rosanna Yuen
- Andreas Nilsson (previous board)
- Marina Zhurakhinskaya
- Andrea Veri
- Jeff Fortin
- Tobias Mueller
- Karen Sandler
- Sriram Ramkrishna
Board Meeting Agenda
- Welcome new board!
- This is the first meeting with both the outgoing and incoming board.
- People on the outgoing board are invited in advisory capacity until the official hand over meeting at GUADEC
- Only newly elected (and re-elected) board members can vote
- Are officials going to be appointed at GUADEC?
- We have early regrets from Karen and Tobi, who are going to be travelling on the 25th
- We should move the appointment of the new officers of the board to the meeting before GUADEC
- Explanation of the procedures of the board
- Voting
- Conflict of interests
- Further discussion at the in person meeting at GUADEC
- Monthly financial update
- Financial year starts on October 1st
- We generally should have a budget by that date
- If we don't have a budget within 30 days the board voted to automatically freeze all non-essential expenditures
- Outlook of the financial situation of the Foundation for the benefit of the new board members
- Something to do for the upcoming year is to ensure companies are invoiced at the start of January to mitigate delays
- Sent out new invoices for GUADEC sponsoring
- We have sent all the adboard invoices
- After they have been paid, we are going to rely on personal donations
- We are also holding money for other organizations
- This money is in our care, but it's not ours to use
- Financial year starts on October 1st
- Events
- GUADEC 2014
- Sponsors
- New sponsors from China
- Added GUADEC sponsorship on top of their GNOME.Asia one
- The board would like to thank Emily Chen for her work
- Canonical reached out to us
- We should try to get more sponsors
- Marina is contacting Collabora, Mozilla, and the Linux Foundation
- Marina also wants to contact CERN - European organization, employs GNOME developers, uses RHEL
- Possibly have lower rungs of sponsorship for smaller companies/organization
- Party sponsorship is another venue of funding
- Not necessarily cheaper, depending on the location and type of the party
ACTION: Jeff to follow up with potential sponsors for GUADEC and brainstorm new ideas
- People to follow up on authorization for two invitations to GUADEC on-list
- New sponsors from China
- Funds
GUADEC 2013 leftover money has been transferred to LiLo for GUADEC 2014
- Approx USD 4000
- Travel sponsorships
- Committee is almost done with sponsorship requests
- Under budget
- Some last minute requests
- Pending vote for invitation letters for GUADEC
- To be completed on the list
- Sponsors
- GNOME.Asia
- Leftover funds: USD ~6000
- Discussed on board-list to have Emily Chen hold on to those funds to reimburse travel sponsorship from China
- Easier to bypass all the issues with moving funds back and forth
- Emily will transfer the leftover funds after reimbursements
- Expected: USD 2000
- GUADEC 2014
- Receiving Donations in the EU via the WHS
- No new update
- Gandi discounts / promo codes for Foundation Members
- Andrea has followed up with Gandi
- Andrea is going to send an email after getting more information
- Next meeting
- Potential conflcts for various new/old board members
- To be discussed on the board list
Discussed on the mailing list
- Privacy campaign
- Visa fees reimbursements
Pending action items
- All Directors to reply Andreas's/Kat's email on board list about visa fees reimbursements
- Andreas to put together a GNOME supporter card for our donors
- Andreas, Joanie to draft thank you letters to our donors
- Andreas to investigate the GNOME gifts situation
- Andreas to ask Karen and Pam how much we should disclose to the community about the ongoing discussion with Groupon
- Emmanuele to send Zana and Tobi an update on FoG donors gifts
- Emmanuele to draft a date and time for the post-release meeting
- Joanie to draft a proposal for the photography policy at GNOME conferences to discuss on foundation-list
- Joanie and Karen to meet and discuss about the photography policy for GNOME events
- Kat to create a private wiki page on the web services accounts holders and passwords
- Allan and Kat decided to go for a private git account instead for security reasons
- Kat to draft a proposal for a privacy policy for review
- Kat to draft a contract template for future use organizations for which we handle money
- Kat to contact Karen and Pam about the trademark use request from Carol Hanson
- Karen to write the Privacy policy for GNOME services
- Karen will look at gnome-software privacy issues from a legal standpoint
- Marina to contact the GNOME.Asia local team on their current budget
- Tobi to continue pursuing the fund collection in Europe
- Tobi to draft a new WHS agreement after the feedback from the board
Tobi to talk to Andrea to move the PayPal data extraction scripts over to the GNOME infrastructure
- Sri to investigate better uses of adsense/adwords on the GNOME websites
- Sri to communicate to Rosanna and work on the donation for the West Coast hackfest
- Sri, Marina, Kat to work on establishing criteria for drafting for the hiring committee for the ED role
- Zana to check the inventory of merch she has in storage (low priority)
- Rosanna to contact Emily about the state of the GNOME.Asia payment