Minutes for Tuesday, January 21th, 2013, 15:00 UTC
Next Meeting
- Tuesday, February 4th, 2013, 16:00 UTC
- Rosanna Yuen
- Andreas Nilsson
- Karen Sandler
- Marina Zhurakhinskaya
- Emmanuele Bassi
- Sriram Ramkrishna
- Tobias Mueller
- Ekaterina Gerasimova
- Joanmarie Diggs
Board Meeting Agenda
- Pitivi campaign
- Karen is following up with the Pitivi maintainers
- The campaign scope is a bit unclear
- Is it an official campaign?
- Is is an endorsed campaign?
- Different constraints between official and endorsed
- Official campaigns are handled through the Foundation's infrastructure
- Should we manage the campaign money?
- The Foundation would be able to handle the money and hire the Pitivi maintainers as contractors
- If we host the campaign on our infrastructure then we should also handle the money from the campaign
- Improvements in Pitivi trickle down to GStreamer
- Advisory board members are interested in the platform evolution and improvements
ACTION: Karen to follow up with the Pitivi maintainers for their campaign
- Status and plan for the security and privacy campaign's money
- Karen asked around generally for ideas
- Not much feedback
- We should do what we did for the accessibility campaign
- Create a call for bids with broad points
- Get proposals and bids for them
- Outstanding reimbursements
- What is the status of the payments for the Mono Hackfest?
- Receipts received from the organisers
- Board needs to review them and authorise the reimbursement
ACTION: Andreas and Emmanuele to review the Mono hackfest receipts
- Any other pending reimbursements?
- Soon we will have the documentation hackfest receipts
- We should have a centralised place for the pending reimbursements, including which ones have been authorised by the board
- Minutes and mailing list archives are not easy to use/parse
- Use a private wiki page, like we do for the travel committee
- What is the status of the payments for the Mono Hackfest?
- General budget status
- No budget yet
- Bank account data is mostly up to date
PayPal account data is still not up to date
ACTION: Karen, Kat, and Rosanna to have a meeting to finish the budget and tax information
- Rosanna has been working on collating the tax-related data
- Upcoming events
- FOSDEM and Adboard meeting
- Attendance: Sri, Tobi, Emmanuele, Kat
- Discussion on GNOME technology and platform
- Especially GTK
- Points of discussion
- How do we improve the feedback from non-GNOME users of GTK
- Avoid disenfranchisement of non-GNOME users/platforms
- Create a meeting place to get feedback and give a voice to non-GNOME/non-Linux users of the GNOME core platform
- GNOME Asia
- Confirmed to be co-locating with OpenSUSE
- Tobi found a convenient flight for Beijing
- Tobi has been helping out organising the event, and would represent the board
- Kat submitted talks and wants to wait for approval for sponsorship
- Travel sponsorship should go through the GNOME Asia team
- GUADEC 2014
ACTION: Emmanuele to contact the local organisers for the status of the papers committee and CfP
- West Coast Hackfest
- Located in Portland
- Buy in from kernel and plumbing developers
- Apps sandboxing, GNOME Shell, and Wayland are the focus
- Beginning of March
- May get corporate funding from Intel
- FOSDEM and Adboard meeting
- Travel report from Karen about Linux Conf Australia
- Interested in the Outreach program
- Karen had a couple of interviews
- Fedora desktop group is pivoting on UX for developers
- We should improve GNOME visibility at Fedora events
Completed Actions
- Karen to contact Tor, EFF, OTI for feedback and eventual funding for privacy work
- Karen to circulate a new draft of the OPW mentor/student contracts
Pending action items
- Andreas to put together a GNOME supporter card for our donors
- Andreas and Emmanuele to review the Mono hackfest receipts
- Emmanuele to send Zana and Tobi an update on FoG donors gifts
- Emmanuele to send hackers up for "adoption" the list of donors that want a postcard
- Emmanuele to draft a date and time for the post-release meeting
- Emmanuele to send a proposal to foundation-list about possible IRC meetings
- Joanie to draft a proposal for the photography policy at GNOME conferences to discuss on foundation-list
- Joanie and Karen to meet and discuss about the photography policy for GNOME events
- Joanie to go over Michael Schumacher ideas on the Gimp funding processes and merge them with her ideas on the wiki
- Kat to create a private wiki page on the web services accounts holders a
nd passwords
- Allan and Kat decided to go for a private git account instead for security reasons
- Karen to write the Privacy policy for GNOME services
- Karen to "call for ideas" for privacy work related bids at GUADEC and by blog/email to foundation-announce
- Karen and Tobi to continue pursuing the fund collection in Europe
- Karen to follow up with the Pitivi maintainers for their campaign
- Karen, Kat, and Rosanna to have a meeting to finish the budget and tax information
- Sri to investigate better uses of adwords on the GNOME websites
Tobi to talk to Andrea to move the PayPal data extraction scripts over to the GNOME infrastructure
- Rosanna to check if the reimbursement for Sindhu has been returned