Minutes for August 20th, 2013, 16:00 UTC
Next Meeting
- Tuesday, September 3nd, 2013, 16:00 UTC
- Rosanna Yuen
- Andreas Nilsson
- Joanmarie Diggs
- Karen Sandler
- Ekaterina Gerasimova
- Emmanuele Bassi
- Sriram Ramkrishna
- Tobias Mueller
- Marina Zhurakhinskaya
No quorum was achieved due to summer holidays.
Board Meeting Agenda
- GUADEC 2015 bids
- Italy announced a couple of hours too late.
- Is the board ok with still allowing the Italian bid? (Note: board members involved in other bids must recuse themselves)
VOTE: The board votes to allow the Italian bid, despite missing the deadline (but by less than 24 hours): +1 Joanie, Emmanuele (list), Sri (list), Tobi (list); abstain due to conflict of interest: Andreas and Ekaterina.
ACTION: Karen will tell Andrea of the Board's decision.
- Github mirror
- use of the trademark
- concerns that there is no Free/Libre alternative
- one of the biggest problems seems to be the use of the word "official"
- related topic: previous complaint about mirroring of bugzilla bugs in Google
- proposal: "GNOME mirror"
- should the Board ask Alberto to not use the word "official"?
- A vote on this matter seems to be called for
ACTION: Kat will email the board-list to call for a vote
ACTION: Karen will ask Andrea how much work it would be to maintain a mirror on Gitorious (or a similar service)
- Implement a Foundation employee policy for COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment)
- At the face to face board meeting we discussed having employee salaries increase when inflation increases, as other comparable nonprofits do.
- This topic should be discussed on the board-only list
ACTION: Andreas will raise this topic on board-only
- Quick GUADEC post-mortem
- What went well?
- Really positive feeling and good press especially given the press prior to the event.
- Videos came out fast.
- What went wrong?
- Professional networking event - is it appropriate to continue having it, and if so, can we improve it?
- Minor issues: Could have communicated better with local team, but this was not serious.
- Really scratched up the floors, damaging some of the floor waxing. We may need to pay for this (up to $2000).
AdBoard meeting date less than ideal: People were quite tired at the end of the event.
- What do we need to stay on top of for next year?
- Finalizing sponsorship brochure in a timely fashion.
- Get the call for papers, and confirmation/rejection notifications out sooner.
Give more thought to the format and content of the AdBoard meeting.
- What went well?
- .NET hackfest
- Sponsorship request for $4000, after other sponsorships that they have arranged.
- They have done two previous hackfests, porting apps to Gtk#
- Miscommunication about the status and our decision to the event organizers
- Current hackfest budget suggests we can afford this comfortably
- Requested funds for non-Foundation members: $811
VOTE: +1 Andreas, Kat, Emmanuele (by proxy, assigned to Karen); Abstain: Joanie.
ACTION: Joanie will call for an URGENT vote on the board-list for the members who were not present at today's meeting
- Adopting a photography policy for GNOME events.
- It was suggested on board-list that we adopt a photography policy for bigger GNOME events.
- This topic will be discussed at the next meeting.
- Scheduling an IRC Foundation meeting
At the Board Q&A the board promised to do a Foundation IRC meeting.
- Needs an agenda and a date.
ACTION: Joanie will follow up with the Release Team about the Board Q&A discussion about their role.
- Collecting funds in Europe update
- Tobias and Karen responded to WHS
- Sysadmin update
- We should ask Andrea to blog about his work and/or send his email updates to the Foundation list
ACTION: Karen will get in touch with Andrea to communicate more broadly to the Foundation about his work
- possible trademark violation to assess.
- Another software project is using the name GNOME
Justin replied that Rope & Grey can't help us this time but Karen has contacted SFLC.
- Montreal Summit
- Travel sponsorship
ACTION: Kat to get back to Ryan
- Travel Committee, Delegation, Budgets, etc.
- Reimbursements: can we take on the fees from Paypal payments?
Doing it via PayPal adds some overhead with respect to the workflow.
- Our new bank has told Rosanna that transfers with them will be cheaper, but how much remains to be seen.
Discussed on the mailing list
Legal implications of having LastFm authentication on GOA
- [gnome.org #13849] URGENT gnome Brand Registration Confirmation
- The new travel sponsorship process for "small" events
Completed Actions
Karen will send an email to foundation-list for questions for the board Q&A at GUADEC - will be carried to a Foundation IRC meeting
Pending action items
- Andreas to put together a GNOME supporter card for our donors
- Andreas will raise the topic of implementing a Foundation employee policy for COLA on board-only
- Emmanuele to send Zana and Tobi an update on FoG donors gifts
- Emmanuele to send hackers up for "adoption" the list of donors that want a postcard
- Joanie to draft a new travel assistance form to replace the current one (Kat, Joanie and Zana to discuss and come up with a solution)
- Joanie, Kat, Tobi, Rosanna, Karen will hold a work group at GUADEC about the travel committee process
- Joanie will call for an URGENT vote on the board-list regarding the .NET hackfest sponsorship for the members who were not present at today's meeting
Joanie will follow up with the Release Team about the Board Q&A discussion about their role
- Karen to write the Privacy policy for GNOME services
- Karen to carry on the discussion to explore the offer from Wau-Holland-Stiftun for collecting funds in Europe for us
- Karen to contact Tor, EFF, OTI for feedback and eventual funding for privacy work
- Karen to "call for ideas" for privacy work related bids at GUADEC and by blog/email to foundation-announce
- Karen will get in touch with Andrea to communicate more broadly to the Foundation about his work
- Karen will tell Andrea of the Board's decision regarding allowing the Italian bid
- Karen will ask Andrea how much work it would be to maintain a mirror on Gitorious (or a similar service)
Kat will email the board-list to call for a vote regarding the GitHub mirror
- Kat will get back to Ryan regarding the Montreal Summit travel sponsorship procedures
- Kat to create a private wiki page on the web services accounts holders and passwords
- Kat to check with Andrea how to improve the spam filters of the board-related list archives
- Sri to investigate better uses of adwords on the GNOME websites
Tobi to talk to Andrea to move the PayPal data extraction scripts over to the GNOME infrastructure