Minutes for Meeting of March 5th, 2013
Next Meeting
- Tuesday, March 19th, 2013, 15:00 UTC
- Emmanuele Bassi
- Rosanna Yuen
- Bastien Nocera
Shaun McCance
- Andreas Nilsson
- Tobias Mueller
- Joanmarie Diggs
- Seif Lotfy
- Karen Sandler
Board Meeting Agenda
- Events
- Update on GUADEC
- Conference website is still pending
- CfP is blocking on that
- Emmanuele is going to send the CfP for review to guadec-papers
- Update on GNOME.Asia Summit
- CfP is running, not many submissions but still some time to go
- The CfP announcement hit gnome.org, but it may not have hit PGO
- Update on GUADEC
- GNOME Fest sponsorship
- Julita Inca asked for sponsorship of 250 USD in order to host a GNOME event in Lima, Peru.
- 90 students, presentations
- We don't have a specific place in the budget for this kind of events
- It is not the first event of this kind that has been hosted by the GNOME community in Lima
- Went over budget last year
- The foundation did not cover the excess expense
- Should clarify the budgeted amount with Julita, to avoid going over budget again
- VOTE: 250 USD as requested: unanimous
- VOTE: additional 250 USD in case of over budget: unanimous
- ACTION: Andreas to contact Julita to notify of the funds allocated for the GNOME community event in Lima
- ACTION: Andreas to contact Julita to obtain a revised budget for the GNOME community event in Lima
- Sysadmin and CiviCRM update
- Relocation of GNOME Headquarters
- Our current address is Groton, MA 01450, ie, Rosanna's home address.
- As she is moving to California, we need to make sure to move banks etc. to there.
- The Foundation is an entity based in California already.
- Changes required
- websites, letterheads
- potentially, bank account
- Move date is (tentatively) after mid-June
- Friends of GNOME status update
- ACTION: Emmanuele to send Zana the list of FoG donors that want a gift from the Foundation
- ACTION: Emmanuele to send hackers up for "adoption" the list of donors that want a postcard
- Travel Committee, Delegation, Budgets, etc.
- There is still a lot of work from the boards side to approve travels.
- Joanie suggested giving the travel committee a fixed budget.
- The process used by the current committee is very complex
- If we are going to allocate a fixed budget for the travel committee we need to identify the portion of the event budget to allocate for travel
- This also applies to hackfests and events
- Proposal: allocate the yearly budget in two blocks of six months
- Quarterly and monthly are too granular
- The travel committee is pretty much: Germán, Diego, Joanie, and Zana
- Continue the discussion on the mailing list
- Cross Desktop Collaboration Summit proposal status
- Event is scheduled by mid/end of April
- Needs to coordinate with the KDE eV for announcing it officially
- Flattr donations update
- It was suggested on marketing-list that we should try and implement flattr.com donations on gnome.org
- Collecting funds in Europe
- Gathering donations and sending gifts from US to Europe is currently a costly operation.
- There is a organization called Wau-Holland-Stiftung that might be able to help collect funds for Europe specifically that we have been in contact with.
- Status of a11y proposals
- No updates
- Karen should post a reminder that the end of the call for bids is at the end of next week
- ACTION: Bastien to contact Karen and send a reminder for the a11y call for bids
- GNOME 3 beginners book
- Various GNOME developers have been asked for a review of the book
- Potential for partnership and donations to the Foundation through royalties
- Should we publish the book on our developer-related websites
- gtk.org mentions the older Foundations of GTK Development book
- developer.gnome.org does not have a section for published books
- www.gnome.org or planet.gnome.org
- Daylight saving time in the US and EU
- Everybody should know what 15:00 UTC in their local time translates to
- ACTION: Andreas to remind everyone on the board about the next meeting at least an hour in advance
Discussed on the mailing list
- Sysadmin status update from Andrea Veri.
- Día GNOME 2012 fund request.
- Fabio Duran Verdugo have had issues with receiving the payment for Dia GNOME 2012.
- According to our bank the money was wired on 12/19/12.
- Regarding GNOME 3 book.
- Jitesh Gawali from Packt Publishing contacted the board regarding their new GNOME Developer Book.
Completed Actions
- Andreas to send the destination address to Rosanna for shipment
- Karen to renew contact with W3C (contacted again, still awaiting response)
- Karen to contact foundation-list to get feedback for CiviCRM (undertaking CiviCRM rehaul)
- Karen to investigate alternative solutions for CiviCRM (security, reliability) (undertaking CiviCRM rehaul)
New Action Items
- ACTION: Andreas to contact Julita to notify of the funds allocated for the GNOME community event in Lima
- ACTION: Andreas to contact Julita to obtain a revised budget for the GNOME community event in Lima
- ACTION: Emmanuele to send Zana the list of FoG donors that want a gift from the Foundation
- ACTION: Emmanuele to send hackers up for "adoption" the list of donors that want a postcard
- ACTION: Bastien to contact Karen and send a reminder for the a11y call for bids
- ACTION: Andreas to remind everyone on the board about the next meeting at least an hour in advance
Status of action items
- All directors should discuss the first-response contact for emails
- All directors should continue discussing the a11y team proposal on the mailing list for the Accessibility FoG project
- Andreas - To create a wiki page on the web services accounts holders.
- Andreas to put together a GNOME supporter card for our donors
- Andreas and Karen to contact Andrea about reliability of gobby, restore from backups, etc.
- Bastien will research what the status of the Banshee Amazon revenue is and report back to Bertrand Lorentz
- Bastien will reach out to a couple of companies and make sure that they are aware of the bid for the a11y contract.
- Emmanuele - Will audit the current donors and check that everybody received their benefits.
- Emmanuele to start a wiki page on the community feedback of GUADEC 2012
- Karen - To look into Google Checkout as an annual payment option for FoG.
- Karen - To finish the Privacy Policy, get review from James Vasile, etc.
- Karen - Develop trademark usage forms for common use cases. James Vasile from legal is working with Brian on this.
- This has been done. Will close once the Foundation website is updated, refer to bug #644932.
- Karen - Check records of organizations with existing contracts to use the GNOME trademark. Taken over from Vincent Untz. Look at the archives in 2005 and try to determine which companies can use the GNOME trademark. Know what kind of contracts we had with them.
- Karen to explore founding options for the GNOME Foundation to be a member of the W3C
- Karen to explore funding options for a marketing director
- Karen - to make LWN integration with CiviCRM one of the requirements for the contracted project
- Karen to carry on the discussion to explore the offer from Wau-Holland-Stiftun for collecting funds in Europe for us.
Rosanna - Automate the process of entering PayPal information into GnuCash.
- Rosanna - Will apply for the GNOME credit card.
- Rosanna - Received the PO from Google for the GSOC payments; waiting for individual mentor travel receipts to submit invoice.
- Rosanna - Look at the actual amount of money allocated for the sysadmin that we can still use
- Seif to send an email on board-list to start the discussion on the areas of involvement for each board member