Minutes for Meeting of January 8th, 2013
Next Meeting
- Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013, 15:00 UTC
- Emmanuele Bassi
- Rosanna Yuen
- Bastien Nocera
Shaun McCance
- Seif Lotfy
- Karen Sandler
- Tobias Mueller
- Joanmarie Diggs
- Andreas Nilsson
Board Meeting Agenda
- Potential adboard meeting at FOSDEM
- Finding a venue with good conference call capabilities is the main issue
- Karen is waiting on availability and quotes
- Easiest option: the same venue as the DX hackfest
- Likely attendees:
- SUSE, FSF, Collabora, (maybe) Igalia, (maybe) Google
- Board: Bastien, Andreas, Seif, Tobi, Karen
- Tentative agenda
- Wait until we're closer to the meeting to define one
- Developer Experience hackfest
- Alberto Ruiz is organizing a developer experience hackfest just before FOSDEM.
- Asked for travel sponsorship of 6400 USD. Needs an answer fast.
- Should we defer this decision and other hackfests to Travel Committee?
- Joanie joined the Travel Committee and will read the committee archives to understand the current policies and workflows
- Instead of having all approvals deferred to the Board, maybe have the TC have a quarterly budget and give them discretion to approve hackfests
- The TC is a loosely knit group of people
- No formal process or vote
- If we give budget discretion we need to have accountability and proper process
- We need more resources to be brought in and clearer guidelines
- Try to reduce the back and forth between organisers and Board
- Empower the TC, and make it responsible for maintaining a channel open with the organisers (blogs, requirements)
- Vote on the USD 6400 travel sponsorship: +1 from Bastien, Shaun, Emmanuele, Seif, Joanie; Tobi abstains
ACTION: Seif to contact Alberto to notify the approval of the DX hackfest budget
- Given the amount of potential attendees that may require further funding to attend we may want to allocate more resources
- Allocate USD 2000 to the discretion of the Travel Committee for further funding
- Notify the organisers of the hackfest to contact the TC
- Vote for the USD 2000 budget extension: +1 Bastien, Shaun, Emmanuele, Joanie, Tobi
ACTION: Joanie to notify the TC of the budget allowance for the DX hackfest
- The TC should start a conversation about its role and accountability
- 2013 Budget
- Shaun published a rough budget for 2013.
- Needs discussion
- Discuss on the mailing list and in the next board meeting in two weeks
- Reaching out to Amazon for credits.
- Colin Walters raised the idea to ask Amazon for credits that the sysadmin team could use for autobuilders.
- People in the same thread mentioned reaching out to Rackspace
- Karen is going to reach out to Rackspace and Amazon
Alexandre Franke mentioned that GANDI (our registrar) supports GNOME: https://www.gandi.net/soutient/
- In which capacity? Could the above be interesting to them?
- They provide VM hosting, similar to Rackspace
- Karen and Bastien to reach out to GANDI
- Use for non-essential services (autobuilders)
- Status of fiscal services for GIMP
- Sourceforge GIMP-Win agreement to generate income from the downloads
- Karen has been in contact with the GIMP developers and reviewed the SF agreement
- Toy Wilber agreement state
- Transactions are not timely dealt with
- Zana sent a updated report and we're now waiting on them
- Sourceforge GIMP-Win agreement to generate income from the downloads
- Health insurance increase for employees.
- No progress since last time
- The board needs to discuss and vote.
- Voted on the mailing list, quorum achieved
Completed Actions
- Seif to contact Alberto to notify the approval of the DX hackfest budget
- Joanie to notify the TC of the budget allowance for the DX hackfest
New Action Items
ACTION: Seif to contact Alberto to notify the approval of the DX hackfest budget
ACTION: Joanie to notify the TC of the budget allowance for the DX hackfest
Status of action items
- All directors should discuss the first-response contact for emails
- All directors should continue discussing the a11y team proposal on the mailing list for the Accessibility FoG project
- Andreas - To create a wiki page on the web services accounts holders.
- Andreas to put together a GNOME supporter card for our donors
- Bastien - Reach out to the GNOME Advisory Board via email to see if they can help out with providing contacts at Yahoo.
- Bastien will research what the status of the Banshee Amazon revenue is and report back to Bertrand Lorentz
- Bastien and Karen to draft a call for bids and submit it to the board list for the Accessibility FoG project
- Emmanuele - Will audit the current donors and check that everybody received their benefits.
- Emmanuele to start a wiki page on the community feedback of GUADEC 2012
- Joanie will send an email to both GNOME and KDE board lists to get us all together on the discussion for a desktop collaboration summit.
- Joanie, Seif to go through the board-list archives to categorize the types of contacts and come up with the various areas
- Joanie to work with the A11y team to write proposals for using the Mozilla and FoG money
- Joanie to discuss with Dario (drf) from KDE and Ryan Lortie to formalize an agenda and a time frame for a Collaboration Summit
- Joanie to communicate the decision of the board to the WebKitGTK+ hackfest organizers
- Karen - To look into Google Checkout as an annual payment option for FoG.
- Karen - To finish the Privacy Policy, get review from James Vasile, etc.
- Karen to contact foundation-list to get feedback for CiviCRM
- Karen - Develop trademark usage forms for common use cases. James Vasile from legal is working with Brian on this.
- This has been done. Will close once the Foundation website is updated, refer to bug #644932.
- Karen - Check records of organizations with existing contracts to use the GNOME trademark. Taken over from Vincent Untz. Look at the archives in 2005 and try to determine which companies can use the GNOME trademark. Know what kind of contracts we had with them.
- Karen to investigate alternative solutions for CiviCRM (security, reliability)
- Karen to explore founding options for the GNOME Foundation to be a member of the W3C
- Karen to explore funding options for a marketing director
- Karen - to make LWN integration with CiviCRM one of the requirements for the contracted project
Rosanna - Automate the process of entering PayPal information into GnuCash.
- Rosanna - Will apply for the GNOME credit card.
- Rosanna - Received the PO from Google for the GSOC payments; waiting for individual mentor travel receipts to submit invoice.
- Rosanna - Look at the actual amount of money allocated for the sysadmin that we can still use
- Seif to send an email on board-list to start the discussion on the areas of involvement for each board member